
A new camper

{2 months later}

Unkown POV

"Uhhm Mr satyr" I couldn't help but ask "How much longer until we reach it?" I questioned as we me and my half goat half human companion made our way through a forest.

"Don't worry it shouldn't be too long now." The satyr responded, I then went quiet once again the only noise the I could hear being those of our footsteps and the sounds of crickets. Suddenly the satyr who was in front of me disappeared into nothingness, "Huh!" I said aloud as I looked at his disappearing figure.

The satyr then popped his head back which looked somewhat creepy since it just seemed to be floating, "Come on, it is safe to go through." The satyr said with a small smile on his face. I took a deep breath in and walked in after the satyr, just as I took few steps forward I couldn't help but be shocked at the scene in front of me.

A huge valley that seemed to dip from the surrounding mountains, a lake in the middle of the valley, fields of strawberries, a forest and even a beach I could glimpse at the other side, and yet what caught my attention wasn't that but the differing structures that seemed to be built all around it.

"Thalia Grace." My accompanying satyr said "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

As the words left the half goat's mouth a bubbling excitement which hadn't been there since the disappearance of my little brother started appearing.

After we made our way to what seemed the entrance of the camp which was just two giant marble pillars that seemed to simulate a door, with a marble tablet unifying the two by the top on which the words CAMP HALF-BLOOD could be read, waiting for me was a weird sight that I would probably get accustomed to as my time as a demigod.

A huge centaur with hazel brown eyes, long dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders and beside him which gave the scene a somewhat comedic look was a small boy probably no more than 8 years old with ruffled black hair that reached the back of his nape.

A bow and quiver strapped to his back, but the two things that caught my attention was the tattoo on the child's hand that looked similar to a Greek helmet and his eyes which were completely white pupils and all, I couldn't help but come to the realization that he was blind.

"Hello, Thalia Grace and welcome to our camp." The centaur said with a soothing voice that kind of weirded me out. "Sirius you may go." The centaur he continued as he looked beside me at the satyr.

The satyr who I now knew his name was Sirius nodded at him and quickly left as fast as he could towards the direction of the forest I had been able to see before.

"Well Thalia as our newest camper it is only natural for my son and I to receive you but as I have other matters to attend to, I will leave you in my son's care, he will show you around camp and which cabin you will belong to until you are claimed." The centaur finally finished speaking to me as he gave me small smile and trotted away.

"Great I have to deal with the newbies again." I heard the small boy whispering in a somewhat bitter voice.


"Hey I heard you, you know." The new shadowy girl with a slightly green aura said. "Well I said it aloud." I replied back, "Either way since my dad wants me to show you around I guess that is what I have to do, again." I couldn't help but let out a sigh since this was something which my dad made me do almost every time a new camper arrived at camp.

"Wait dude before we start this camp tour what was that thing that the centaur dude said about me being claimed." The girl asked me. Ughh I have to explain this again I couldn't help but think "First of all don't call him centaur dude, he is my dad, also known as Chiron mentor of Greek Heroes. Secondly claiming is how we know what godly parent you belong to." I said but before I could finish my explanation.

Her somewhat excited voice interrupted me saying "Wait, but I already know who my dad is." "Huh, you do?" I couldn't help but question while raising my eyebrows. "Yeah, it's Zeus." The girl said as at the sudden name of the King of Gods the sky seem to darken.

"Are you fucking crazy, don't say the Z word here do you want to get struck down!" I couldn't help but somewhat yell anxiously at the new camper.

"But he is, he told me himself, I even have this look." She said as she straightened her hand and through my 'sight' I could see how a small bolt of electricity materialized out of thin air in her palm and shot into the ground.

"I am too young for this shit." I accidentally said aloud at seeing something which shouldn't have been possible, I mean I had my fair share of power but a child of Zeus was something which was banned. "Ok just wait here." I said to the girl.

I yelled towards the sky "SKIA!!" "Ah what the hell was that for?" the banned child questioned me. But I didn't pay attention to her as one of my ever trustful crows came to my shoulder.

I whispered into Skia's ear as she perched herself onto my shoulder "Skia, go find dad tell him to meet me at the Big House we are in trouble." Skia responded in a happy tone "Yes, master!" and quickly flew away from our position.

"Did you just talk to a crow?" The girl questioned me, honestly I was getting a big tired of her questions "Yes, but don't mind that what was your name again." I said while moving my hands rapidly and trying to keep our subject on track.

"Me, I am Thalia Grace." The girl, no Thalia said. "Okay Thalia, come with me, it is time to begin your tour and explain some stuff to you." I replied while flashing her a smile.

Hope you liked this chapter yeah Thalia is at camp, you can take this as an AU but I already explained it in an auxiliary chapter as to why she is in camp earlier than the original plot, since it doesn’t make sense how she is able to use a spear or manipulate the mist of she didn’t go to camp before dying.

Joanjudocreators' thoughts