
Physically Affecting Animal Mutation

Life is not fair. All men aren’t created or treated equally. This has been the way of life since the dawn of time. It probably will still be the same in a thousand years. Maybe worse. 100 years ago, this way of life got worse, and it all started with a glowing baby. Through the evolution of humans and the emergence of quirks, wars were started, families killed and torn apart. At first everyone hated the special ones; they feared them and what people feared they sought to destroy. However, as time went on and as many more people started developing quirks people started to accept this new way of life and adapted their way of living to use these powers. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Some people didn’t go on with their everyday lives, didn’t want to conform to others’ wills and they started using these blessings to hurt others. Criminals turned into villains; they went from petty crime to genocide. In the emergence of villains, the profession of heroes also rose, swiftly stopping those who sought to destroy. As people grew more powerful though the government made new laws to prohibit the use of quirks unless having a special license for them. Rankings were installed making the once pure profession of heroism a competition for more fame and more money. Nowadays only 10% of the world are still quirkless. At first people didn’t care, so what if you couldn’t turn your hair blue, or pop out your eyes from its socket, you were still considered human. But as people grew more powerful people saw how little power those without quirks had. Friends and families turned on one another, all because of a single label. Quirkless. The only thing worse than having no quirk though, is having a mutant quirk.

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5 Chs

Kill Yourself

Chapter 1:

Life is not fair. All men aren't created or treated equally. This has been the way of life since the dawn of time. It probably will still be the same in a thousand years. Maybe worse. 100 years ago, this way of life got worse, and it all started with a glowing baby. Through the evolution of humans and the emergence of quirks, wars were started, families killed and torn apart. At first everyone hated the special ones; they feared them and what people feared they sought to destroy. However, as time went on and as many more people started developing quirks people started to accept this new way of life and adapted their way of living to use these powers.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Some people didn't go on with their everyday lives, didn't want to conform to others' wills and they started using these blessings to hurt others. Criminals turned into villains; they went from petty crime to genocide. In the emergence of villains, the profession of heroes also rose, swiftly stopping those who sought to destroy. As people grew more powerful though the government made new laws to prohibit the use of quirks unless having a special license for them. Rankings were installed making the once pure profession of heroism a competition for more fame and more money.

Nowadays only 10% of the world are still quirkless. At first people didn't care, so what if you couldn't turn your hair blue, or pop out your eyes from its socket, you were still considered human. But as people grew more powerful people saw how little power those without quirks had. Friends and families turned on one another, all because of a single label. Quirkless. The only thing worse than having no quirk though, is having a mutant quirk.

Those of the population that had physical affecting mutation quirks, or mutant quirks, were treated like monsters or freaks. They were muzzled, beaten and isolated. People feared them. But if you had an animal mutation, instead of being feared you were looked down on, seen as weak, no better than quirkless. They were treated the worst.

As quirks evolved, technology also did. New tech was built and encrypted with programs that not only helped people evolve their quirks but also helped them find them out before they even knew what it was. And-

"Thank you Midoriya, I think that is quite enough."

Right, I couldn't even finish my English Assignment without interruption. "S-Sir, I s-still have another 5-500 words for m-my presen-presentation left..."

"I'm sure you do, Midoriya, I'm sure you do." I hated that, the condescending tone, the way everyone underestimated me. I hated that I was seen as weak. But then again that was better than being seen as less than human, oh wait, I am.

Without another word of complaint, I walk back to my seat keeping my head down. However, I don't even make it 3 steps before a foot is planted in front of me, too quickly for me to avoid it. With a sickening crack, I tripped over the shoe and fell roughly on my wrist. Not making a sound I quickly get back up and make the rest of the way back to my seat.

This was nothing new, every day I was belittled, was beaten down, had to endure the looks of pity and disgust that followed me not only at school or in the streets but also at home. It started 12 years ago; on the day I got my quirk. A physical affecting mutation quirk.

Usually when someone with a mutant quirk is born, they already have their quirk. I didn't. because if this no one thought I would have one, not even me. But then one day when I was 4, while I was playing with Kacchan at home, I was suddenly hit with pain so bad that I passed out. When I woke, I was in a hospital with my parents shouting at the doctor outside. Later I found out that the pain was due to ears and tail appearing on my body. I had a physically affecting animal mutation quirk in the form of a fox.

As part of my fox mutation, I have fluffy green fox ears my human ears having receded when they came in. I have a fluffy tail that if it weren't for all the fluff would be mistaken for a cats tail. The only thing that was really obvious about the mutation is the sharp canines I now have. Other than that, I have the enhanced senses of a fox and instincts of a fox.

Since that day my life has been turned upside down. The first blow was when my dad left. He left a week after the reveal, with nothing more than an explanation that he didn't want a weak freak. The next to go was Kacchan. He lasted a month.

At first, we talked about all the ways I could use my quirk to be a hero, how we could still be the most Dynamic Hero duo. Yeah, that was a stupid name. Slowly though, he started pulling away from me, he stopped talking about how we could be heroes and started to avoid me. Until one day he used his quirk on me and gave me not only the nickname Deku but also the shinny bright scar on my chest.

Finally, my mom left. She lasted 6 months. She didn't leave me in the traditional way of abandoning me, but sometimes I wish she did. Instead, she blamed me for dad leaving, she blamed me for her losing her job, she blamed me for ruining her body.

Instead of leaving me she hurt me. First, she took away all the hero merch I had, then she slowly but surely took away all my other possessions until I only had a book for school, some stationery, a blanket and a pillow. The only clothes I had left were my school uniform and one pair of shorts and one shirt. Then I lost my room. Instead of a room I was moved to a small room that connected to my moms room.

Every day I was reminded of how I was useless, how I was to blame for everything that was wrong with the world. Everyday new scars appeared on my skin in the form of starbursts (from Kacchan) to long slashes on his arms and legs (his classmates) and little pieces of missing flesh on his arms and back (his mother).

That brings us back to today. It was the day everyone had to do an English assignment on the dawn of quirks, meaning everything had to be written and spoken in English. I kinda went over the word limit of 600 words by just a little, e.i I have 2000 words. Due to my mutation everyone at school started to hate me, they either saw me as weak or saw me as a freak. At first, I didn't really care, I mean I loved my quirk. But then the spider lilies became frequent, the collection of scars on my skin grew more substantial. I went from the outgoing happy boy to the shy freak that had anxiety and panic attacks just from hearing a loud pop.

But I could handle it. In just 10 months I will be taking the UA entrance exam, and everything will be ok. I will be away from Kacchan, I will be able to be away from mom more often. That's if I actually pass the exam. I mean realistically I know I won't. I mean I'm a freak with a weak quirk. And- and I mean why would UA want someone as weak as him as stupid as him. Why would they even accept his application. I mean wouldn't it be better if he just didn't apply, wouldn't it be better if he JUST CRAWLED INTO A HOLE AND NEVER CAME OUT, WOULDN'T IT BE BETTER IF HE JUST KILLED HIM-!

And he's having a panic attack. Ok that's fine just hold it and wait until-


And that was the bell. Without waiting for the teacher to say anything I quickly took my stuff and sprinted to the only room in the school where no one could get to me, the janitors closet. Quickly slamming the door behind me and locking it before I find the darkest corner of the room where I finally let myself break down. This wasn't the first time that during the midst of hyping myself up I start to spiral into self-deprecation.

At first, I couldn't control my emotions enough to hold in a panic attack but over the past 12 years I learnt that having a panic attack was not a good idea. After I finally calmed down from my episode, I started eating my lunch both hoping the day would end and hoping it wouldn't, for obvious reasons.

When the bell goes later in the day signaling the last class of the day, I start counting the minutes until I can finally leave. Some time in the middle of the of the class the teacher stops he lecture. I think he was talking about careers.

"Oh, who am I kidding, you all want to be heroes anyway!" he suddenly yells out throwing out the career pamphlets onto the floor. That would probably be a pain to clean later. I don't have long to think about that though because not long after the teacher says that every person in the class starts yelling and using their quirks, being overall loud. This only stopped when Kacchan started laughing.

"HAHAHA. Oi teach, don't lump me in with these losers, I'm the real deal, they can be lucky if they end up a sidekick to some crappy D lister" The silence Kacchan heeds doesn't last long until again people are yelling, this time about how arrogant Kacchan must be. "What are you extra's talking about, I aced the mock exam. Ill be the only one from this shitty school to get into UA!"

"UA aren't they only doing an acceptance rate of 7% this year?"

"I heard it's supper hard to get in."

"The written exam is rumored to be really hard."

"I heard the practical is worse."

On and on people talked over each other, exclaiming their shock at what they were hearing, again just being loud. At least I was being ignored.

"Hey Midoriya, aren't you also applying to UA" Never mind. Guess the teacher doesn't understand how he can't actually release private student information to the class. Suddenly the surprise shouts from Kacchan's announcement turned into loud laughter, people starting to mock me, the useless freak, about trying to get into UA.

"HA Deku? Why would UA accept a Deku like you? You listen and you listen well, I will be the only one in this crappy school to get into UA. The others won't make it far, but you!? HA, you'll die in the exam. So don't even think of applying to UA you USELESS FREAK!" And there Kacchan blowing up my desk, and yup I'm on the floor again. Nothing new. Not wasting another second on me, Kacchan moves back to his desk and the teacher continues on with his lesson, not even bothering with me. Nothing new.

After the final bell goes 20 minutes later, I'm just about to run out of the door when Kacchan and his two lackey's block my path. They don't say anything or even do anything but look at me until everyone else has left the room and it just us. When it is it's like a switch was flipped because instantly, the two other boys are pushing me up against the nearest wall and holding me there. Kacchan slowly moves towards me, an anger in his eyes that scares me more than normal.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here, we caught a useless Deku. Tell me what went through your useless fucking head when you applied for UA? You're a fucking animal, a useless freak. Why would anyone want you?" As Kacchan was saying all this he was still stalking slowly to me until he was right in front of me. Before I can process anything, Kacchan punches my stomach enhanced by an explosion, forcing the air out of my lungs. "I thought I had gotten the message across last time not to apply, but it seems you just never learn. Let's fix that, shall we?" What I hate more than the yelling is when Kacchan is quiet, so when he started whispering, I could already feel the pain that was to come.

And come it did. For the next however long it was, Kacchan beat me up using whatever he had on him always enhanced by his quirk. By the time he was done, he was on the ground, no longer being held up, lying in a pool of his own blood with at least two new scars covering his shoulder and stomach. Right as the three started to leave, Kacchan stopped and looked over his shoulder at me.

"You know, if you really want to be a hero so bad, there's and easy way to do so, pray you'll be born human in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!" And with their laughter following them, they left. I didn't. I stayed lying on the floor, the bleeding starting to slow down. I don't know how long I was lying there but all I could think of was those words. The words I had heard so many times but never from Kacchan. I never thought that the relationship between us would crumble so far. What happened to the boy I used to know. The one that stood up for me against highschoolers when we were in pre-school. What happened to all the play dates and sleepovers we had. What happened to my best friend?

Finally at some point, I found the energy to stand up and using the towel I kept on hand for these types of days, I cleaned up the blood before I slowly started making my way home. Not wanting to be home anytime soon after what just happened, I took a detour through an underpass headed towards the nearby park. But just my luck because I don't even make it halfway through the underpass before I hear a bang as the grate behind me flies into the air, landing in front of me.

I don't even have a chance to turn around before something leaps on me, something gooey and wet. And before I can even make a noise that same gooeyness is being shoved down my throat. Vaguely I hear the thing on me speaking. "Nice a medium sized skin suit! You'll do well kid. Now don't worry it'll hurt for another 20 seconds and then it's down. Thanks a lot for this kid, you're my Hero."

I didn't want to be a hero to this thing. But I had no choice, I was slowly but surly suffocating. Soon black dots started appearing in my vision and as I kept clawing away at the substance forcing its way down my throat I thought about if this was really how I was going to die. Just before I passed out, I heard yelling and then it was darkness.

I wasn't in the dark for long though, a hard slapping on my face bringing me face to face with none other than All Might, the number one hero. Gasping for air I stared awestruck at my idol. All might see that I was awake stood up and went back to pick up this green slime off the walls around us. At one point I saw him pick up eyes and teeth and that's when it hit me, that was a person, a person whose quirk made them into sludge. I had a villain down my throat. That realization had me turning my head and throwing up what ever was in my stomach. Since there wasn't much to begin with, I started dry heaving having bile, green slime and even some blood come up.

When I was finally finished with that, I turned around again to see that All Might was also finishing up. Before he could leave though, I called out to him. "Wait All Might, do you think that someone with a quirk like mine could ever be a hero?" I hoped I would hear the answer I wanted. I mean he always said in his interviews that anyone could be a hero. So that would mean-

"You a hero. No kid I don't think so. We need normal people, useful people. You would not only be a liability but you're not even human. So, no you can be a hero. It's nice to have dreams but be realistic." And with those he flew off, taking my hope with him.