
Pioneer Of Unknown Truths

At what price are you willing to pay to achieve your dream? may it be power, wealth, or maybe something even beyond. Lyte a young man paid a price he never asked for, to gain a dream he always wished to accomplish, but as chance would have it this dream allows him to regain what he had paid. Follow Lyte as he walks explores mysterious worlds, struggling step by step to live his dream while regaining his payment, will he achieve his dream or die trying? Note: English isn't my native language, and the first few chapters will have a lot of explaining done, so you guys have to bear with me. Note*: You may notice some inconsistencies but don't worry, everything I write, I will explain somewhere, sometime.

yas19sin · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Quick you need to rest, you're too tired!

They were back to the same place before it was the where the path split to many directions and they were still sitting on the bench, Lyte was glaring with red eyes filled with anger at his "Senior Brother", while Morad was looking calmly as he sighed shaking his head.

"Junior Apprentice Brother, listen to me and let me complete everything I have to say first, please!" said Morad looking exhausted he continued his words "This body doesn't it look familiar to you? that's because this body of mine or rather this projection of mine is the body of the master's son, he died before master even died and I was a spirit he had created to control the Pearl Of The Pioneer which contains this whole place including the Pioneer's Lair, I am only a spirit that has the same look as his son, so I was taken as his disciple instead of his son and after the master died trying to breakthrough I still survived although with great injuries!"

Taking a deep breath and looking at Lyte who was still staring intently at him but with a lesser intensity he kept talking "This whole universe is but the creation of master after he failed his breakthrough he used his whole accumulated power and created it but it was still not a complete universe, it's just a broken universe and the only way life thrived is because the master used his body and soul to make some planets livable and he only succeeded in making Earth as you call it, in other words, all the living beings come from the same source which is the master, in other words, he is the ancestor of all living beings on Planet Earth, due to the leakage of his power powerful mutated beings were created first and you called them dinosaurs ancestor watched them for a while and experimented on them until he completely grasped the method to make complete living beings, he then cleansed the whole planet and made humans as well as other animals, bugs..."

"The whole thing you read or hear about your history of people having super powers is the residual power of the master , it was still around after the master died and it allowed some people to cultivate powers, but it wasted overtime and gradually disappeared, in fact i was in your family since your great great great great grandpa was alive i was inherited in your family and i couldn't actually take any living being unless they died while wearing the Pearl Of The Pioneer, the master had wanted to leave his legacy behind for a disciple from his blood and soul to take but he miscalculated, my injuries were more severe than i thought and i couldn't completely control the pearl so i was in a passive position, do you know how hard it was watching so many years pass by alone, each time one of your family old man was about to die they would pass this pearl to a younger one and they never died wearing it until you died with Planet Earth exploding otherwise I'd still be waiting to my death!" said Morad agitated from all these words that he kept in his heart until know he was alone for so long having hope for someone to come and relive him from this pain that he suffered for so long.

"Now that you know the truth, let me tell you what you're about to receive, you are the inheritor of the Pioneer Of Unknown Truths the explorer who visited many universes and witnessed many mysteries it's master's accumulated skills, techniques, wealth, and knowledge, and this treasure pearl, I'll tell you something that I know you need and want right now the most and that is you can still revive the people that died in this disaster!" Morad's words made Lyte jump from happiness tears slid down his face but he knew if people could be revived and this 'Senior Brother' of his couldn't do it then there was some trick to it, he sat down and stared silently at Morad.

"To revive your people you need to reach the level the master failed to breakthrough, he had the same goal as you are which is to revive his son, let me explain, you see when people die, they aren't able to reincarnate no matter where they are, a concept of reincarnation you people know or at least describe in your novels, is a power of the master only and it's only possible due to this pearl which didn't originate from the master it was a an object he found and used to build the concept of reincarnation using the death and life power he studied, so as long as you don't take too long they can be revived instantly but if you pass a long time then they fall in deep slumber and it becomes tricky to revive them, you'll then need to have a greater power to bring them back from the death, hence although i couldn't revive your people i still took them into the world of souls, and i can't revive them because it'll cost power that i can't afford and you'll need all the power you can get if you want a chance at survival and to revive your people, i only revived you, where they await you to reincarnate them."

"There is a lot of stuff I shouldn't have said to you before you even learned the basics of the inheritance, but it was an exception where a miscalculation occurred so I want you to put all of this to the back of your mind and just follow the inheritance step by step and you'll reach the level master failed to because he already laid the steps for you."

Lyte was truly stunned he heard so much information that blew his mind, he rehearsed all of what he heard and took time to organize his thoughts before he spoke to his Senior Brother apologizing "Senior Apprentice Brother, please forgive me for my lash out I couldn't control my emotions when I thought how my family died, although you saved me I didn't even thank you!" he stood from the bench and bowed towards Morad "Thank you for saving me Senior Apprentice Brother, I shall forever keep this in my heart!".

Waving his hand Morad only smiled shaking his head "Don't worry about it you're still young, let's go let me take you to take a rest first and ready yourself, before starting the inheritance procedure!" he stood up and turned to where the path split in the courtyard he said to Lyte pointing at a sign with multiple directions "you see this sign, every facility on the Pioneer's Lair is mentioned here, only the world of souls is kept secret."

The sign had 5 directions, {Library Of Known Truths}, {Research Laboratory Of Unknown Truths}, {Pioneer's Living Quarters}, {Lair's Experimental Land}, {Pioneer's Gate}

Lyte was speechless looking at these places with... uhh unique naming sense and as if sensing what he thinking Morad Coughed twice "*Cough*, *Cough*! right let's go Junior Apprentice Brother, quick you need to rest you're too tired!" Morad quickly pushed Lyte along the path of the living quarters.

*Cough* *Cough* Quick you need to rest, you're too tired readers.

btw why does html code pop up when over my chapter for no reason.

yas19sincreators' thoughts