
Pick up a killer as a wife

On a dark and windy night, he picked up a beautiful, charming, sexy and coquettish beauty, so he lived a completely different life through his girlfriend's counter attack on life

lucking_grass1 · perkotaan
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20 Chs

find a mysterious beauty

If we use four words to describe Li Tian's twenty years of life, it is undoubtedly: unbearable.Standing at the end of his 20 years old, he also cherished one dream after another. For example, he also wanted to have such a prosperous day, for example, he also wanted to have a beautiful little girlfriend around him, for example, he also wanted to travel around the world in a car... But all these dreams were shattered by reality.Growing up in an orphanage since childhood, he doesn't even know who his parents are? With the sarcastic words around him about his age, he is a man with parents and no parents.Li Tian has lived on his own since he left the orphanage at the age of 13.He went to school and worked until high school. Although his grades were good, it was a pity that he was unable to go on, so he dropped out of school.After so many years in Liaocheng, Li Tian learned to be self-sufficient and how to live.Although life is unbearable for him, he must live after all. Should the poor die?

Now Li Tian works as a waiter in a small restaurant in Liaocheng. He is very tired every day. The boss gives him 20 yuan a day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.Although it's a little bitter, Li Tian has been satisfied. At least the 20 yuan is enough for him to live in a small county like Liaocheng.see? Li Tian, who cleaned up his tables and chairs in the restaurant and then cleaned the floor, was the end of the day's work.The man who has been standing by and supervising Li Tian's work is a fat man with a bloated figure. His name is Wang Qiang. He is the owner of the hotel.This Wang Qiang is famous for being stingy. In addition to himself, Li Tian works alone in the whole hotel. To put it bluntly, Li Tian does all the work of carrying dishes, washing dishes, picking vegetables and sweeping the floor.Li Tian, who has only worked for more than a month, can't stand it."Hey, Li Tian, you should wipe the glass over there, too? How dirty it looks?" Fat Wang Qiang pointed to the glass that Li Tian had just wiped over there and said there.That glass was just brushed by Li Tiangang. The Damn fat man and letting himself wipe it? How can Li Tian stand it?"I just cleaned the glass. Go and have a look. It looks like a mirror. Do you still wipe it? " Li Tian threw the rag on the ground."How can you talk? I asked you to do some work. What's the matter? Don't forget that I'm the boss." The fat man shouted there.Li Tian was furious: "you're the boss, aren't you?"The fat man didn't expect that Li Tian, who was bullied by himself in the past, suddenly changed his temper today. He said in wonder, "nonsense, I'm not the boss. Is it your?""Oh, sod it! I'm not doing any more" Li Tian, who roared loudly, said to the fat boss."Tell you, fat man, I've endured you for a long time. Shit, you think I'm your slave? I've endured it before, but now I'm in a bad mood and don't want to endure it!""I've worked for 21 days this month. You'll calculate the money for me tomorrow. If you dare to deduct a penny from me, I'll tell you all about your use of fake oil and dead chicken ,i think how can you open the restaurant in the future?" Li Tian scolded fiercely.The fat boss is completely stupid. He didn't expect Li Tian, who was bullied by himself, to be angry today.

"You... You... You..."

"Don't you know what you're doing, fat man?"Li Tian scolded fiercely, took off the broken scarf at his waist, fell to the ground fiercely, and then walked towards the dark night.And what about the fat boss? He stood there with stiff muscles on his face and finally looked at the figure of Li Tianyuan. He cursed: smelly boy, dare to talk to me like this... Damn, you've been poor all your life.On the dark street, I saw the street lamps emitting flickering light, and a lonely figure walking slowly on the road.Yes, he is Li Tian.He was very happy when he just came out of the hotel. The fat man thought he really didn't dare to resign? I really quit. I don't believe that Li Tian has been a waiter all his life.He muttered as he walked.On the dark street, a few dog barks can be heard occasionally, and the lights of the low bungalows on both sides have basically turned off.In fact, it's not very late now. It's only more than 10 p.m. but because the Liao City is very small and poor, few people hang around at night.In the late autumn, it was really cool at night. Occasionally, a slight cool wind blew, which made Li Tian in a thin shirt feel cold. He shrunk his neck and hurried to the dark night.It takes less than 20 minutes from here to the house he rented for 200 yuan. If you walk fast enough, it may take less than 10 minutes.Li Tian, who was walking towards the front, suddenly felt that he wanted to pee.Looking around, Li Tian finally felt that he should not pee on the main road, but chose to pee in the dark alley over there.he think he is a civilized youth.Li Tian quickly untied his pants and peed.A cool wind blew over and made Li Tian cool slightly. He muttered, "it seems that winter is coming. It's getting colder and colder."Li Tian, who was about to leave the alley after peeing, put on his pants and suddenly felt something wrong.His eyes just glanced slightly at the entrance of the alley, making him feel a dark figure lying in the depths of the entrance of the alley.Who is it? Is it a ghost?Li Tian immediately felt a cool feeling in his heart.When he suddenly saw a figure lying there at the entrance of the alley, Li Tiangen couldn't see clearly who it was because the alley was too dark? Or something else."Who? Who's there?" Li Tian shouted with courage.Unfortunately, the shadow didn't move and didn't even say a word.This can't help but make Li Tian feel confused for a while. He thought, what's lying there?Curiosity made Li Tian more and more daring. He even walked inside step by step.At the same time, he quickly put his hand into his broken jeans and took out a lighter from the inside. With a slap, the lighter sent out a flame and shone brightly. Unfortunately, it was blown out by the cold wind from the alley.But just at that moment, Li Tian found that there was a man lying in front of him.After discovering that there were people in front of him, Li Tian hurried over, but to his surprise, the more he walked forward, the more he could smell a sense of fragrance he had never smelled before.Li Tian, who was surprised, opened the lighter again with a slap when he approached.A surprised scene appeared in his eyes. With the faint light of the lighter, he suddenly found a woman lying on the ground.A woman in black leather.Li Tian was almost stunned when he suddenly saw that it was a woman."my god, why is a woman here in the middle of the night?" Li Tian couldn't help muttering."Hey, girl, are you okay?" Li Tian couldn't help calling for the exit.But at the entrance of the dark alley, there was no echo. The woman lying on the ground was as quiet as a dead man."Isn't it dead?"Li Tian was shocked in front of him and quickly reached out to touch the woman's breath. He was not dead and angry. Li Tian suddenly became excited.But then he became bored.Who is the woman on the ground?