
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs


Chapter 2: Reincarnation?

In a large wheat field, stretching up to dozens of miles, the long yellow wheat, to a point golden in color, looked healthy and even beautiful.

In the wheat field, another humanoid figure lay on the ground in such a peaceful manner that he looked like someone who had just passed away, but his soft breathing said otherwise, along with minimal movements his body was making, as if he was trying to wake up.

The sun's rays illuminated his body, making the figure, full of mass, the one that stood out the most in the entire wheat field.

"Ah, huh?"

With a confused tone, Nova woke up from his supposed eternal sleep, looking around, confused and with a look that fully expressed and completed his face of disbelief and confusion.

He had remembered that he was dead, that he had committed suicide, but now he appeared alive in a wheat field.

"Wait... Maybe this is heaven?"

Trying to make sense of the situation, the first thing that came to his mind was that the wheat field was heaven, and from its beautiful appearance, it wasn't such a crazy thing to think of either.

While Nova was thinking, he hadn't realize that some sort of dark energy was materializing above her head.

Every move he made, the mass of darkness followed him.

"Ah, this is too annoying, I should have died, I don't even have a the single wound now."

Regretfully, Nova checked his body, finding that he didn't have a single wound.

Not even a single scratch from the beating he received earlier.

Remembering these events, his face had a hint of sadness, but he quickly erased it.

'How can I be sad? You've already accepted the guilt, it's time to move on with your sins, continuing to live with them.' He thought this way, a strong determination shone in his transparent eyes.


But such determination was completely ruined when a liquid fell on Nova's head, a grimace of disgust was drawn on his face the next second.

He knew what it was, a white liquid that smelled extremely bad and came from the sky.

It was bird droppings!

Touching his head a little with his hand, just to confirm that it was bird droppings, even if it was disgusting.

Bringing his hand to his nose...

"Disgusting!" he shouted in disgust, shaking his hand back and forth to remove as much of the smell as possible.

But these actions were immediately halted when he realized something important.

"In heaven are there birds that shit on people's heads too?" With confusion, it was now less believable that this was simply heaven or a place where the dead rest.

The smell, the feel, everything, was very natural and normal, as if it were Earth.

Raising his head to look at the sky again, he saw something that was not there: a black screen that made his eyes widen, almost popping out of their orbit.

[Death System]

That was all the black screen said, the letters large and of a purple color.

"Wait... A system, this can't be... Reincarnate?" He couldn't contain his shock from saying aloud his thoughts.

Commonly, as someone who only lived locked up in his room, Nova read a lot of web novels and one of his favorite genres was precisely reincarnation.

He read many books of this type, to a sickening extent, but it was just a thought for him, another hobby, besides playing Legends Genesis all day long.

Never in his wildest thoughts did he expect to be reincarnated, and if this was another world, this was much worse... Or better.

An emotion was constantly growing inside Nova as he thought if he reincarnated, he had given up in his previous life, but, if he had help from a system, wouldn't he be able to live happily like those main characters?

[Death System INITIATING...]

After the warning, Nova could only stand up completely. His obese body made it a complicated job.

But only a few minutes of struggle to then stand up straight or at least try to have a straight posture.

[Death System INITIATING]

The same text was still there, now the screen or panel was in front of Nova's face and it was only a little bigger than his face.

To do something while he waited, Nova began to walk and look around the field, before his vision, everything was limited to wheat, wheat, wheat, and ahh... Wheat.

'This is all wheat'

Finally, after several years, he was curious to explore a bit where he was, to turn out that it was all pure wheat.

It was kind of funny and ironic, but for him, it was frustrating; frustrated because all he could see was wheat, you must of bread...

[Death System Initiated... Welcome to Legends Genesis]

"Yes, the system initiated... Wait... What?!" A shout of surprise echoed across a large portion of the wheat field.

Nova was initially happy, the system started quickly and he didn't have to think much, but after reading the text, he froze, to say the least.

Stuttering, he tried to gather words to ask, "Death System, right?" how's that for "Welcome to Legends Genesis?" "You got it wrong, didn't you?"

Every word he said, a stutter followed, along with cold sweat on his forehead.

The end of Genesis... A mystery that to this day no one has been able to solve, but at every moment of its mention, it was always said to be the immense destruction of the entire Genesis and the universe itself.

 Many theories on the internet circulated on Earth, but neither the creator of the game nor its developers answered the questions, they only said one thing that bristled the skin of every player who heard such words.

 Genesis is Nothingness itself.

 'Maybe... me being here can change the ending of this game, right?'

 Waiting for the System's answer...

Two seconds passed.

Twenty seconds.

Two minutes.

Five minutes.

But the system never answered his question, it just hovered there, in the air in front of his face.

The screen only said: [Accept - Reject].

There was no further explanation, no one had given her any more explanation than that means.

But Nova could easily deduce that it was two options: Accept the system and reject it.

But currently, he was not interested in this, the most important thing was, was he really in Genesis? Is he inside his favorite game?

Far from rejoicing at this great possibility, Nova looked scared and cold, full of fear.

'I'm screwed if this is true Genesis...'

'If I want to survive, I must accept the system, but I don't know what secrets this one holds, I was just glad at first, but systems in novels often use their hosts for their benefit '

'I don't want to become a puppet...'

Various thoughts and contradictions came and went in the boy's mind, now he didn't know what to do, everything was new to him, it was all so sudden.

His mother died, he was given a tremendous beating, he committed suicide, and then woke up in a field, with a system hanging.

He wasn't a hero, he wasn't a supervillain or anything like that either, he was just a normal person with insecurities and traumas.

But the strong never wait and the weak never move forward with his kind of attitude, he knew that, so, with a quick thought, he decided to make a decision that would change his whole destiny.

It would change the very fate of the universe.

His fingers pressed at the same time the two options.

