
Pioneer's Last Task

Eostia is in the brink of collapse and ruin due to the plans of the despicable Black Dogs leaded by Vault. The goddesss that oversees the world wasn't happy with this development, so they decided to send someone to do his last task. 'Working in the darkness, to serve the light'. "Warning": This story contains mature content like violence, rape (non-descriptive), profanity, etc. (I don't own the front page nor the characters of the story with the exception of OCs. Altaïr and other Assassin's Creed elements belong to Ubisoft.)

Villain4ever · Komik
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Altair was in the last moments of his life. The Mongols were attacking Masyaf, but by the time when they manage to enter the fortress, they will only find an empty husk. Even if he was still inside the fortress, they will never find the hidden library.

This place was his tomb, his last resting place.

As he was now hiding the Apple of Eden in the vault, he was now thinking about the events of his past.

He still remembers the day in which due to his arrogance and pride as a master Assassin, the cost was the life of Malik's brother, and his arm. He still remembers the anger in his voice and eyes. Even if he has forgiven him a long time ago, and he became his closest friend, each time he saw his severed arm he couldn't help but remember the consequences of his actions.

In time, Altair had learned to forgive himself, but he will always remember that day to not commit the same mistake ever again. Be confident but humble.

However, who would have ever thought that that same mistake would have ever lead him to where he was now.

In the story of his life, he has experienced regret, redemption, forgiveness, mercy, wisdom and love.

It was sad for him that his wife and his younger son couldn't be here with him. At least, they now were resting in peace, wherever they are now. Moreover, his eldest son, he must be now going to reunite with his family. Altair wished for him to have a save journey and live well.

Slowly, he walked towards the chair in the middle of the room. As he was getting near to it, with each step he could feel each one of his limbs to weakened, his strength leaving his body.

His legs, that once were nimble while running through the streets and roofs of the cities, were now clumsy with each step. His arms that allowed him to climb the highest walls were barely holding the chair on his side.

He was tired, he was old. But even in that state, his expression showed peace as no other day. He has accomplished his role in this life.

As he sat on his chair, he took a disk from his pocked. The disk was engraved with golden lines of light. This was the last one of many others, each one containing a message for an unknown addressee.

The disks were part of his investigation and study of the Apple. He was still marvelled with it's knowledge; of the death and the life, of the past and the future. He has still questions waiting for an answer for that knowledge; but that is now something than he will leave to the next generations to discover when the time arrives.

As he was looking at the disk in his hand, he started to felt his eyelids to become heavy.

His time has come and he was glad to accept it. He won't fight against it.

As he finally closed his eyes, with his last breath, he embraced the void.


In the void, Altair couldn't see, touch, hear nor smell anything. There was nothing, it was quiet and peaceful, like if he was dreaming indefinitely.

His consciousness was slowly fading away as he was becoming one with the comfort of the void.

However, fate sometimes can be unpredictable, and it had another plans for him.

"Serve to the light, one last time." Said a voice.

Altair couldn't tell if it belonged to a man or a woman, neither if it was only an illusion as a last remain of his memories.

Suddenly, a white light appeared in his sight, and with it, the sensation of the void disappeared.


As the white light faded, the darkness returned to his sight. However, something was different. Compared to the senseless feeling from before, he now could feel the things surrounding him.

He was now feeling the ground on his back as he was laying on it and the wet grass on his fingertips. He could hear the familiar sound of the water of the river; feel the touch of the wind breeze and the air filling his lungs. Which was curious as he was supposed to have his last breath in the hidden underground library in Masyaf.

He slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little dazzled due to the sudden light on them.

Then, he was now dumbfounded, looking at the blue sky and some tree branches covering it.

"Is this the afterlife?" He asked himself.

However, to his shock, his voice now sounded different. It didn't sound raspy as he was accustomed to hear himself. It was a little deep, just like when he was young.

Noticing than the changes could have been something more, he straighten up himself, sitting in the ground.

There was no longer the usual pain and tiredness in his body when he moved due to his advanced age. It felt more fluent and without difficulty. It was as if he was young once again.

He looked at his hands, and saying that he was shocked was an understatement. Even if he still had the calluses that he gained after several years of arduous training, the wrinkles on his hands were no more. In fact, they now looked even younger.

To confirm his thought he stood up and walked near the river. Its water was clear as crystal, and in it, he could see his own reflection.

Short black hair, dark brown eyes, and a scar on the right side of his lip. This scar was a reminder of that night, and how a friendship turned into enmity.

He couldn't understand anything that was happening. He wasn't sure if this was reality, the afterlife or simply an illusion.

He wet his hands and cleaned his face with the water of the river to clear his mind. There was no point in acting blindly, no matter what happened, the first thing that he must do is figure out where he was.

In his travels with his wife, Maria, and during his time in exile from Masyaf, he has seen many places, so the view of a forest wasn't unknown for him. But the true question is, in which one he was?

He then started to check his clothes and equipment; they were the same ones that he used many years ago. White robes with a hood covering the top of his head, five throwing knives in his belt and another five on his back, the dagger sheathed on his back, his one handed long sword and last but not less important the characteristic hidden blades of his Brotherhood on his left and right wrists.

Another question that he had was how did he have his weapons, when he doesn't recall taking them with him? But he decided to no think too much about it for the moment.

After filling his water bag in the river, Altair started to walk through the forest in direction to the west, in hopes to find any civilization.


/Ken kingdom/

In the conference room in the main castle of the city, there were seven women sitting in a round table.

One of them was a young girl with pink hair and deep blue eyes, wearing a white long aristocrat dress with a pink long skirt. In her head, she was wearing a golden tiara with blue gems, attached to red strings. Her facial features that looked like the ones of a baby and the look in her eyes showed innocence and naivety.

At her left side, there was blond haired girl with purple eyes. She was wearing a light knight's armour with blue clothing under it, and she was wearing a black combat skirt covering her tights. She had a straight look in her eyes, making her seem like someone righteous.

Then, there was a little girl with short orange hair and pink eyes, but that wasn't the only think that was short on her. She looked like a twelve-year-old kid, but appearances sometimes can be deceiving, because unlike her young appearance she was in reality 400 years old. The 'little' girl was wearing a leather armour, but it didn't covered her belly, arms nor legs, and she was also using a green cape on her back. Just as she looks like, she seemed to have a childish and playful personality.

The next one was wearing a red leather jacket that exposed the middle of her cleavage and blue leather pants. She had short red hair with red eyes, and the aura around her along with her flirty smile showed that she already had many experiences with men. She was talking with the 'little' girl while making some green jokes.

At the right side of the pink haired girl, there was a young woman with short black hair and amber eyes. She was wearing something similar to a ceremonial Japanese priestess's clothes, with what looked like a golden crown on her head. Her face didn't show any emotion, but the look in her eyes made her look like she was always watching.

Next, there were two woman at the priestess's left. One of them is a woman with light brown hair tied in a bun. Like the blond haired knight, she was also wearing an armour, but this looked heavier with massive shoulder pads; the silver colour and the golden decorations in the armour made her look like a paladin with a sacred aura around her. She looked relaxed, but there was certain vigilance in her eyes, like a warrior who has always her guard up.

Finally, sitting between the priestess at the heavy knight, there was a woman who's beauty could only be described as a match for a true goddess. Long silky blond hair, emerald eyes and pale skin that looked soft at the contact, with long ears that weren't from a human. She was wearing white robes covering her pale skin. The look in her eyes showed that she was a kind and caring person but with a great weight in her shoulders.

These seven women are the most important figures and main leaders of the Seven Shields Alliance. The Seven Princess Knights.

"Maia. If you can be kind to stop telling your dirty joke. I don't want to Prim to hear them." Spoke the knight with blonde hair.

"Oh, sorry, sorry. But it's a little boring if we don't have anything to talk about." Spoke the red haired woman who was now identified as 'Maia'.

"This is serious. Lady Celestine called us for a reason."

"However, she didn't say anything yet."

"You insolent! Do you not have any manners?!"

The blond haired knight held the hilt of her sword in her hands with the intention of taking it out if Maia said another 'insulting' word. The pink haired girl who we now could assume is 'Prim', looked at the blond haired girl with worry.

"Sister Alicia, please stop, Lady Maia was only trying to relax a little." She said with a nervous voice.

"You have heard your little cousin. It's no big deal so please stop bitching about it."

"What did you say!?" Alicia took out her sword.

"If you want to fight then bring it on!" Maia took out her dual blades.

As this event was taking place, Prim was trying her best to calm down her cousin; the little orange haired girl was looking at the scene with amusement and the priestess was looking at them with an expressionless look.

As both women were about to clash their blades.

"That's enough!" A booming voice resounded in the room.

Both women then looked at the heavy knight, who was looking at them with a stern and disapproval look. Even if she said nothing more, Maia and Alicia knew that they shouldn't make her angry any further.

"Yes, Lady Claudia." Both of them answered while sheathing their swords.

"Aww. I wanted to see them fight." Said the orange haired girl.

"Luu-luu, please don't add more firewood to the bonfire" Said Claudia in a strict manner.

"Yes~." Luu-luu in the other hand didn't seem to care.

The room was once again in silence and the air in the place felt tense. Even if some of them seemed to be relaxed, in truth all of them were worried. There were no many occasion in which the seven of them were reunited by order of Celestine Lucross, the high-elf and official leader of the Alliance against the Dark Queen and her army of dark elves and monsters.

When she calls them all, is because something important has happened, like when they founded the Alliance for the first time.

However, because their leader hasn't spoken yet, the other six were starting to feel anxious, so Maia tried to relax the atmosphere before any further talk. Now, they were tense once again, until the priestess broke the silence.

"It has something to do with a vision, Lady Celestine?"

The high-elf slowly opened her eyes that were closed while she was reflecting about something.

"Yes, Kaguya. Even if I still don't know exactly what it means, I can't stop thinking about it. It might be our hope, to finally end this war."

Now the six of her friends showed shock and concern at the same time.

Celestine Lucross is well known as a powerful mage and oracle, capable to see the future. It was thanks to her visions that the Alliance was capable to defend itself from the threat of the Dark Queen and her uncountable minions.

They may not always be clear for her, but her visions were never wrong.

"What kind of vision it was?" Asked Kaguya, who was also an oracle but not as powerful as Celestine.

"It was brief and vague, but what I could tell was that it was dark.


/In the vision/

As Celestine opened her eyes, the only thing that she was able to see, was darkness. There was nothing else; nothing to see, smell, or hear.

It was like standing in the middle of the void. Even she was starting to doubt if she was still alive. Only when she touched her hands she sighed in relief, knowing that she was still 'there'.

She then started to walk through the dark, trying to search for something. She didn't know what she was trying to find, but as long as she could find something in that void, she didn't care.

"Claudia?" She called for her bodyguard.

However, no one answered her call.


Once again, only silence was present after her call. No one answered, and no one was coming for her, making the high-elf starting to feel anxious.

She started to call for the rest of her friends, yet, only silence remained.

Still, even with the anxiety being present in her heart, she continued walking and walking until she felt her legs starting to giving up. She didn't know for how long she has been walking, and even when she looked behind her, there was no trace of her steps, only darkness. Maybe she even has been walking in circles, and the only thought about it made her heart to feel heavy.

Just when she was about to fell on her knees, a glimmer of light appeared in front of her.

The light was weak, but still visible. It was small as a thread, yet somehow, bright enough to light a path.

In her mind, Celestine couldn't help but think with joy that that was the brightest light that she has ever seen in all her centuries of life.

Once again, she walked towards the light. Even when her legs were now feeling weak, she continued her advance, until she finally reached her destination.

She looked above her, where the thread of light was passing through.

Even if she couldn't see it, it reminded her the moon in the night sky. Quiet, beautiful and peaceful, like several centuries ago, when she and Olga were friends and not enemies. She used to watch with her the night sky, dreaming about a future in which both of them could lead their people in a future with peace and prosperity.

Then, her thoughts were interrupted when the light began to change, until it took the form of what she thought it was an eagle. She heard the eagle's cry and it began to fly towards her.

As the majestic animal was getting nearer to her, her vision blacked out. But before the vision ended, she heard the voice of an old man.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light."


/Back to the present/

"Then, the only clues that we have from the vision are the eagle and a phrase." Said Kaguya, making a thoughtful expression.

"Not much information if you ask me." Said Maia sarcasticaly.

The meaning of the eagle could vary between many things. It could be the actual animal, a place, a person and even an object.

And the phrase; unless someone says it out loud then there won't be any chance to find out its origin.

It was the biggest weakness of Celestine's visions. Even if there is a great accuracy in the prediction of future events, sometimes their meaning aren't always clear. For that reason, each time she has a vision, she calls to the rest of the Princess Knights to discuss about their meaning and make decisions about their next course of actions.

"What should we do now, Lady Celestine?" Asked Alicia. "I can send my knights to search for clues."

"No offense Alicia, but I don't think it is a good idea." Spoke Maia. "In his phrase he said 'we', so that person must be working with a group. If you send your knights, they might give the wrong message to them. So I suggest sending my mercenaries."

"But what if they cause trouble?" Asked Kaguya.

The red haired mercenary felt a little irritated for the priestess's remark. She herself admits that sometimes while dealing with mercenaries things could get a little messy to say the least. However, she once served as a mercenary for the now renowned mercenary group, The Black Dogs; which reminded her.

"What about the Black Dogs?"

All the present turned their gazes at Maia due to her suggestion. The Black Dogs are a mercenary group headed by Volt, who is known as a hero among the citizens of the Alliance, due to his and his mercenary group participation in the war against the Dark Queen army.

"They don't lack in numbers and I'm sure Volt will be glad to help." Said Maia with excitement.

"However, we don't know yet 'who' are we searching for. Besides, right now, most of the Black Dogs' members are still fighting in the frontlines as we speak." Said Claudia.

"What about sending a small group then?" Suggested Luu-luu. "That way we can first recollect information and then by them send a message."

"Then I suggest to send my Knight Commander Sara to lead this task." Said Alicia

"You are not giving up in sending you knights, are you?" Asked Maia while giving the blonde knight a mocking smirk.

Alicia just decided to ignore the female mercenary words so she wouldn't be tempted to take out her sword.

"Very well. I'll this matter to you both, Alicia, Maia. If I get another vision related to this one, I will inform you."

With the high-elf last orders, the meeting was dismissed and the others started to prepare themselves to return to their kingdoms.


/Meanwhile in the night/

Night time has arrived and Altair was cooking a rabbit that he killed with one of his throwing knives in the bonfire.

He has walked through the forest in the same direction for several hours. Unfortunately, there was no sign of when or where the forest would end.

Wherever he is, it surely is a big forest to say the least.

In the meantime, while waiting that the rabbit was ready to eat, he began to revise his weapons in case they need some kind of reparation. Fortunately all seemed to be in great conditions as if they were new, even the hidden blade that he had kept with him since he gained it after officially becoming an Assassin.

He looked at his missing ring finger and started to recall his initiation ceremony. In that day, he had to amputate his finger with his own hidden blade to demonstrate his compromise to the Brotherhood.

However as time passed, he had to make some modifications to the hidden blade after noticing that their enemies were eliminating them by identifying the missing ring fingers in their left hands. He just expects that in the future other assassins won't be caught too easily.

Either way, while revising his hidden blade, he noticed there was still the last modification that he made to it. The 'hidden gun' as he decided to call it simply. It was an invention from the future and the same weapon with which he killed Abbas.

It wasn't easy for him to build it nor found a blacksmith or craftsman capable to forge the components of the mechanism. Each piece had to be made with certain measures and treated carefully or the mechanism would fail, and the consequence would have been 'disastrous' to say the least.

He made sure that everything was in their place, as he didn't want to lose his hand if the powder inside the gun suddenly ignites and explode.

As he saw the rabbit's meat ready to be eaten, he started to remember his time back with his family, when he travelled along with his late wife Maria to assassinate Gengis Kan. The time in which they used to camp in the outside, watching the scenery around them, and admiring it.

He misses those days, and there is no day in which he doesn't miss her.

He thought that with his death he could finally rest in peace and reunite with his wife and youngest son. But it seems that fate has another plans. What are those plans? He didn't know, but he surely will find an answer.


/Not too far from Altair's location/

A caravan just stopped in an open space near to the road to rest for the night. The escorts decided to take turns, being for taking guar or...

"NOOOO! Please! No!"

The screams of a woman could be heard through all the camp, but nobody cared for it. Some even smiled sadistically while hearing the woman desperately pleading them to stop. But they didn't.

As many men surrounded her, they started to torn apart her clothes. The woman tried to defend herself by punching and kicking them, she managed to connect her fist with the jaw of one of the men. Unfortunately for her, the just made him angrier and started to punch her face violently in a repetitive way until his boss stopped him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." He said while showing a friendly smile. "You don't want to ruin too much one of our patron's products."

"That bitch deserved it."

"Even so..." The boss took a knife from his pocket and pressed it to the other's throat. "You are not allowed to kill her or you will be next."

The other man started to sweat, fearing that his boss could slice his throat to let him bleed and later give his flesh to the dogs.

"Did I make myself clear?" The boss didn't let his friendly smile to fall, even if his tone contained malice.

"Like crystal."

Then the pressure of the knife left his throat and the man could now sigh in relief.

The boss looked at his lackeys who were now fearful of him, but he maintained his smile.

"What are you waiting for? Have fun."

When his men heard his words, once again they regained their lust and the woman who thought that was safe now could only look at them with despair and tears in her eyes. She once again tried to escape, but this time the others held her arms and legs.

As the boss walked far of the group he could hear the cries and moans of the woman as they were increasing their volume in each passing second, like if they were just a bunch of animals in heat. Even so, his smile wasn't disturbed by the sound, as if he was just enjoying his favourite music.

A fat man walked towards him. He was wearing some elegant clothes that made him look like a merchant. Well, he is a merchant after all. However, unlike those who sell food, fabrics among many other things, his products were more 'exotic'.

"I'm sorry for the ruckus back there, Mister Harrison." Said the boss to the merchant.

"No worry. As I said before, it is just a little extra payment for your services. Don't you agree, Mister Robert?"

"Hahaha. As expected of you, always so generous with your employees."

"Would you like to have a little talk while checking the 'products'?"

"Of course."

As they began to take a stroll around the camp, they saw some of the men partying while eating the meat that they just hunted. Of course, it could have been more enjoyable for them if they could only drink even a tar of beer, but they still have work to do.

Soon enough they arrived to the place where they placed all the 'products'. It consisted in a great variety; half lings, high-elves, humans, but the most part of their numbers consisted in dark elves; having both, men and women. They were slaves.

As they passed the cells in which they caged the slaves, the latter group retreated in fear, not wanting to be next after hearing the screams and cries of the previous woman. The women were most fearful of this fact as they already saw what those mercenaries could do to them in front of their eyes.

Even so, the boss and the merchant were talking with each other with smiles on their faces, as they didn't seem to be disturbed or they just ignored the stares of the slaves.

"I hope that your boss can visit us one day. He and his men have been always my best clients." Said the merchant with green in his eyes.

"Hahaha. Maybe one day, but you know that they are a little busy lately."

"Ah yes, the war and all that crap."

"Yes. Those bitches make us to fight their wars and they don't even send their knights to help us."

"For the way you said it, do you have any kind of grudge against the Princess Knights, Mister Robert?"

"Please don't call me 'Mister'. It makes me feel old."

""Haha. Then I must ask you the same. I'm still young in my 50's."

Both of them laughed loudly, scaring some of the slaves who were seeing them like if they were demons in their eyes.

"Ok then, Harrison. And about your question, my answer is 'yes'. But that's a story for another moment."

They continued walking and talking about some of their achievements both in their jobs and with women. Until something caught Robert's attention.

It was a pair of dark elves, a boy and a girl, both seeming to be the same age. No, it was more correct to say that they were a half breeding between a human and a dark elf. However, that wasn't what made him look at them, but their appearance; red eyes and ashen blonde hair. He once saw someone else with those characteristics so he almost thought that he was hallucinating.

"Who are they?" He asked while pointing at the pair.


Harrison looked at the direction in which the mercenary was pointing.

"Ah, those two are twins that I got after a hard negotiation with Sir. Mandeville. I had to spend a great amount only to get these two."

"They look like the Dark Queen right hand." There was hate in his voice.

"That's exactly why I bought them. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to train them properly."

The two dark elves looked at the merchant with hate imprinted in their eyes, as if they were going to kill him as soon as he give one step in front of them.

"Attitude problems?"

"As if. They already have killed ten of my men while trying to train them. They even used a key to stab repeatedly their trainer's eye." He gave an annoyed look at the pair. "Now I understand why that bastard said he was selling them for a 'cheap' price."

"Hahaha. So the old fox scammed you."

"You just watch and learn. I'm going to prove that I am able to tame what Mandeville couldn't."

They then returned to their tents, preparing themselves for the morning. However, what they didn't reach to notice, was that the dark elf boy was holding the key of his and his sister's cage in his hands.


Villain4ever: So, what do you think?

If you are a reader from my other work, please comment and grant me with a Power Stone.

I chose Altair from Assassin's Creed because is the character that I know and admire the most.

And about Kuroinu, I only know the animated version. If you know any other characters from the other versions, then I will be glad to know about them.

With nothing more to say, 'see' you next time.

"I hope you have enjoyed it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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