
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

One day he suddenly found himself in hell. All he had was faith in God and a desire to live. From the first to the ninth thousand circles of hell, he absorbed dozens, hundreds of thousands of demons. Even the seven great dukes of hell bowed down before him. – Why would you go back? Don’t you have everything that’s in Hell? – Do what you have to do. There’s no food or entertainment. All there is in Hell are deserted plains and terrible demons. “I want to go back home…” And he decided to return to Earth ten thousand years later. **NOT MY NOVEL, JUST SAD IT WASN'T ON HERE.** **Chapters 121 and up will be translated and Proofread by me.**

AnimeAura · Seni bela diri
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79 Chs

Chapter 75 – Legendary Elite Equipment (Part 1)

Editor: Cherish

'Oh my.' Baek Kang Hyun's eyes twinkled in amusement.

He looked at Kang Yu who was moving around lazily, appearing completely uninterested. And he wasn't bluffing.

Kang Yu really did consider the listed conditions insufficient for him.

— Heh~ You really are an interesting person! — Kang Hyun chuckled.

— If you have nothing more to offer, then you may leave.

This answer sounded rather harsh.

In fact, his attitude was in no way appropriate in this situation, considering the man sitting across from him was the one at the top of Korea's best Players.

— Ahahaha! — Baek Kang Hyun burst out laughing.

He could not remember the last time he met a man who could answer him so brazenly.

He stared at Kang Yu and smirked.

— I like you! So, what conditions will suit you?

— Hmm….

The guy squinted as he looked at the best Player.

On the outside, his expression resembled that of a lazy cat, but he was actually going through the options of what he desired.

'If it's Baek Kang Hyun…'

A name he had heard at least a hundred times.

Although this man did not qualify as a World Ranker, he was still called a monster with no equal within their country.

Even Chae Young-ju was inferior to him.

'I didn't think he would look like this.'

Kang Yu had imagined that Baek Kang Hyun wouldn't look very human, but after meeting the man in person, he realized that his guess was nowhere close.

His image of the strongest Player in Korea collapsed in an instant.

'I wonder if he showed up because of the latest rumors?'

It was impossible for Kang Yu to stay under the radar. He was too active in relation to the Devil's Teachers.

Baek Hwa Yeon had warned him that rumors would spread one way or another, whether he liked it or not.

'But who would have thought Baek Kang Hyun himself would make an offer to me personally?'

It was a surprise he could not have anticipated.

'That Chae Young-ju, too… Both guild leaders personally went out of their way to meet me.'

Kang Yu stared at Baek Kang Hyun for a while without looking away, then said:

— I'm sorry, but no matter how good your conditions are, I'm not going to join your guild.

He answered without hesitation or doubt.

It was true; he was more than satisfied with the current relationship he had with Red Rose and the Hwaran Squad.

The most important thing for him in their relationship was their treatment of him as an equal, and the fact that there was no need to follow any orders.

However, joining a guild, everything would change immediately.

One way or another, he would gain a superior.

'I don't want that.'

No matter great the conditions laid out to him were, the guy could not accept the very idea of having to obey someone.

— Haaah, what is it that you want?

— Who knows. Try to guess for yourself.

— Haha! Good! It's been a long time since I've met people who dare to speak like this to me!

He nodded his head and smiled cheerfully.

— How about an offer like this? If you join us, I will give you Legendary Elite equipment.

Doubt flashed in Kang Yu's eyes for a moment.

Baek Kang Hyun noticed this and chuckled.

— I think you're interested in my proposal.

'Hmm…. I can't deny it.'

Legendary Elite equipment.

No matter how much money a Player had, it was still hard to find Legendary level equipment.

First of all, it was insanely rare.

The common equipment that most Players used were manufactured by a joint force of engineers involved in the creation of modern weapons.

Mana stones extracted from Gate monsters were used in its production, along with other common materials.

But for the production of Legendary Elite equipment, the materials used are those obtained in Level S Gates and higher, in particular mana stones extracted from the bosses of those Gates.

'It's not always possible to obtain the materials for such equipment.'

In addition, this tier of equipment possessed a so-called 'memory.'

When a person puts on Legendary equipment, it 'remembers' the initial user and no one else will be able to use it.

Hence, because of the memory function, it was not uncommon for a Player to be unable to use the Legendary equipment even when they've found one.

'This offer does sound attractive.'

Although the high-end equipment he had access to was very effective, the word 'Legendary' beckoned him.

'The metal chains that Chae Young-ju uses are also Legendary.'

Of course, she's strong on her own, but the chains allowed her to save energy and increase her power.

Moreover, it is said that there have been cases where Legendary equipment enhanced the user's skills.

'But, unfortunately, it is powerless in raising Magi.'

The realization of this fact became another argument in favor of refusal.

After much doubt, Kang Yu shook his head firmly.

— I'm not interested.

Though admittedly, the offer really had been tempting.

Even so, such attractive conditions could not force Kang Yu to obey anyone.

— Haha. I knew you would answer that way.

Baek Kang Hyun gave him a good-natured smile as he rose from his seat.

— This is my number. If you change your mind anytime, call me.

— Alright.

— I'm sorry I interrupted your meal. Oh, and you need to add something else to your dish for better taste.

Baek Kang Hyun took the plate of kkakdugi next to the udon and dumped its contents into Kang Yu's mix of kimchi jjigae.

(P.p.: Kkakdugi – a kind of kimchi with the addition of sliced radish cubes)

— It will taste better this way! — Kang Hyun flashed a confident smirk

— Adding kimchi to kimchi jjigae…?

— Heh, you don't understand anything. The spice is very different, the spice!

— Well, I'll give it a try.

Kang Yu chuckled as he mixed everything in the plate and began to eat.

Now the soup did not resemble kimchi jjigae at all, but it had a semblance of some kind of garbage.

Han Sol, who had seen this combination for the first time, looked down at the plate doubtfully.

— Kang Yu, is it delicious?

— Sure.

Having emptied all the ordered dishes, the guy got up from his seat.

— Well, let's go?

— Kang Yu, are you okay? You declined such a great offer… — Han Sol looked worried.

— Do you feel regretful about the 50 million won?

— Oh, no, that's not what I meant! It's not even my money. It's just… I know he doesn't look like the kind of person to do it, but… what if he decides to get revenge?

— Let him, if he dares! — Kang Yu exploded into laughter. — I'll make him regret it. —

Yes, to the fullest extent.

Walking around the mall once more, they headed to the parking lot.

Han Sol was beaming from ear to ear.

— Today was so much fun!

— Yes, — Echidna agreed. — I was able to buy clothes that Kang Yu likes.

Both girls had wide smiles on their faces, clearly satisfied with the day.

— Well, that's good, — Kang Yu said with a slightly tired expression.

Although he had been close to losing his mind from constantly walking in circles around the mall, he wasn't in a bad mood at all.

In addition, thanks to today's trip, Han Sol and Echidna were able to become much closer with each other.

— I'll bring the car, wait here.

— Okay, Kang Yu.

He went to his car, temporarily parting with the girls.

This time, Echidna sat in the front seat.

Kang Yu, already accustomed to his new car, easily pulled out of the underground parking lot.

— It's such a pity. — Han Sol suddenly spoke.

— Hmm?? What are you talking about?

— About the Legendary Elite equipment. I noticed you hesitated.

— Oh, yes, that's a pity, of course. — The guy clicked his tongue, recalling the offer/

Thoughts about the Legendary equipment have not left him since lunch.

— It's a good thing you were able to turn down the offer.

— You think it's a good thing?

— Yes. — Han Sol narrowed her eyes. — He struck me as a… disturbing man. —

Kang Yu thought about the guy who had sat down with them. Thinking back to it, Baek Kang Hyun's accent was pretty cute, and he seemed like a nice guy. He certainly didn't make Kang Yu feel worried.

'It must be a woman's instinct.'

Kang Yu thought that he should learn more about this man from Young-ju and Hwa Yeon.

— Well, for me, I just didn't want to obey anyone.

— I agree. I can't imagine you following someone's orders.

— Kang Yu shouldn't have to listen to orders, — Echidna piped in, sounding displeased as she clutched at his shirt.

She idolized Kang Yu and did not even want to imagine him following someone else's decrees.

— Don't worry. That won't happen. — Kang Yu tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

There was silence in the car. Most likely, Han Sol and Echidna were too tired to keep talking, after a whole day of wandering around the mall.

'Legendary Elite equipment…'

The silence felt heavy, and Kang Yu remembered the recently received offer again.

'It is doubly a pity to miss something that was so close.'

Kang Yu even thought about asking Young-ju for such equipment, but he himself was aware of how valuable it was.

Even Young-ju could hardly find it.

At that moment, a melody sounded from his phone.

— Hmm?

Kang Yu slipped the phone into a holder on the dashboard, and put an earpiece in his ear.

— Hello?

— It's Baek Hwa Yeon. Can you talk?

— I'm driving… What is it?

— Can you come to Hwaran's main office right now?

— Now?

If it's the main building, he'd have to go all the way to the Level S Gate in Suwon.

It wasn't far from Seoul Station, but it wasn't exactly close either.

— Yes, it won't take long! — The girl said excitedly.

Kang Yu cocked his head to one side.

— Did something happen?

— The government award has been prepared for you. You can get it at the main branch, so it would be nice if you came right now.

— Oho~

So this was about the reward Hwa Yeon had promised.

— What's the reward? — he asked.

— You're going to ask me after how much effort I put into getting something like this?

The girl spoke a little differently than usual.

Kang Yu became even more interested, hearing her speak like that.

— I just want to know if it's worth it.

— Hahaha! You're going to love it. For all the service you've done, you will be presented with Legendary Elite equipment which has been stored at Mir Guild all this time.

Kang Yu's eyes sparkled.

The same Legendary Elite equipment that has been haunting him for the last few hours.

All his regrets disappeared in an instant.

Kang Yu smiled broadly.

'As expected, the important thing is to live as a person should.'

(Editor's Note: He means living the way he wants – not having to submit to others. And maybe he also means not betraying Red Rose, who sponsored him first.)

He felt as if he had finally received the answer he had been looking for after a long, long time.