
Planeswalker Magician

Damien lived a short 16 year life in suffering. lying and cheating his way into a home and job. Things were just looking up when the unthinkable happened. a ROB passive aggressively told him his time had come and left his entire second life up to chance on a slot machine. Finding himself in the world of Duel monsters( YU-Gi-OH), he must navigate the world in search of a place to call his own and answers to what it means to be a 'Planeswalker'. This is a multiversal story about Damien's journey to power. I own nothing in the story beside the Character Damien. some parts of the story are original thoughts due to lack of lore or just personal preference. I loved the Planeswalker's(from magic the gathering) abilities to traverse the multiverse and how each individual can have their unique view point of the Blind Eternities. Although Damien will spend a lot of time in the Yugiverse, He will eventually be traveling to many worlds to gather more magic, summons, and sources of power. If you have some interesting worlds you think he can benefit from, let me know. I'm welcome to suggestions! Note: This is my first story. I have genuinely never written anything that wasn't a classroom prompt in my life and it will likely show. chapters are short and I'm learning by trial and error. please be patient and kindly let me know of any mistakes or modifications I can make to improve my writing.

Damien_9976 · Komik
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16 Chs

What doesn't kill you

As the light of the morning sun peeked in thru the rustic cabin window, Damien awoke with a pained groan. As he tried to shift his body, a sharp series of pains locked him in place. A vividly painful congratulations, he supposed. He was, at the very least; Still alive.

Noticing the change in scenery, he quickly pieced together that he'd likely been rescued in the nick of time. Waiting a moment for his vision to fully acclimate, He slowly shifted his line of sight to observe his new environment. Making note of the very simple layout. It looked like aside from the bed he was on, there was a nightstand with a wooden mug to his left and a sturdy looking dresser on the opposing wall next to a door.

'Maybe that girl managed to find some help. I hope she's alright...' Damien thought as he tried to move his body slowly. The bed beginning to creak and groan under his shifting weight. This seemed to alert the other residents that he was awake, so he wasn't surprised when he heard someone making their way to the room.

What did surprise him, however, was when he tried to sit up and felt something pull tight around his wrists, keeping them in place. Glancing down, he could see he was wearing some very typical villager clothes(if not a bit loose). His old and dirty bandages were also gone. Replaced with fresher ones that were now soaked in blood. Aside from this, however. He could see a second, smaller pair of shackles strapped to his wrists. Just above the enchanted ones he always wore.

'Ah...well that's a bummer.' Damien thought with a tired sigh, as he waited for his benefactor; or prison guard to arrive.

As the door creaked open, a behemoth of a man made his way inside. He was absolutely massive. Easily over two meters tall with bulging biceps littered with scars. He wore a Plate of copper like metal armor with some gold trim over his chest. A matching pair of comically small guards strapped to his shoulders and knees. Covering his short brown hair was a small metal helmet with 3 small spikes sticking out the front and sides. A gold 'Y' like pattern decorating the front with the tail end traveling down to protect his nose. There was a glaring characteristic involving his chin that Damien was resisting with all his might not to comment on, though he wasn't sure if he'd be able to. Oddly enough; his face and choice of wear wasn't the oddest thing about him. The lower half of his body was beastly. Covered in thick brown fur and ending at his feet with a large bear like paws. A thick tail swinging lazily behind him as he closed the door and made his way to Damien. His dark eyes seemed to anticipate some kind of retaliation.

"Good to see you're awake. I've got some questions I'd like you to answer for me, if you'd be so kind." Came the thick voice of the half beast man.

'Well, Crimson Chin here is surprisingly polite...' Damien thought as he observed the man intently. Already gathering all the info he can about his likely captor.

'He's got a pretty serious expression, but I'm not getting the feeling he sees me as an enemy. They bothered to wash and treat my wounds. Even dressed me in some simple but well kept clothes. So really, I'm being treated quite nicely for a prisoner....for now, at least...I suppose cooperating is my best bet. Maybe a little sincerity could go a long way, too...' With those thoughts out of the way, Damien calmly nodded at the man and responded cordially.

"It looks like I'm in your debt, so I'd be happy to answer any question you may have...However, I'd like to know how the small Gnome girl I was with is doing. Is she hurt? Or was she able to make it out safely?"

There was a hint of surprise in the mans eyes. Though he hid it fairly well, Damien noted it and quickly added it to his mental file.

'He didn't seem to care I was being polite, but there was a reaction when I asked about that girl's safety...' Damien thought as he waited to the mans response. He may me probing for information at this time, but it didn't mean he didn't genuinely want to know how she was.

After a short pause, the man hummed lightly, his expression softening ever so slightly before he gave a stern nod.

"The Young Miss is fine. Shes back in her home with no visible injuries. Now, I'd like to know what business you and your 'friend' have at this village?"

Damien breathed a sigh of relief at hearing the girl was safe, but a couple parts of his question raised some flags.

'So I'm in a village. Figured as much by this point. However, It doesn't sound like he brought me here. Based on his wording, a third party or "Friend" was involved. I can imagine why this stranger would be questioned, but why was I involved? This feels like something the "Young Miss" could have cleared up, seeing as she sounds like she's got some sort of standing here...' shacking his head lightly and maintaining a polite tone, Damien began to answer.

"I actually never even knew your village existed until 'The young miss' told me about it. Before then, My only concern was escaping a cave system I'd fallen into and surviving some attacks from some giant insect monsters."

There was another small reaction from the man. This one, however, seemed to be on the negative side. He didn't like something Damien said and would likely want to ask more.

"So, I am to assume these monsters were the cave dwelling Cicadas?" The man asked sternly.

'How should I know?' Damien thought at first. Thinking about it more, however, it sounded right. He didn't see anything else besides those giant beetles and Marionette. So giving a light nod, Damien replied.

"I believe that's what they were. That is, assuming you're referring to the large beetle like monsters with a wind sensing ability..."

Once again, the man's brow gave another displeased reaction. Causing Damien to ponder why he would have such a negative response.

'What's getting him worked up? It could just be a negative reaction to the insects. The "Young Miss" had a similar reaction to Marionette since it had caused a lot of her people to lose their lives. Though I get the nagging feeling the displeasure is at my words themselves. Not the subject...' After a moment of stern silence, Damien decided to cut in with his own question. Figuring a staring contest wasn't going to get him any new info.

"I'm sorry, sir. Is there something I've said to upset you? I meant no disrespect." As Damien asked, the man seemed to jolt lightly from his thoughts. His focus sharpening on Damien more intently.

"I just find it a bit odd. You seem to be a fairly powerful Spellcaster. You should be able to make mince meat out of those Dream Cicadas or the ugly one outside the village...but both you and the young miss are saying you had some difficulties. I apologize, but there's a few parts in your stories that aren't adding up."

'Powerful Spellcaster? Do I look like the damned "Ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense" to you?' Damien grumbled internally, but managed to keep it from showing on his face. 'I can understand the Dream Cicadas being called weak. Even before Unstable Evolution, I managed to kill one when I wasn't even familiar with my powers yet. Doubling my power and giving me some time to practice, It makes sense I'd kill one or two easily...the problem was the "Ugly one" he mentioned...That must be Marionette Mite, and considering I'm the one that needed my butt saved, I wasn't exactly feeling like a "powerful spellcaster" right now.. .'

Damien had already verified that although he was badly hurt, He couldn't feel even a hint of Unstable Evolution. Meaning it had likely faded away like he feared and he may have even reverted back to five hundred attack points. So was this guy overestimating him? Or was it a bluff to try to probe for info. For now, he could only assume the latter. So with an apologetic expression, Damien decided to offer some context the 'young miss' may have forgotten or wouldn't have known.

"Though a few 'Dream Cicada', as you called them, wouldn't be a huge problem, I had to deal with several dozen of them. Highly coordinated at that, since they were being controlled by Marionette Mite. Who should be the 'ugly one' you mentioned. On another note, I'm sorry to say I'm not much of a fighter, and that marionette Mite was basically equal to me in strength when we fought. So I'm not sure how I'd have won that fight as easily as you said..."

Damien was starting to get frustrated at how much more stern the mans face was getting. Was what he was saying really that hard to believe? Or is this some weird muscle brained interrogation tactic? Though it seemed like the man was done dancing around the question. Choosing to state his point bluntly.

"I'm going to give it to you straight. You and the young miss' recounting of the story doesn't line up with the facts. For one, we've already had someone inspect you when you arrived. You're without a doubt a Diamond with above average power. A few Tri-Stars wouldn't stand a change against you. Considering you're over twice as strong as this 'Marionette Mite' and at least seven times the worth of a mere Dream Cicada, I'd suggest you quit trying to play around and tell me why you're here."

'I beg your #%!@&ing pardon?' Damien nearly blurted out reflexively. He lost all control over his expression, so he figured his shock was clear as day now, but that was the last thing on his mind as he tried to digest the bomb that just got served to him.

'Whoa! Where do I even begin!? The obvious part would have to be "Tri-Stars". He must be referring to three star monsters. Meaning it's safe to assume "Dream Cicadas", like Marionette Mite, are three stars... Which already raises my first concern. Dharc the Dark Charmer was, himself, a "Tri-Star". Of that, I'm sure. Yet, here he is categorizing me differently. "Diamond" could be referring to a four pointed star. In other words, a four star monster. That has to mean I've somehow reached a new stage! Does that mean I'm now considered "Familiar-Possessed"? That would explain the "Friend" he mentioned. It's likely that I succeeded and Marionette Mite is on my side now...' With all these details gathered, Damien could finally calm his racing heart and return to observing the man, who seemed to be patiently waiting to hear what he had to say about the prior statements. Not wanting to keep the man waiting, he let out a calming smile and replied.

"If what you've said is true, I take it I was successful in taking control of Marionette Mite. To answer your question, I'm from a clan of special casters called 'Charmers'. We are born with an innate affinity to an element and are able to create a sort of partnership with a creature of the same element. We call them 'Familiars'. Part of the reason I'm in these woods is to learn about my abilities and to find a means to remove the enchanted shackles I'm currently wearing...To answer the question regarding my strength being greater, I believe it's a result of gaining a familiar. When we become 'Familiar-Possessed, Our strength grows to reflect that. Raising us to 'Diamond' status."

The man seemed to ponder something as he listened to the explanation. He was ready to say something else when another set of voices began to approach the room. There were two distinctly different voices. One of them sounded young and energetic. Spewing a never ending surge of words at an ungodly rate. Making it hard to pick up the gentle and elderly voice of a man that seemed to be trying to calm an overly exited child. Damien couldn't help but smile a bit helplessly, since he was fairly confident he knew who the younger voice belonged to.

As the door swung open once more, A pair of Gnomes could be seen. One wore a pink skirt and hat with a heart pin at its side. She was easily recognized as the 'young miss' he met before. The other, however, was a new face. He was a much older looking Gnome with a pickaxe strapped to his back. He had a light pink skin tone and small bead like teal eyes. Damien had to admit he had a pretty majestic beard and mustache that almost seemed to take on the appearance of a smaller gnome on his face when he opened his mouth. He was a fairly round, almost egg shaped man. Wearing a tan colored coat that reminded Damien of an Explorer or Archeologist with a pair of teal pants that almost matched his eyes. Atop his head was a strange hat that seemed to be a blend of a Gnome and Archeologist hat. Decorating the hat was what appeared to be a green pendulum with a blue gem stone adorned on the top of the arm. Behind the pendulum stand was a row of four red stars stacked atop each other.

When the two entered the room, the man questioning Damien made sure to turn to face them and give a small bow. Seemingly acknowledging them as having some kind of standing.

"Sir Metrognome. I was not aware you'd returned from your journey. How could I be of service?" the man said, addressing the elder politely.

"Hoho, that's quite alright Mr lei lei. No need for formalities. Especially when we're intruding in your home. You're a big reason I could feel safe leaving this village for so long. So I must be sure to thank you for all the work you do!" The Elderly man known as Metrognome replied with a gentle smile.

'Lei Lei? Definitely doesn't look like a Lei lei. I'd have thought 'Raghat' or 'Brutus'...Argigoth?' Damien thought playfully as he watched their interaction. He was honestly feeling pretty good now that he knew he'd gotten out of that cave, grown stronger, managed to secure a familiar, and verified the Gnome girls safety. All things considered, the only down side right now was the fact he was still chained to his bed. Though it seemed a little Gnome was here to remedy that.

"You honor me sir. It is my pleasure to keep my comrades safe. I was currently in the middle of questioning the suspicious individual that entered out village yesterday. He's notified me that the creature chained outside is his 'Familiar', which is why it carried him here along with the young miss. You are welcome to join me. Your wisdom would be of great benefit." Lei lei continued politely. Maintaining a slight bow as he spoke.

"Actually, he's why I'm here. From what this daughter of mine has told me, we owe a great deal to him. He has single-handedly toppled the swarm of Dream Cicada that had been slaughtering our kin and even found the culprit responsible for the whole ordeal. If you wouldn't mind, I'd be most appreciative if you could release him into my care." Metrognome responded in a cheery tone. Seemingly in a great mood.

"Ah-- but sir. I must respectfully ask you reconsider. He's obviously some kind of escaped prisoner, and his story hasn't matched up. He mentioned being from the clan of charmers, but I know well that charmers have always been women with an affinity to Earth, fire, wind or water. I've heard nothing of a charmer who was of the Dark affinity. Much less a male charmer." Lei Lei countered. Making sure to maintain a respectful tone.

"Ah, well. The first point is answered by the later." Metrognome responded cheerfully as he reached into his pouch. Pulling out a familiar small journal before continuing.

"This young man is a victim of his clans fear and superstition. He was born a charmer, but due to the unusual circumstances, he was shunned and eventually locked away. Thankfully, he was able to escape his prison and make the journey here to help us at such a crucial time. I'm ashamed! Down to my old bones, that I'm actually feeling grateful to those clansmen that brought him our way." Metrognome concluded as he turned his attention to Damien, bowing deeply to him.

"As I said before, I would like to thank you. From the bottom of my heart for what you've done for my people. Additionally, I'd like to apologize for such a gross breach of your privacy in perusing your journal. I have no excuse outside of my sinful curiosity." As the elder bowed deeply, Lei Lei was waving his arms nervously. Obviously uncomfortable that the elder was offering his prisoner so much respect.

"Please, Sir Metrognome. Stand up. I will release him at once!" He quickly spoke. Maybe a little louder than he had intended. Metrognome, however, held firm and continued to bow. Seemingly waiting for Damien's response.

'Wow. I don't know if I've ever met someone with so much authority be so down to earth. He's so straight forward it's wildly refreshing.' Damien thought sincerely as his impression of elder Metrognome grew a few notches. Not wanting to make the elder wait, Damien quickly replied. Making sure to be as genuinely polite as possible. Not feeling the need to pretend this time.

"Please stand up, Elder Metrognome. I'm not offended in the least. You don't even need to thank me; really. I didn't even know your village existed till after I'd killed the Dream Cicadas."

As he finished his words, Metrognome swiftly straightened his back and looked into Damien's eyes. Almost seeming even more cheery than before.

"Nonsense. If you helped, knowingly or not, it's only natural I thank you. Now, hold still while Lei Lei unbinds you. I will administer some 'Red Medicine' after." As he spoke, Lei lei quickly made his way over. Nodding lightly once more to the elder before taking out a key and undoing the shackles. As soon as he finished, he stood aside and the elder approached. Before he could do anything more, however, Damien addressed him once more.

"Please don't trouble yourself, Elder Metrognome. I can take the medicine myself if I could just get a hand sitting up."

"Sure, sure. Not a problem. Sir Lei Lei, if you'd be so kind as to help the young man out." Metrognome replied, moving aside and letting Lei Lei approach once more. carefully helping Damien into a sitting position. Thanking Lei lei and the elder, he calmly took the bottle of 'Red Medicine' and bowed lightly at the elder. Being sure to also turn to the 'young miss' and giving her a bow as well with a thankful smile. Her silently returning the gestures as Damien opened the potion bottle. Looking down at the blood red substance inside, he couldn't help but remember the absolutely disgusting taste. Silently thinking back to his old life with a resigned smile.

'I'm pretty use to eating some pretty gnarly stuff thanks to my past life. Been more than one occasion I've eaten what I could only call "Mystery meat a la gross" from a couple of alley dumpsters. Even then, I can't help but to shutter at this stuff. I know its magic medicine and all, but couldn't they magically improve the taste...? I still feel like a goober knowing a small Gnome girl took the stuff without a peep. Kinda hurts my pride...' Damien thought with a defeated smile as he took up the vial and drank it all down in one swift motion.

The moment Damien finished downing the bottle, an odd silence overcame the room. Since he'd been so focused on keeping the medicine down, he didn't notice the varying degrees of expressions he was now getting. After a few seconds, the familiar red light illuminated the space. showing that the healing magic was taking effect.

Letting out a satisfied sigh now that he was feeling much better, Damien turned to the elder to thank him, only to realize he was frozen in place. Un-moving with his mouth left open.

Confused, he looked towards Lei lei. Seeing him holding hand firmly against his mouth. his face changing colors faster than Damien could keep track.

"Um...I-is everything okay...?" Damien couldn't help but stutter out as he turned to the young miss, who was currently pointing at Damien with a trembling finger.

"Y--y-y-YOU DRANK IT!" She managed to blurt out as Lei Lei violently twisted his body away. Emptying his stomach onto the floor.

"Y-yeah!? It's medicine? Didn't you drink some too when I handed you a bottle!?" Damien blurted out, now returning an accusatory finger at the young miss.

As he finished his words, both Metrognome and Lei lei snapped their heads towards the young miss. Horrified expressions on their faces.

"N-NO! I JUST POURED IT ON! LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" she screamed back with her hands held up in defense.

Damien's heart caught in his throat as he realized his mistake. He'd never actually seen her drink the potion. He only saw the light from the corner of his eye and assumed she did. He also never considered the potion wasn't meant to be ingested!

Now he was also trembling. With a look of dread in his face as he feared the answer to his next question.



It took nearly an hour after he'd gotten his answer for him to stop heaving and calm down. The three others in the room working diligently to comfort him gently. All of them gazing at Damien like he was a pitiable existence.

Had a little fun with this chapter. So it's longer than usual again. Once again, please let me know your thoughts on the longer format! Thank you and have a great day!

Damien_9976creators' thoughts