

"It's Senior Brother Feiyu, they're still alive."

Shen Ziyi, who had felt desperate just moments ago, gradually had her eyes moistened by a voice. In the situation they were in, any delay could have led to Li Hu harming them.

However, at this critical moment, Shi Feiyu's icy voice abruptly rang out. Mengyu's dim eyes suddenly regained their vibrant colors. As she turned around, she saw Shi Feiyu emerging from the cave, accompanied by Leng Hanmei and Wu Shuang.

"You managed to survive Carnivorous Spider?" Li Hu, who had previously been arrogant, now wore an indescribable look of shock on his face.

Li Hu had come here with a group of followers after noticing the towering flames on the mountain. During his time in Duoming City, he had been with Jiang Yan, and when he saw Mengyu in her light blue dress, he naturally linked her to Shi Feiyu. However, he impulsively considered taking Mengyu as a mistress.