
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

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42 Chs

My Son

Dracardo stood up from his chair and moved away from his computer. He stared out of the window for a little to let his eyes rest from excess illumination from the computer.

He massaged his temple as it aches so badly. He smiled looking at the beautiful view of the outside world and how calm and beautiful it looks.

He wished his life would be like this. As calm as a snail, and as shiny as silver. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to his seat to continue his work. He looked through different types of documents. Ones which he felt were important and ones which he felt were frivolous.After spending hours sorting out documents, he went on to read what the court said about his company being sued and the actual reason behind it.

He clutched a pen in his hand which he used to underline information which he thought was unvirtuous and something needed to be done about it.He was beginning to feel crusty as he read the false accusations laid on his company. Accusations which could damage his company, make his company lose millions of money.

Surely he needs to do something about it. He would take this case in order to bring one to one's senses. And that one person would have to be Alonso. He would go by any means to end this chaos between them.He stood up, took his suit and wore it. After, he took the important documents and placed them in his briefcase, gripped it and walked out of his office.

Back in the car on his way home, Alonso's words run back into his head. 'Your cursed life'. These words had echoed in his head day and night, and no matter how hard he tried to push them away, they never did. He laid his head to rest for a while before they arrived home.

Dracardo really wanted Jessica in his life, forever. He could go to any extent just to be with her and make her happy. He could have married her and made her his easily, if this hadn't come up.

He wanted her love, affection, care and everything. And he was also ready to give her that back and more. He wanted to see her so badly now. Should he go? What if he comes across her father? What if she rejects him again? He doesn't want to go through another wave of pain through insults.

But should he care about pains when the deepest of them all is not getting a glimpse of how his child looks like. "No, I don't care about what happens, they are my family and I have every right to see them" he mumbled out loud to himself.

"Santo, turn this car around and take me to the hospital". He ordered with some little bit of hope building up in him. Santo happily complied and informed the other guards.

Drake needed to be strong in order to be rid of this fear and pain. And the fear of him not seeing his child is the first to be eliminated. They drove to the hospital, got down and walked towards it.

Drake sneaked in with the help of his guards without being noticed by the paparazzi surrounding the whole area. He walked through different wards till he got to where Jessica was taken. He contemplated whether or not to go in till he saw her mother coming out.

He was fast to hide in order not to be noticed by her and had to say he was lucky. Slowly and quietly, he turned around and asked a nurse of where the newborn babies were kept. After being directed there, he walked away.

He stood by the glass window, and from the first he began looking for the one with a Montenegro name on its crib. He searched each and every crib but marvellously, found none with the name Montenegro. He went a second round assuming he had skipped over it when he heard his name being called.

Dracardo was startled, dumbstruck and didn't know whether he should turn around or stand and pretend he heard nothing. This was when he was called again before he turned around to see Olivia standing behind him smiling widely.

"I knew it was you." she said then hugged him. Drake didn't hug her back and just stood there till she broke the hug. He could clearly see some disappointment on her face behind that smile she was wearing. "Are you here to see him?" she asked.

"Him?" he asked, a smile beginning to form on his face.

"Yes, him. Your son with my daughter I mean." she said "Here, let me show you. Follow me," she said and led the way to what seemed to be a different ward. However, this one seemed to be more furnished and beautiful, decorated with many and different kinds of toys.

She stopped and stood by the big glass window, smiled and moved away. Dracardo guessed that was his que so he moved slowly to where she stood and began with his search. He searched crib after crib looking at their names till his eyes landed on one in particular.

Tears welled up in his eyes and as he moved his head up to look at the little angel sleeping peacefully in its crib, they fell down his

cheeks. "Oh.."he said and gave a small laugh "He kind of looks like me alot…" he said, holding up his hands to touch the glass as the tears continuously ran down his cheeks..

Olivia chuckled and said "Well yes, that is the problem we have now. But that is an indication that he is a blessing in our lives." She said and smiled looking at her grandson and then Drake. Drake turned around, wiped his tears with his handkerchief and stared deeply at Olivia for a moment "Thank you".

"No need to thank me, it's your right as his father". She replied excitedly.

"Why are you being kind to me? Why are you helping me instead of blaming and throwing insults at me? Why are you not also saying that I am cursed?" He bombarded her with questions, with so many emotions visible in his eyes.

Olivia stared at him before saying, "That shows what I can do for my daughter...."



"No. The designers made a little bit of a mistake but don't worry, rest assured that I will work on it." Amanda assured Jessica.

"It's ok friend, I know you can. Remember, this is my real career. I'm just helping my Dad, that is why I gave you the position as my personal assistant to check out updates on both sides of my job, so don't let me down." Jessica said.

"Yeah, Yeah don't fret ok, and enough about business. Right now I just came to meet my godson to see how handsome and cute he is. So come on, let them bring him to me." Amanda said excitedly.

"Who are them? Your grandma or Grandpa?" Jessica joked and laughed.

"Hey...that's not fair. I didn't come all the way here to be laughed at. Now come on, let them bring my godson". She said pointing her finger at Jessica playfully.

"Amanda I'm not joking." Jessica said and laughed again "There are no them. I will bring him myself." She said getting up from the bed. Amanda was frightened and quickly held down her friend.

"Jessica no. What if you get hurt." She asked with concern.

"Amanda, I delivered two days ago, I am feeling strong already. It's just the old people who insist I stay here for almost a week. Now, will you come with me to bring him in?" Jessica asked, giving a small smile.

Amanda smiled widely and replied "Yeah, sure." They got up and walked out of the room. As they kept walking Amanda kept her eyes fixated on Jessica, should she get struck by any wave of pain.

They walked through different wards, chatting happily, laughing together and cracking jokes.

As they were about to enter into the kids wards, Jessica bumped into a hard chest and the sweet scent of perfume filled her nostrils. The bottle of water the person was holding fell off from his hand.

She went down, took it and looked up to apologise "I'm sorry, I didn't see…" Suddenly, she stopped. Her words got stuck in her throat refusing to come out. She was looking into the eyes she had been longing to see. Those tantalising eyes of the father of her baby. How she misses them…