
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
210 Chs

Chapter 92: Battle of Wills

Human? I already spoke back that. Of course! If youre not a human from Earth, you cant grow to be a master.

Thats not what I supposed. Im asking if that lady, Tel, manipulated Anytng or no longer.

Manipulated? manage the master?

Iselles eyes widened.

just wait a second. unwell discover and are available again!

Iselle scattered stardust and disappeared.

a little later, Iselle back.

Dont fear. Anytng is a very everyday consumer with a hundred% purity.

can i consider that?

you may trust it. I came lower back with affirmation from every other director! If the sort of component were to happen, it would require outrageous situations and risks.

Come to think about it, the business card said she turned into a co-representative director.

I couldnt absolutely accept as true with Iselles words, however no longer trusting some thing could be similarly absurd.

at the least, Iselle drew a line that she couldnt answer certain questions.

though she might have been inexact at times, she had by no means lied.


Is there whatever else youre curious about?

If something comes up, ill ask.

okay then, Im going to sleep. Shoo!

The room went dark.

I sat on the bed and contemplated slowly.

sick set aside the complex issues approximately Mobius for now.

Its not time to consider them yet.

My problem became approximately the grasp who manages this ready room.

I discovered that Anytng isn't always being manipulated Tel.

So, the current scenario can be attributed to Anytngs pure gameplay.

Thats showed.

There may be no incorrect judgment.

Anytng has the Overachiever Syndrome.

If the symptoms get worse, something terrible will happen subsequently.

Its nevertheless within the early ranges.

With appropriate measures, theres a hazard to reverse it.

The only remedy for the Overachiever Syndrome, as claimed with the aid of the users of pick out Me Up, is to dispose of the hero that the grasp is based on entirely.

That hero could be me.


This approach is rejected.

manner and ends can not be reversed.

I pondered for a long time, but whichever desire I made, there were enormous risks.

Of route, the result of the risk could be my loss of life.

in spite of this, there has been an answer.

I wont simply stand by means of and do nothing.

the realization was reached.

Now, all thats left is to place it into action.

the next morning, after a simple meal, I joined the contributors at the education floor.

From then on, the schooling persisted as ordinary. fundamental bodily schooling in the morning, followed with the aid of lunch. in a while, we started weapon education. As nighttime approached, it became time for sparring. however, there we some modifications.

here I come!

Asher, defensive his left side with a defend, thrust his sword ahead.

His stance turned into exemplary, but his speed changed into slow. I lightly avoided and struck taking benefit of the outlet. At that second, Roderick all at once seemed. He was wielding a spear with ideal form and struck my defend with force.

A stable effect. He then hastily switched to thrusts, attacking throughout my frame.

rapid and precise. Rodericks level might be lower than Aarons, however in terms of body and ability, he had long exceeded Aaron. His spear moves, which regarded to divide into numerous assaults, had been fired like a barrage.

I blocked with my protect, deflect with the sword, and prevented what can be avoided.

Roderick himself became a formidable opponent.

In that situation, Asher, who regained his stance, struck my left side. Edis, who had been hiding her presence at the proper, appeared and aimed for a essential spot. The timing changed into ideal and it couldnt be avoided or blocked.

three against 1 is hard.

I tapped the ground 3 instances with my left foot, giving the sign.

within the moment whilst the quick sword changed into about to slash my proper arm, Aaron and Jenna, who were watching from a distance, joined in.

The sparring modified from one-on-many to a many-on-many battle.

In other words, it have become a crew education exercising.

furthermore, it changed into additionally a schooling for adapting to chaotic battles. Distinguishing between allies and enemies in consistent combat and keeping teamwork. With the expanded variety of combat-ready heroes, this type of training turned into possible.

Eolka abstained from the usage of magic because of the danger concerned.

After the education was concluded, Anytng logged in.

We already knew the time whilst Anytng logged in. It changed into as I had anticipated.

Han, Jenna, Aaron, Eolka!

As quickly as he logged in, Anytng known as for our main party.

The four folks collected in the rectangular.

ground 12, right? this is entire insanity.

Jenna stated with a huge grin.

however, Aaron appeared a piece gloomy.

If its ground 12, isnt the speed a piece worrying? Its too speedy.

floor eleven clearance was just the previous day.

inside the waiting room time, it turned into the day before today. In Earth time, now not even an afternoon had exceeded.

In other words, if Anytng sends us to floor 12 this time, it method he changed into attempting a excellent-fast climb of greater than 2 floors in a day. It was a silly act.

Open, The Rift of Time and space!


As Iselle reached out her hand, the the front gate of the square opened.

The 3 of them cautiously stepped internal.

I stood outdoor the square with my hands crossed.

Arent you coming in, Oppa?

Jenna gestured to me.

Aaron and Eolka had been anticipating me too.

although it become an order that become difficult to simply accept, the conclusion that I couldnt refuse became deeply ingrained in me.

however I had to.

I closed my eyes.

and i remembered.

lower back after I wasnt a ranker in pick out Me Up, the hero who usually stood earlier than me whenever I made a wrong preference.

That very hero staked his existence for me.

I opened my eyes.

Iselle, what ground did Anytng designate?

[Floor 12.]

Iselle reluctantly spoke back.

As I predicted.

I recalled an coaching that looks sometimes on the loading display screen.

Heroes sometimes make needs or claims to their Masters, and occasionally refuse orders.

and that i said,

I refuse to participate.

[Han () has refused to participate!]



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