
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
210 Chs

Chapter 60: A Sudden Challenge

The next day arrived.

After tirelessly clearing the weekly dungeon, Anytng led party 2, with Edis in charge, to the fourth floor. However, when we attempted to advance to the sixth floor as our trio, the dungeon wouldn't open its doors.

"[Warning! Re-entry to this dungeon is prohibited.]"

"I warned you not to lose focus, expert."

Once the flow is initiated, returning to the partnered dungeon becomes an impossibility. It may be achievable with specific skills, but given the circumstances, it was simply out of reach.

Jenna rubbed the top of her head, voicing her frustration.

"Why aren't the experts giving us any instructions?"

"Just be patient."

After deliberating briefly, Anytng reached a decision.

"[Principal dungeon, the current challenge lies on the seventh floor.]"

"[The door will open in 10 seconds. Prepare yourselves!]"

"It's the seventh floor. Get ready."

"Brother, we have fewer people in our party."

"We have enough."

Re-entering the fourth floor has become futile due to our higher levels, resulting in diminished experience gains.

The fifth floor is off-limits, and returning to the boss stage is also a challenge.

The path to the sixth floor is blocked, leaving us with only two options from the Expert: either return us to the square or take on the challenge on the seventh floor.

I longed to put my skill, Free-for-All, to the test, and fortunately, a suitable stage presented itself. A brilliant light enveloped the fabric of space-time, and we found ourselves transported to a new environment.

The field appeared to be plain, but there was something peculiar about it.


Within this vast expanse, heavy raindrops fell, drenching us without mercy.

Jenna, shivering, couldn't help but complain.

"What in heaven's name is this?"

"It's quite refreshing, isn't it?"

Drawing my sword from its sheath, I marveled at the way the raindrops dispersed along the path of my blade.

And there they stood, our adversaries.

[Seventh Floor.]

[Mission Type: Subjugation.]

[Objective: Destroy the enemy!]

[Troll Lv.8 X 13]

Through the heavy rainfall, their ruby eyes gleamed with malice.

Giant trolls, clad in armor and wielding weapons, bellowed with rage. Aaron confidently brandished his spear.

"Thank heavens, hyung-nim! We can handle this challenge!"

Quickly, we formed our battle formation. Our party consisted of three individuals: a swordsman, a spearman, and a archer. The composition was perfectly suited for maintaining balance in combat. We had drilled formations to the point of tediousness.

I positioned myself at the front, with Aaron in the middle position, and Jenna, the skilled archer, taking her place in the back.


The trolls, too, assumed their designated positions, neatly dividing themselves between the front and the back, depending on the weapons they wielded.

Within the downpour of precipitation, both our party and the enemy split into two groups.

No words were necessary. The battle ignited with a flurry of arrows from both sides, signaling the start of the fight. I used my shield to deflect arrows heading towards Jenna. Dropping herself down to the ground, Jenna unleashed a volley of arrows.

Direct front-facing attacks were perilous against enemies armed with shields, so she aimed for the vulnerable parts. One of Jenna's arrows pierced through the leg of the lead troll.

Seizing the momentary distraction, my sword and Aaron's spear claimed lives.

"Release it."

As I struck a troll's face, revealing its menacing teeth, memories of a similar sensation flooded through me.

[Han () has entered a free-for-all state!]

My sword shattered the troll's shield, cleaving the creature in half from head to torso. A spray of blood mixed with rain scattered this way and that.

Slaughter and bloodletting ensued.

A surge of exhilaration washed over me. With each swing of my sword, trolls were vanquished. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. The rain, seeping through gaps in my shield, failed to quench my body's heat.

In an instant, I stood amidst a pile of troll carcasses.

Only one foe remained—a solitary figure brandishing a broken blade. Jenna aimed with her bow.

I raised my hand, signaling for Jenna to hold her fire.

"Wait, don't shoot!"

"Why? I'm soaked, and I want to wrap this up quickly."

The battle neared its end.

If that was the case, it was the perfect opportunity to assess this stage. Considering the previous mission was an investigation, there was a high chance that this mission was part of a connected quest. I surveyed our surroundings.

First notable detail.

Rain continued to pour relentlessly.

Second detail.

A river flowed nearby.


A troll, wielding a broken blade, swung it vigorously, charging towards me. I swiftly struck the creature's cheek with my shield.


Moving past the fallen troll, I approached the riverbank.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh."

The river, slicing through the plain, surged and overflowed due to the incessant downpour. Crossing it seemed impossible. Even a slight misstep would sweep me away in an instant, leading to a watery demise.

I edged closer to the riverbank, my curiosity piqued.

"Has the dam


I noticed the scattered remnants of rocks and soil near the water's edge. A quick scan of the surroundings revealed nothing particularly noteworthy. With precision, I dealt the fallen troll a final blow.

As I finished off the enemy, a subtle rumbling sensation reverberated through the ground, causing it to tremble slightly.

"[Stage clear!]"

"[Aaron () has leveled up!]"

[Rewards: 10,000G, 2x Iron Metal (C), 1x Leather (C)]

[MVP: Han ()]

We returned through the rift of existence.

Our drenched bodies seemed to be perceived as objects in need of restoration, as the rain had essentially vanished. Jenna blinked her eyes and ran her fingers through her red hair.

When the tremors signaling our ascent to the next floor ceased, we emerged into the bustling square.

In the heart of the courtyard, Edis huddled with the party members near the fountain, engaged in lively conversation. It seemed they were analyzing their recent battle. Jenna waved her hand eagerly.


"Oh, you all made it too."

"Oppa, is today's schedule complete? Can I go now?"

"Go ahead and go."


I approached Aaron and asked.

"And you? Time slipping away."

"I plan to go to the training grounds."

"Relax. Don't overexert yourself."

I walked back to our lodging. There was no need to linger unnecessarily. Just as on the sixth floor, it was important to document the information we had gathered this time. Preparation for battles didn't solely consist of rigorous training.

Through the courtyard's entrance, I entered our cozy abode.

Casting a fleeting glance backwards, I noticed that the door to the occupational hall remained slightly ajar.

I stepped back outside. Aaron had proactively readied his spear, prepared to depart for the training grounds.

"Aaron, wait, don't go."

"Yes? What's the matter?"

I looked upwards, captivated by the dazzling brilliance that washed over the sky.

Before long, a control panel appeared to my eye.

"If you have any desires right now, make your payment promptly!"

"Moebus supports the Expert's decision!"

"You have selected the Novice Strong Double Bundle!"

[Bundle Items: 5,000 Pearls, 100,000 Gold]

"All of this for only 90,000 won!"

"This amount will be added to your next month's phone bill. Are you certain you want to proceed with the payment?"

"[Yes (Select)]/[No]"

It marked Anytng's third transaction.

"[Payment completed!]"

"The items have been delivered to your mailbox. Please confirm the contents!"

I quickly glanced around.

And there she was, Jenna seemed engrossed in a conversation with Edis.

"So, you know, when oppa is sleeping, he talks in his sleep and—"


"Huh? You're still here?"

"Forget the nonsense. Bring me that thing from my room. It should be on the table in my room. The one we drew last time."

"What a hassle."

Grumbling, Jenna headed towards the lodging.

Edis asked, curious, "What's going on?"

"I think we're getting newcomers. People like you."



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