
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
210 Chs

Chapter 77: Eolka's Revelation


"What's wrong?"

"I think there's another!"

As Jenna's words blurred, the ground shuddered underneath us. I crushed another troll's head with my shield and withdrew. In the midst of the heavy storm, a lumbering figure arose.

"Stay steady. Handle it just like the previous one."

"But this one seems different?"

"Different how?"

The new monster focused on the carcass of its ally briefly before turning its gaze towards the dam, where a searing wall bursted brilliantly.

"He's going for the gold."

"Got him!"

With another quick movement, Jenna sent off an arrow that lodged itself into the monster's armpit.

In response, the monstrosity let out a rebellious thunder and turned to confront Jenna.

"Excellent. Now, it's focused on me."

"But then the beast slouched, sending off itself in a run towards the dam."

"Damn it."

"Block its way!"

With a twang, a subsequent arrow struck the monster's calf. Brave, the creature continued its tenacious charge.

"The trolls, crowded in its path, were crushed or flung up high."

"Has it flown off the handle?" I panted.

"Our fiery blockade could hold off the trolls, but it was weak against the strong surge of a beast."

"Dropping my shield, I gripped my blade and lurched forward. But, my steps seemed agonizing. I couldn't draw close enough."

"Aaron, keep it from reaching the dam!" I shouted out.

"Undaunted by the lance spearing his knee, the beast let out a tortured thunder and tore past Aaron."

"Is it never going to budge on destroying the dam, in any condition?"

"A capricious threat had joined the battle."

"Jenna, quick as a whip, rode the monster's armored back. With her blade in a reverse hold, she repeatedly plunged it into the creature's trapezius, where the neck and shoulder united."

*Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!*

"Arrrrrggghhhhh!" The monster thundered in pain.

"Who on earth is that?" Eolka's voice echoed in dismay as she opened her eyes after hastily finishing her spellcasting and ran.

"Ignoring trolls, rocks, and flames alike, the monstrosity remained focused on the dam, running towards it decisively."

"I'm too late," I realized.

"Get off it, Jenna."

"In an effortless mid-air somersault, Jenna disengaged from the beast. It then crashed through the dam, creating a spiderweb of cracks. With a deafening crack, a vast opening appeared, and water gushed out wildly."

"The river level began its vertical surge."

"The distant roar of hooves stomping on the ground echoed from the seventh floor, growing stronger by the moment."


"In one swift motion, I plunged my blade into a troll's mouth. The edge emerged from the back of its neck, having sliced through its tongue."

"It was the last one. The monstrosity, its task fulfilled, was swept away by the river's swift current, disappearing from sight. Kicking the inert body of a Troll at my feet, I muttered, 'We've failed.'"

"So what—"

"Time to head back. We need to come up with a new plan."

"A new plan, huh?"

"I momentarily pondered this possibility."

"With no reinforcements, the harsh reality was clear: 370 of us would need to hold back a swarm of over 3,000 trolls."

"I gritted my teeth. A reckless wild card had thrown our mission into chaos. But surrender wasn't an option. We had to find a solution, even if one existed. Retrieving my shield, I cast it behind me."

"The horses' hoofbeats grew stronger and more urgent. However, the river, now a menacing force, was widening at an alarming rate."

"This timetable made no sense," I wrestled back a sigh, desperate to claw its way up my throat.

"Suddenly Eolka broke the silence."

"Hang on."


"Draste Siradus."

"A radiant blue glow began in Eolka's eyes."

"Suddenly, a riverside rock suspended into the ether."


"Directed by Eolka's motion, the stone soared, sealing the cracked dam's breach."

"Water, once freely coursing through the breaches, stopped abruptly. Eolka tossed her drenched hair back, laughing with smugness."

"Hey, you, how—"

"Supernatural power? It's the most basic of magical arts. Surprised, aren't you?"

"Why on earth didn't you say you could follow through with something like this sooner?" I yelled angrily.

"Why are you angry? I just saved a mission that could have failed without me."

"Stumbling, Eolka faltered near the edge of breakdown."

"Aaron ran forward, steadying her."

"Appreciated. You really do have manners, unlike some. I, ah—urg!"

"Eolka's cheek was suddenly in my grip."

"Who told you to conceal your powers, huh? I was clear, 'Let me know all the spells you could use.'"

"You—Oof! This spell was too basic!"


"As I released her cheek, Eolka gave me a look, a cranky scowl beneath her mournful eyes."

"At least, we're alive thanks to you. Gratitude is due. Everyone, refocus. And take sips from your potions."

"Withdrawing to the tree-shaded spot from before, we cleaned ourselves down and drank our potions. Eolka, paler than a ghost, looked ready to vomit, struggling with her mana elixir."

"I wish this rain would ease," Jenna wrung out her dress, a fountain of water spilling from its folds."

"Suddenly, the sound of approaching hooves swirled all around."

"A knight at the very front waved a ruby banner bearing a lion's emblem."

"Following him, a cavalry of hundreds roared out from the forest. Clad in shining plate armor, their sturdy steeds maintained their speed, unperturbed by the mud."

"All forces, advance! Show the courage of the Iron Lion Cavalry!"

"But, Commander, the river—"

"Do I look like I care? Nothing can stop us today! Cross it!"

"Yes, sir! Everyone, charge!"

"One by one, knights began plunging into the stream."

"The river's rage was no match for the cavalry's relentless assault."

"[Human Knight Lv.??? X 458]"

"[The Iron Lion Cavalry NPC allies have joined the battlefield!]"



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