
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Ch 7

I had woken up later than I had planned, mostly because I had been feeling supercharged due to my late night encounter with Nicole. Sleep was elusive when enough hormones to resurrect the dead man coursed through one's veins. I had to masturbate a couple of times just to calm myself enough to sleep.

I took a quick shower, then moved to my desk, processing the photos I was going to send to the client, carefully separating the work ones from the ones I took for my personal pleasure. I had no intention of sharing the true Nicole with a bunch of faceless office drones after all.

She was mine.

It was afternoon when I climbed up the stairs. I wasn't afraid of Nicole's reaction. I understood her enough to know that she wouldn't be able to bring herself to acknowledge the events that happened at either bedroom, or at the road in between. Indeed, if my prediction was correct, she wouldn't even be in the living room, trying to avoid my presence as much as possible, hoping in vain that time would be able to solve her confusion. Admittedly, it might have if she had a few weeks to deaden the emotional impact. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her, I was too close for her to get such a long break.

I would have liked to lounge in the living room, just to see her face when she came down, but I had other things to handle. Katie had sent me a message, informing me about another date I needed to attend. I refrained from berating her by saying I had no obligation to do so, mainly because of the two beautiful young women that were waiting for me there, one doing her best to seduce me to annoy the other, and the other forced to play my girlfriend to avoid losing face after a ridiculous lie.

I would've liked to meet with Katie at the house, the drive would no doubt be fun as I tried to convince her for a more believable double act, but they had apparently decided to go to the movie theater directly after the school. Still, it wasn't a critical loss, not with the dark environment of the cinema offering a range of interesting opportunities.

I parked my car and walked inside, a glance enough to catch two girls, one curly red, the other brunette, at one corner of the lobby, examining the movie posters. I walked towards them, and while I wasn't trying to be sneaky I knew they missed my approach, distracted by the posters. I wrapped my arms around Katie's waist and whispered into her hear. "Hello, honey."

Startled under my touch, she tried to turn back in panic, but my arms were tight around her. Her head turned, the panic draining off her face, replaced by recognition. "Hi, Ste-," she started before coming to a sudden stop, clever enough to realize it wouldn't be convincing to call me by my name. "Sweetheart," she replaced instead. I smirked, leaning forward despite her sudden panic, and pressed my lips to hers for a second. She stilled, and I had pulled back before a reaction could cut through her shock.

"Hi Madison," I said instead as I took a step around Katie.

"Hello," she said, her tone oozing with sexuality in a huge contrast to Katie, but I was more interested in the spark behind her eyes, like she was challenging me to a duel. In a way she was, especially after the defeat she had experienced yesterday. The interesting thing was the defeat, instead of making her cautious, seemed to arouse her fighting spirit. A challenge I welcomed with enthusiasm, wanting to see how far she was willing to go. I tried to shake her hand, but she ignored in favor of an enthusiastic, lingering hug that would be very inconvenient if Katie had been my real girlfriend.

She kept her arms tight around me until Katie coughed pointedly, warning her that her closeness was a bit too much. "So, girls," I interjected. "Any ideas about the film about the film you want to see?"

"Ohh, let's go see this one," Madison exclaimed, pointing the poster of a recent movie. I quirked my eyebrows while Katie suddenly blushed, as it was a movie that had created a lot of buzz, mostly because it had pushed what could be seen in an R rated movie to its limits.

I just shrugged in response before turning to Katie, ignoring her eyes, promising future retribution. I wasn't going to fight her battles, if she didn't want to see the movie, she had to give its battle herself. "Umm, maybe we should watch something different. I heard that a couple of the latest action movies are quite good."

"Aww, is little Katie feeling shy all of a sudden with her boyfriend." She smirked. "It's not like we haven't watched those movies in our slumber parties, after all."

"Of course not," Katie stammered, her rapidly expanding blush telling that Madison managed to hit the bullseye with her accusation. Madison said nothing, just smirked before dashing towards the teller.

"Very firm stance," I said with an amused glance, watching Katie blush.

"Oh shut up," she said, underlining her statement with a soft slap to my arm. "It's not a big deal."

I chose not to say anything, my mind already on how to leverage the opportunities that were afforded by the moment. It would be a pity if I failed to benefit from Madison's bold move. When she came back with three tickets in hand, it was too late for Katie to object, even though her dissatisfaction the chosen movie was obvious.

"Movie is about to start, let's go," I said as I wrapped my hand around Katie's. I could feel her out of control pulse on my skin, another sign of just how excited she was. I walked silently as the girls gossiped about the latest scandal in the school. Another surprise was waiting for us in the movie theater, it was completely empty. Convenient, I decided, though I wasn't the only one that thought like that if I was able to decipher Madison's expression correctly.

I was a step ahead as I walked towards the back of the theater, and took a seat towards the middle. Katie sat to my right, then sent a pointed glare to Madison as she patted the seat next to her. Madison thoroughly ignored her gesture and sat to my left. Katie looked at her pointedly, but chose not to say anything. Katie turned her glance at me, but I just shrugged, as I was far from unhappy about current seating order. Her lips parted as she about to say something. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like those words, so I leaned forward for a quick peck before she could utter them. A shocked expression was on her face as I pulled back, her words forgotten. This time, her shock passed much quicker, but the movie started before I could push her new limits.

The movie proved that it was deserving of the controversy it brought by opening with a steamy sex scene. I could feel Katie stiffening in shock, but I took a hold of her hand, caressing softly. This time, I hadn't even had to gesture towards Madison for her to relax under my touch. I carefully led our tangled hands on the upper part of her thigh, then settling back to watch the movie.

I was a bit surprised when Madison leaned over my arm, carefully so that the side of her breast was pushing to my arm. I had to admit, I was a bit surprised, as I wasn't expecting Madison to start pushing the barriers that quickly. I looked at her with the corner of my eye, only to see one of her hands slowly climbing over her own leg, something that could be ignored easily if it didn't push her skirt away, revealing more and more of her legs, toned to perfection thanks to endless cheerleading training. It was a struggle to pull my gaze away from them despite seeing them -and much more of her- before.

Thankfully, I had a few good reasons to play hard to get. The first was the beautiful brunette on my right, who would doubtlessly get extremely annoyed with my easy capitulation. Even more, I had no illusion about Madison's attention. It was conditional to Katie's perceived ownership over me and would wither as soon as Katie 'dumped' me, my earlier victory over her all but ensured that. I still didn't know about the reason for that ridiculous rivalry, not that I would lose any sleep if I failed to learn the reason. The results were all that I cared for.

So, I ignored Madison's display in favor of throwing my arm around Katie's shoulder. I could feel her freezing the moment she felt my arm around herself, but I ignored it. After all, the whole point was for her to get used to physical contact, which would lead to further intimacy.

Or maybe not the whole point, I corrected myself a few minutes later, when I reflexively turned to the side after catching a movement at the edge of my vision, only to see Madison sitting at the same position I left her except one rather important detail. Her panties, previously hidden under her skirt, had been pushed midway to her thighs. I looked at her questioningly but got only a smirk in response.

I was tempted to ask her the reason for her aggressiveness, curious what drove her, her rivalry with Katie, or her defeat in our latest encounter. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best topic of conversation while Katie was there, so my attention moved to the next topic, namely defusing the situation without alerting Katie.

I turned towards her to briefly catch her eyes, though even before seeing her cheerful defiance I knew that convincing herself to wear them back was a lost cause. The mischievousness that shone in the depths of her eyes was all the confirmation I needed. After a shrug, I let my left-hand sneak towards Madison's legs even as I turned my head towards Katie, trying to distract her in the form of a kiss to her neck. "Stephen!" she moaned, not expecting the sudden moan.

"What?" I said before pressing my lips to her neck once more, earning another shocked gasp. I could feel Madison giggling silently as my free hand sneaked over her legs, feeling the tremors as it searched for the offending fabric. Still, I was glad her for not making any noise. Even if Katie was a fake-girlfriend, I wasn't stupid enough to assume she wouldn't get offended if she caught me fondling her rival while kissing her.

"It tickles," Katie managed to whisper a few seconds later. "Stop it," she added, but considering the following giggles, I couldn't help but feel that it was an opening shot of a negotiation rather than a demand. Which was why instead of stopping, I let my kisses trail down until I was tracing a trail along her collarbone, while my other hand pushed Madison's panties down towards her feet. Thankfully, Madison decided to be cooperative and raised her feet, allowing me to pull her panties free easily without Katie noticing.

Still, I only pulled back after covering Katie's collarbone in kisses. Katie said nothing, not that it was surprising. She was blushing red under the effects of the unexpected intimacy. "Are you okay, honey?" I whispered, glad that Katie wasn't looking at me, and missing the smug smirk that invaded my face. It might have been hard to explain the reason for it.

"Yes," she managed to whisper as she sank to the seat, failing to keep herself upright under the rush of emotions. I smiled in satisfaction as I relaxed on my seat, focusing on the movie for a while. It was tempting to continue messing with Katie, but I already pushed deep into her comfort zone. There was no point taking pointless risks.

All three of us focused on the movie during the relative inactivity, watching as a thrilling tale of intrigue, betrayal, and sex unfolded before our eyes. Though, the silence had a different reason for each one of us. For Katie, it was an opportunity to get a bearing of her nerves. For Madison, it was an opportunity to tease me in an attempt to take revenge for our earlier encounter, where I played her like an upright bass. And I waited with the patience of a winemaker, aware that the situation needed a bit of time before it reached a perfect consistency. Patience was an underrated virtue when it came to seduction.

The opportunity I was waiting revealed itself at the break. Overwhelmed by the situation, Katie jumped to her feet as soon as the screen darkened, mumbling something incomprehensible before dashing away. I watched her disappear with an amused smile. Then, I turned to my left as soon as the door closed, only to see Madison had pushed the envelope even further. She somehow managed to unbutton her shirt midway without me or Katie noticing, enough to tell me that she was lacking a bra. Her legs were parted open as if trying to remind me about the absence of her panties, like I could forget that particular detail while I could feel their distinct presence in my pocket.

Still, neither was as interesting as her eyes, filled with a shining challenge, daring me to finish her before Katie could return from the bathroom. Even if Katie stayed away for the entire direction of the break, it meant that I had less than ten minutes to bring her to a climax.

"Challenge accepted," I whispered even as I leaned forward, pressing my lips to her neck in a heated assault. A gasp barely escaped her mouth before she shrugged the effect of the surprise, returning back to silence. I pulled back for a lingering second, enough to catch a satisfied expression on her face. I couldn't help but smirk, she was in denial if her resistance to my opening moves meant anything. Still, such arrogance needed to be punished, lest it festered and stained her soul.

I was a true saint, I thought with a smirk, one that was enough to damage her confidence. Already cracked, her confidence didn't last for long, shattering as soon as she felt my hands over her body, one slid inside her blouse through the generous opening left by her cleavage, the other traversing her toned legs before it slid into the promising depths of her skirt. She opened her mouth, but the time for words was over. I pressed my lips to hers, my tongue invading her mouth without a warning, blocking her ability to form words.

Not that she hadn't tried to speak. Ineffectually, she tried to murmur something, going as far as trying to push me away when my fingers found her entrance, sliding inside her tunnel without a warning. But my fingers went in and out repeatedly, draining the power behind her pushes. They stopped completely when I imprisoned her nipple between my fingers, squeezing and twisting, forcibly extracting beautiful gasps off her. I pushed my fingers deeper, all the digits disappearing from the view, making her moan despite all the barriers she tried to put.

Since I already had practical knowledge about the sensitive points of her body, it was trivial for me to push her towards the first stage of arousal. I pushed my fingers deeper, my thumb circling around her clit rapidly. All the while, my other hand was busy unlocking the last of her buttons.

Beset with pleasure, she failed to notice the front of her shirt lay open, revealing her shapely breasts. Or she had, until I pulled away from the kiss and wrapped my lips around one of her nipples instead. "That feels amazing-" she started moaning, but her statement was cut halfway as my teeth joined the fray, replacing her words with an indescribable cry.

Under my fingers, she was like a toy that was begging to be played, her inexperience showing its head. It wasn't the inexperience of a sheltered virgin, as it was obvious it was far from her first sexual encounter. But usually, teenage boys were notoriously bad in pleasuring the opposite sex, overwhelmed with a desire to satisfy their own desires instead.

It was ironic that currently, I had the opposite problem, forced to bring her to an explosive climax with a complete abandon of my own needs. Unfortunately, every second that passed meant another opportunity for Katie to return, demolishing the surprisingly impressive house of cards I had managed to build, constructed from lies, reinforced by deception. Ironic, considering the photography was the art of the truth. Or at least, supposed to be, I amended as I remembered the impressive range of manipulation, digital or otherwise, that went into each photo.

Realizing that her cries quieted, I focused back on my task. It wasn't the time for philosophical ramblings. My attention back on my fingers that was exploring her insides, it didn't take long for her to shudder under a rush of pleasure.

At that point, the safe choice was to leave her there and get out, meeting with Katie halfway. But it was hard to be rational when the tightness of my pants reached the point of torture. I stood up and whipped my shaft free. I was intending to cover her tits with my shaft, but her lips, parting open invitingly, gave me a different idea.

I pushed close, and her lips parted open even more, her expression still drunken. I wasn't able to prevent a moan of my own as her lips wrapped around the crown. Another followed as I pushed deeper, ignoring the sudden gag that escaped her mouth. Back of her head supported by the chair, allowing me to push deeper into her throat, enjoying the heat of her furnace. She wheezed around my shaft, trying to breathe, but I didn't give her the opportunity, fucking her throat mercilessly.

"Come on honey, try a bit," I murmured as she struggled in her attempts to swallow my shaft. It was amusing to watch her bristle at the insinuation that she was lacking in ability. Truly, pride was a dangerous sin. I kept my pace until I felt a wave of pleasure building inside, then pulled out at the last second, covering her face and her tits with my seed. "Good attempt, sweetie," I said with a smirk as I pulled my pants on. "Almost passable," I added, chuckling at the flare of outrage on her face. Still, she said nothing as I walked away in quick steps, aware of the risk of Katie entering.

Luck was on my side, as I managed to catch her a dozen steps away from the entrance. "Hi Katie, do you want some popcorn," I said even as I slid my arm around hers, pulling her alongside before she could answer.

It was a close call that left my heart beating crazily, but it was definitely worth it…

My heart was beating my chest mercilessly while I directed Katie towards the snacks bar, and more importantly, away from the room where Madison was busy trying to gather herself back to a shape where she could mix with the people without indecency charges. Thankfully, I wasn't lacking material to distract her. "How was the movie?" I asked.

"It was okay," Katie answered, but her burning face indicated her feelings about the movie was a tad stronger than her mild description had suggested. Her shyness was begging for me to mess with her, so I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Stephen!" she exclaimed in protest, but she made absolutely no attempt to pull back. Despite all we had done, she was still feeling still under my unfamiliar touch, which would be annoying if I couldn't see her obvious enjoyment.

Still, it was something that needed to get better. "You need to be able to feel more comfortable with casual intimacy. Think about what would happen if Madison had stepped out, seeing you trying to stay in distance. Do you want her to be suspicious after all the effort you have put in this?" She looked away, but let her body to relax in my embrace, which was all I needed. I put my finger below her chin, pushing slightly, leading her to raise her head. Her eyes met mine questioningly, but before her lips could form that question, I captured them in a slow, lingering kiss.

With Katie softened and Madison exhausted, I had high hopes for the second half of the movie, and even more for the date that would follow. Unfortunately, the kiss was cut by the annoying ringing of my phone. I raised it in annoyance, intending to close it before shifting my attention back to Katie's pretty lips, only to be forced to change plans when I noticed the name on the display. The caller was a client that I was trying to set a meeting for the last six months. "Sorry, I need to take this," I said to Katie before raising the phone to my ear, stepping away to talk.

The call lasted for less than a minute, but it managed to derail my plans for the afternoon. "Sorry, Katie," I said with a genuine regret in my voice. "But it was a last minute emergency from an important client. And they are too important for me to blow." Which was accurate, as I was trying to get some work from them for the last few months, but failed because they already had a working arrangement with one the bigger agencies in the town, but apparently, the money they were asking was starting to get too much, hence their willingness to test some new talent. Katie was a smart girl, able to understand what I was driving at, but I still told it explicitly. "They just invited me for a meeting, and unfortunately, it's just half an hour later."

"It's okay," Katie murmured, though her expression told a different story. It wasn't hard to emphasize, because I was feeling quite bummed as well. Everything had been aligned, the movie, mood, not to mention the opening I had been struggling to arrange in an elegant fashion that left me just a step away from success. Alas, sometimes plans didn't work as expected.

"Thanks, honey, you're very understanding," I said before hugging her for one last time, pressing my hands to her back, low enough to be dangerously close to her bottom. Her expression of shock was understandable, as there was little chance Madison would jump out from the door at the exact moment of my hug. She was frozen like a cute Popsicle when I pulled back. "See you at home," I added before she pushed through her shock to say anything, and walked away.