
Pity Me

Luna Pièrce is emotionally unstable, socially awkward, hot headed, and absolutely terrified of facing her past, and that's why she clenches her hands, screws her eyes shut, and shakes her head to forget about it, And you cant exactly blame her when her past is 5 years in juvenile detention and a murder conviction. And just when she thinks she's okay with her passive way of living, she meets a guy who is hell bent on freeing her from the menacing clasps of her history. Lee Haemin, provokes her, probes her, flatters her and makes her the happiest she has ever been yet he never lets her forget that he has a girlfriend and insists that he doesnt like Luna... but will it stay that way? New chapter every Saturday 10:00 am est!

SwornNeo · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
76 Chs


In her peripheral vision she could see the door opening and the person standing there. Molly - with her dark pink hair in a soft bun making her look like the coolest officer Luna had ever seen - stood there, not saying a word. Any other day she would've fist bumped her and asked about world news but not today.

She didn't want Molly to see the happiness in her eyes, she wasn't sure if she'd understand her enthusiasm.

Even if the place was a fucking nightmare, both of them had a solid thing going.

Which would soon end.

Molly came up to her and sat next to her on the small bed, she took one of the earphones out of Luna's ear and put it in hers.

The song was in Korean but she mouthed whatever she thought they were singing.

A ballad, spring day by BTS started playing next and Molly finally lost her composure, she placed her forehead on Luna's shoulder and started to cry softly.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual

She thought while glancing over at the girl on her shoulder.

Not at all wanting to hurt her feelings, she just gently patted her hair, Molly was an excellent companion for someone who had to spend years in a hell hole but that's it. It was the last place she wanted me lifelong friends, she just wanted out.

As soon as the song ended, Molly lifted her head and wiped her face,

"It's time." She smiled "Congratulations on surviving five years of Juvie Luna"

Clipping her Mp3 on her collar she put her earphones in and 'Without me' by Halsey started playing.

She liked sad songs, they made her feel emotions she was incapable of discovering on her own, and right at that moment she was glimpsing on the foreign feeling of a broken heart.

Clutching her suitcase's handle she walked out of the door, everything seemed the same as the time when the guards brought her here, except maybe for the weather, it was sunny five years ago but it was suffocatingly cloudy at that moment.

She smoothed her shirt nervously, for what seemed like the thousandth time. She was wearing a pastel green top with white shorts. Had she the choice she would have chosen something matching her situation, but all she had were clothes her sister sent, and every outfit was tackier than the other, this was the only decent one she could find.

As if showing off the fact that she was a successful fashion designer, René, her elder sister sent shopping bags full of clothes and shoes every month. Half of which Luna gave away to the girls at juvie because of shortage of space, even though the clothes were just kept in lockers, but then again this wasn't the first thing her sister did that made her IQ questionable.

Luna looked at the parking lot and the road, not expecting a big hearty welcome but expecting at least something.

She clutched the handle of her suitcase tighter and closed her eyes,

Please let this be a bad dream.

From behind her, Molly walked out and rushed to her side.

"Your family probably forgot the time, come on, Ill drop you off"

My family... yeah right they probably forgot the time and not the day and definitely not me.

Her thoughts sarcastic and bitter.

The drive was silent as Molly didn't bother saying anything, she knew Luna's family had half abandoned her judging by the null visits but she didn't know they would be this inhumane.

Luna leaned her forehead on the car window and watched the scenery changing,

So many normal people.

Molly already knew the address from when Luna told her 3 years ago, she used to talk so much about her home, her brother, her family and home in her dreams, and her teachers.

She even used to plan her escape route out of juvie and would beg Molly to help her as a joke.

And then all of it stopped,

The talking,

The joking,

The smiling,

Dear little Luna just stopped.

As they reached in front of the mansion, Luna got out of the car and nodded her head as a thanks.

"Do you want me to go in with you?"

Luna walked to the side walk and turned to wave goodbye.

"Okay okay, message received, I'll go now." She smiled, "I wish you all the happiness in the world sweetie."

Thanks, so do I.

Long after the car was gone, Luna finally turned around and rang the bell.

"Yes Miss, how may I help you?" a guy spoke over the intercom and right away Luna knew who it was.

Ever since the Piérces existed, it was a custom for every child of the house to have a butler of their own, and Bertrum was hers.

Wanting to see if he recognized her, Luna simply stood there and stared at the camera without saying anything.

And a second later without another sound from the intercom, the gate opened. She smiled lightly, relieved that he remembered her.

Luna walked inside only to stop again, she sighed at the long driveway ahead of her, before this she had never once had to walk all the way to the house entrance.

Clutching her suitcase's handle tightly she started walking, gazing over at the tall trees lining the road, remembering how she was the one who had asked for them to be the Illawarra Flame tree.

Halfway through, Luna felt drops of water fall on her arm, she looked up and it started to rain.

She scowled at the sky and started running, cursing under her breath.

"Luna? Luna! What are you doing? You'll get sick!" Jade shouted from the doorway.

Luna looked around and the yard was empty, raindrops wetting the pavement.

Rain was one of the things she absolutely adored in nature. It was as if God was cleaning the Earth, the water washing away all the bad in the world.

Jade walked up to Luna shielding herself using her arm,

"It's actually not that cold." Luna spoke tilting her head towards the sky, with her eyes closed and smiled as the water hit her cheeks.

Surprised to see her seem genuinely for the first time, Jade mimicked her actions and closed her eyes enjoying the down pour aswell.

"The guards will tell us to come inside any minute now." Jade said, not opening her eyes.

Luna sighed and started for the door,

"But that doesn't mean we can't luxuriate in the little time we have." Jade smiled mischievously like a kid.

Luna turned around to her and watched as she tried and failed to do the robot dance.

Luna scoffed, "You know, robots can't be out in the rain."

Jade continued to dance, "And you should know, robots can throw some mean metal punches." She said menacingly.

"Come on Luna! Don't be such a buzz kill." She shouted, the heavy rain making it hard to speak.

"Just a second ago you were the one calling me inside."

Jade's smile wavered, "I thought you had zoned out again and didn't realize it was raining." Her voice was so low Luna only heard separate words but formed a sentence on her own.

"Well, if you're going to dance, do it properly." Luna moved her shoulder up and down in a rhythm and did jazz hands while swaying her body side to side.

"That's it! Luna Pierce has got some MOVES."

Luna laughed along with Jade and they danced around jumping into the newly formed puddles until a guard called out to them.

Dripping wet from head to toe, Luna turned the handle of the entrance door, but it didn't budge.

She turned it again, putting more force but still didn't turn.

Exasperated, she whipped around in annoyance and started for the back entrances but she stopped suddenly as she saw the curtain in the side window of the porch move.

The person behind the curtain was quick to hide but not quick enough, Luna had already seen who it was.

Her mother.

She stepped off the porch and made her way through the shrubs and bushes, roughly scraping her legs against the twigs and stood in front of the window.

It started to rain even faster, but it didn't at all faze her, she stared at the window heaving .

She knocked on the window.

No response.

She knocked again, harder this time.

Still no response.

She banged against the glass making the window shake and her hand ache, but the curtain never moved.

After years of emptiness in her heart and eerie confused silence in her mind Luna finally knew what she felt when it came to her family.

Anger. Red raging anger.

She banged her whole arm against the window,

"Mom open the door!" she shouted.

Why are you hiding from me?


Please let me in.

"Mom! Open the door right now!"

I have nowhere else to go.