
An Invitation

Hestia and Kisuke did it for another five times but they also failed five times. Each time Hestia and Kisuke fail, Kisuke would use a longer time to contemplate. After the fifth time, Kisuke spent an hour in deep contemplation.

Kisuke sighed and looked towards Hestia, "Hestia-sama, let's postpone this for now."

Hestia nodded in agreement, "Alright. I'm pretty tired too..."

"I just have one request to make."

"What is it?"

"May I have a bit of your blood?"

Hestia frowned and asked, "Where are you going to use it?"

"To help me accept your Falna," Kisuke answered.

Hestia sighed in relief after hearing him say the truth. She has to be careful where her blood goes as there are not good uses for it like the Status Thief, "Here, take some." Hestia gave her hand which already flowing with some blood after poking a needle to it.

"Thanks, ~." Kisuke took out a pipette and used it to grab some of her blood and put it on a small bottle before sealing it, "Well then. I don't know when I'll come out, but for now, enjoy yourselves." He then started walking towards his laboratory to start his research.




Kisuke only came out the morning after a week went by and he noticed that no one is around. In the duration of a week, Kisuke already returned to his original attire, green-themed shihakushou, white and green stripe bucket hat, wooden sandals, and to complete it, his cane with a hidden blade, 'Whichever world am I, this is the most comfortable attire for me. But wearing this again makes me want to set up my candy store...'

Since everyone is out, he decided to go out too to get some fresh air. Once he got out, he immediately noticed the mark Yoruichi left that is only detectable by him and would expire after a month has passed. Kisuke can tell how long has the mark been sitting so he choose to follow the most recent one.

Following the mark slowly, he enjoyed the scenery and bought some snacks for himself. And since he's already running low on funds, he went and gathered some from 'kind souls'.

After an hour of wandering around, he finally caught up with Yoruichi, but it's only Hestia who's with her and the short but bombastic Goddess is currently arguing with a tall but aerodynamic Goddess.

Such contrasting attributes made Kisuke stopped his steps for a moment.

"Chibi! Are you eating properly? I got a bit worried when I heard that Hephaestus kicked out the freeloading Goddess~!" The flat Goddess grinned at her.

Hestia only smirked at her and made her comeback, "Why are you worrying about me, Loki? Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Are you eating properly? You haven't grown at all! I can see that they're still as desolated as ever!"

"What was that!?" Loki snapped. Then they started their brawl that looks so childish. Kisuke is amazed that despite rolling on the ground, they're not getting any dirt on them, 'I see... So this what they mean when they said that the Divines are pure.'

Yoruichi and Loki's companions has to grab both of them to stop their fight, "Ais-tan, unhand me! I have to teach this poor Goddess a lesson!"

"Yoruichi-kun, release me! I have to give this flat Goddess some pounding!"

"Who are you calling flat!?"

"Who are you calling poor!?"

The two of them still went on despite being held back. Kisuke then decided to approach Yoruichi and Hestia's side, "What's going on?"

Yoruichi already knew that Kisuke is around due to the smell that only she could detect and said, "They bumped into each other and started arguing."

"So they're good friends..." Kisuke commented.

"They're good friends..." Yoruichi agreed.

" "Who're good friends!?" " The two Goddesses stopped and shouted towards Yoruichi and Kisuke in protest.

"Now, now. Calm down. If you don't, it'll look like you two are getting along."

" "We're not getting along!" " Both of them shouted at Kisuke again.


" "Ugh!" " And they reacted the same. Noticing that, they both glared at each other before doing the same thing, looking away and snorting, "Hmmph!"

Two of Loki's companions wanted to laugh at this scene but tried their best to stop. Contrary to that, however, Yoruichi didn't stop herself from giggling.

"Yoruichi-kun!? This isn't funny!" Hestia protested.

"Tione, Tiona! I dare you to laugh!" Loki also did the same.

Loki tapped the golden-haired girl's arm which is holding her and she was released. Looking back to Hestia, she gave her another snort and ignored her to inspect the two people who're with her.

Looking towards Yoruichi, Loki was a bit surprised that Hestia was able to invite an Amazoness. It's known that the only place where an Amazoness could come from is Telskyura and all those who left their country are at least Level 2s.

Yoruichi noticed Loki's inquisitive gaze and understood what she's thinking. After all, by going around the town, she kept being mistaken as an Amazoness due to her skin color, "I'm not an Amazoness, Goddess-sama."

Loki was surprised along with the other two Amazoness.

"I came from a clan that has this skin color. It's an elusive clan so we kept being mistaken as Amazoness despite having male members in our family." Yoruichi explained.

"I see..." Loki couldn't detect any lie from her and believed her, "Either way, so you're this chibi's new Familia members..."

"Yoruichi Shihouin. Nice to meet you." Yoruichi introduced herself.

Still, Loki couldn't settle down when she looks at her. She has a feeling that there is something else about her, 'The chibi got lucky and got someone interesting...' She then transferred her attention to the new person in eastern clothing. However, the moment she laid her eyes on him, her eyes shown and said, "You, I don't know what this chibi offered you, but I'll triple it! Join my Familia!"

When Loki looked into Kisuke's eyes, she felt like she found a comrade and decided to invite him. Her companions became shocked when she suddenly invited an unknown man. It would be more understandable if she invited a cute girl due to her interest, but to invite a man instead and not going through an interview or background check, it's an impossibility if they were to base it on their understanding of Loki.

"Hah!? What did you say!? Are you actually poaching my members in front of me!? Yoruichi-kun, release me! I'll end her!" Hestia immediately protested. Deep inside her, she's panicking that Kisuke might actually accept her offer.

Loki ignored Hestia and just stared at Kisuke's eyes.

Kisuke was also surprised by this but he just smiled and took out his fan to cover half of his face, "I'm really flattered by your invitation, Loki-sama, but I already promised Hestia-sama and I'm not very keen on breaking my promises."

Loki sighed and started to walk away, "Well, that's a shame then. However, if you change your mind, I can accept you anytime~." The three people with her then followed her in a hurry.

"Thank you~.", Just as Kisuke about to leave with Yoruichi and Hestia, he suddenly felt someone staring at him and looked towards the source of that gaze. He then saw a golden-haired girl intensely staring at him. Just as he's wondering what's up, Kisuke thought that Loki's companions seem familiar and a second later, he finally remembered, 'Aren't they the group where I tossed one of them?... Did she recognized me?'

Kisuke then signalled Yoruichi to walk towards the opposite without minding her, 'I can always deny it.'




"Loki, why did you suddenly invited him?" Tione asked curiously. She and the others still couldn't think of any reason she would invite him.

"I just felt that he could be a good general in the future," Loki answered. However, they still couldn't understand her reasoning and she didn't have to explain it further. She then noticed Ais in deep thought and asked, "What's wrong, Ais-tan?"

Staring forward, she answered after a few seconds of thinking, "It feels like I've seen him before... But I couldn't tell where..."

Just one for today~.

Goyyacreators' thoughts