
Pick me up

In the world of a mobile gacha game, 'Loki', who was in earth till just now is this mobile game for some unknown reason, He who was once a top-ranked Master, awakens to find himself reincarnated as a lowly Level 1 hero named 'Han Yslat'. Now determined to return to Earth, he must lead a team of novice Masters and heroes through the game's toughest challenges, including conquering the dreaded 100th floor of the Dungeon. Armed with grit, wit, and a refusal to accept defeat, Loki embarks on an epic journey of hard-carrying heroism in Pick Me Up Webtoon.

Jigsaw404 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
210 Chs

Chapter 45: Forest Sovereign

Jenna's sharp eyes scanned her surroundings as she approached the mysterious glowing circle with a radius of approximately 3 meters.

"What is this?"

I couldn't resist my curiosity and picked up a small rock, tossing it into the mysterious space.

[Han() collects Trash(F).]

[Tips/Waste is unnecessary. Please dispose of it.]

Next, I decided to sever a significant branch from a nearby tree.

Quickly, I flung the cut-off branch into the mysterious space.

[Han() collects Branch.]

[Tips/By collecting 100 Branch items, you can process them into Lumber. However, you will need a carpentry station.]

"Got it."

"What? Could you explain it for me too?"

"Toss the gathered materials into that space. Items like branches will accumulate in the storage, and you can use them to craft things."

With that explanation, I snapped off another branch and threw it.

[Han() collects Branch.]

"Is it as simple as that?"

I nodded in affirmation.

The three of them, both confused and intrigued, began to break branches from nearby trees and throw them into the shimmering portal. Before long, system messages appeared before us.

"Truly, for efficient farming here, we would need tools like axes or saws. Breaking branches multiple times wouldn't even compare to a single log. But since Anytng hadn't provided us with any tools, we had no other choice."

"Is that really enough? We won't have to fight?"

"Yeah, it feels different. We just need to gather."

"Hmph, we hit the jackpot for once."

The three of them let out relieved sighs, appearing somewhat reassured.

Participating in this process of gathering like this, collecting branches and throwing them into the portal, was much preferable to fighting monsters and being splattered with blood. Leaving the trio behind, we ventured further into the heart of the forest.

"Where are we going?"


"Hunting? What kind? Wild boar? Deer? Rabbit? Are we finally going to have meat to eat?"

"It isn't that kind of hunting."


Jenna's eyes sparkled with excitement, and suddenly, she began to run.

"Wait for me, meat!"

Jenna ran through the gaps between trees, pushing through the dense foliage. In her right hand, a bow emerged, an arrow already nocked.

I followed closely behind Jenna, determined not to lose focus on her.

She effortlessly leaped over tangled vegetation and surged through the lush undergrowth, moving swiftly towards her target. However, I managed to keep pace.

Somewhere in the distance, near the majestic Adrim Tree, a deer peacefully grazed on the grass.

As the deer savored its delicious meal, it suddenly noticed Jenna and startled, leaping away. But in no time, Jenna's arrow found its mark, piercing the deer's leg.

With deft grace, Jenna executed a triangular leap over interlaced branches. Following suit, I swiftly cleaved a branch with my sword and pursued her. The injured deer was not far ahead, limping along.


Jenna's face bore no trace of remorse as she stopped an arrow into the deer's neck.

The deer let out a mournful cry before falling onto the verdant forest floor. Surveying the fallen, Jenna's satisfaction was evident.

"It'll be delicious."

"Don't you think so too, oppa? The tender texture, the juicy flavors! Once grilled, it will make for a magnificent feast!"

"Well, I suppose."

Despite Chloe's culinary skills, potatoes alone couldn't captivate everyone's attention.

"Do you know how to butcher?"

"Of course. I've been doing it for a long time."

Jenna unholstered her knife from her belt. As she pressed the blade against the deer's carotid artery, blood flowed steadily.

"After draining the blood like this, we remove the hide and organs. Then, we cut it into smaller pieces for a delicious meal."

"Make sure to separate the ingredients and store them in the storage portal. Don't forget anything."

"Where are you off to?"

"For some business."

"Then I'm coming as well!"

"You can go hunting. I'm also tired of just eating potatoes. You're originally a hunter, so you know what you should do; you should be fine. If it's too challenging for you to carry the ingredients alone, call those people. Trust me, it'll be ten times, no, a hundred times better than gathering branches."


Though it was a bit vexing, I decided to hunt alone.

Leaving Jenna, who deftly cleaned the deer, behind, I ventured further into the forest. A rabbit perked up and twitched its ears upon seeing me, but I paid it no mind and continued on my journey.

What I sought was the Sovereign of the Woods.

It was a rare beast that appeared in the forest weekly prison.

The superior elemental stone it possessed could be used as an upgrade material. It didn't always appear, but I had a rough idea of its spawning location. If I continued towards the forest center, there should be a ravine.

And fortunately, I found the ravine. Drawing my sword and shield, I surveyed the surroundings before slowly advancing upstream along the ravine. Rabbits and wild boars quenched their thirst by the water, but I ignored them. The forest became denser and darker as I progressed upstream.

I checked the remaining time displayed in my field of vision.


Approximately 30 minutes remained. Once that time elapsed, I would be automatically transported back.

I had to capture it. Besides the elemental stone here, I desired two more materials from other weekly prisons.

I found it.

The creature resided in a small lake within the ravine.

Its appearance resembled that of a deer, but a large horn adorned its forehead. Its massive body could be mistaken for that of a rhinoceros. A horned doe. Two smaller bucks stood nearby, forming a protective barrier.

[Forest Sovereign Lv.10]

Level 10.

Silently counting, I concealed myself behind a tree.




I burst out from my hiding spot and charged forward.

One of the bucks, comfortable drinking water, met my gaze.


The deer writhed in agony as I swiftly slit its throat. The other buck turned its horns towards me. With my shield, I deflected the horns and drove my sword into its neck.

In the blink of an eye, I dispatched both deer and wiped the blood off the sword's tip.

"Your sweethearts are dead. Does that dampen your spirits?"


The deer responded with a quiet exhale.

"Come at me."



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