
Plague Maker

Alex died in a humiliating way, but good news or bad depending on how how you look at it, he was reborn with only one mission - Test whether civilizations deserve to live with the use of plagues and monstrosities created by them. Author Note - I'm writing this out of boredom so it is very likely to be dropped like my other one but I will try not to as I have had it stuck in my head for the past month, onto other things first he will have a system called the plague system, second it is very likely that he will go to different worlds every time he accomplishes his goal, if I decide to take this seriously and not just do it for fun I will probably make a second book after I reach 60 chapters that highlights the peoples view of the plague, now obviously there will be times he fails. when he fails the people will most likely celebrate and he will be sent to another world to try again, now one last thing I am making this up as I go so expect plot holes and all kinds of other mistakes especially because I'm using the voice thing on my phone to write this cuz I don't want to tap on letters and type. anyway thanks for reading, even if I do drop in the future I want at least 20 chapters, also finally I will have a random update schedule so I may only upload one a month or one a day it's random. P.S - Finally started rewriting mwahaha

MatrixPrime · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Awakening of the Scourge - (2/3)

[General POV]

It's early in the morning for [The Sleeping Pandemic], people are waking up and preparing for their days, making plans for their next date, or going to work. Some people are going around with a device that looks like dragon ball scanner from DBZ looking for any remnants of [The Sleeping Pandemic], after all it was the first new disease in a century so they couldn't be too careful.

Sadly though it seems that their peace is about to be broken once again, in a run down apartment that hasn't had reservations since the event there is an Old man coughing on the bed, dying slowly as his heart comes to a stop, though he would've died soon anyway as one by one his organs started to fail. This old man has black cysts covering his body when sometimes one of them might spit out some red and yellow pus, while his muscles seem atrophied from even a distance.

Besides him there is a young man, about 24, taking care of this old man in a seemingly worried state, his eyes are red and puffy with his lips quivering as he continues to hold in his sadness and show a smile for the old man, hoping that at least he can be sent of with that.

Old man - "son *cough* you need to live well ok? None of that *cough* *cough* alcohol and depression got it! you need to be...happy, under...stand?"

Young Man - " Yes! *hic* I'll do my best dad! I...*hic*…promise!!"

The old man smiles and looks to be in peace as he breathes his final breath

Old man - "Good...I...love...you.."

His head falls sideways with that smile on his face and his eyes closed and his breathing stopped signaling he is finally gone. The young man, his son, let's out a wail of pain and sadness as his father is now gone. Not knowing that while he may survive what is to come, he will be the carrier of the new disease for 1 whole year, the disease that will come to be known as.....the [Dire Scourge]

I wanted to make this a whole 1000 words like I promised but I also thought this was a good ending place for this chapter ;-;

I promise the next one will be longer and when the chaos starts.

Btw did I describe that scene well enough? I wanted to make a sad chapter as the signal of whats to come which is why I didn't make it nearly as long as I want.

Thanks for reading!!

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