
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Ch 6

I was murmuring a cheerful melody as I pulled to the driveway, unable to contain my upbeat mood. An understandable challenge considering the interesting day I had. It was just the second day of my new tenancy, but I had some interesting interactions with three different beautiful woman, all with almost no effort, not to mention netting an amazing model that worked well-below the market rate for her beauty and raw skill. It left only Nancy outside my growing web. I took a note to have a talk her, curious about the angles I could push her. Considering the ease I was progressing with the other two occupants, it wasn't wrong to be hopeful about that as well.

Still, I needed to solidify my hold on Katie first, I decided as I entered the house. I looked around, hoping to see Katie in the living room, but she was absent. "Maybe she is in her room," I murmured, considering whether to take the risk of going upstairs. It was a risk because it would be hard to explain my presence if I came across to Nancy. Coming across Nicole, on the other hand, would be interesting.

Without risk, there was no gain, I decided after a moment's consideration, and climbed the stairs for the second floor for the first time. Admittedly, it wasn't an exciting floor architecture. A short corridor, littered by four doors, one cracked to reveal a smallish bathroom. The one next to it likely belonged to Nicole since it was the largest room. It left me two doors on the right side, both identical. I decided to knock the first one, because I could hear the sound of music coming behind the door.

Seeing no benefit of stretching the situation, I knocked. "What!" said the voice I easily identified as Katie, signaling she wasn't in the best of moods.

"Is it a bad time?" I asked.

She yelped in panic. "Stephen, is that you?! Sorry, I thought it was Mom," she said, her voice coming strangled. I wasn't surprised, considering the closeness I had forced on her minutes ago, leaving her to process it.

"No worries, I just wanted to check to see if everything was okay. Do you mind if I come in?"

"All is well, but I'm not exactly available. Can we talk later?"

"Sure, you know where to find me," I said, chuckling as I walked down the stairs. I would've preferred to have some private time with her, to strike the iron while it was hot, but I decided it wasn't a big loss. It was good that I did, because before I could even walk to the basement, the door opened, revealing Nancy. "Hi there," I said. "You look stressed."

"It's nothing," she murmured as she walked inside, bypassing me and directly walking to the kitchen, only to pull a beer from the fridge.

"Yes, it's obvious it's nothing," I answered, gesturing towards her arms, shaking in a nervous excitement. "Why don't you tell me what's bringing your mood down? Maybe there's something I can help."

"Not likely," she answered, stopping to take a swig, causing her face to twist in dislike. Clearly, she was unused to taste of beer, which made me even more curious about the root of her stress.

She plopped herself on the couch, and I sat on the seat across her. "Come on, spill," I said.

She stayed silent a few more seconds, enough to make me worry that maybe I pushed her too much. Then, she started speaking. "I went to a publisher, to drop my manuscript for review." I nodded, prodding her to continue. "It's already the third iteration, and if they don't like it again, they're going to cancel the contract."

"It doesn't seem like enough to make you worry this much," I said. "Yes, getting rejected is no fun, but it's a part of the creative journey."

She sighed hopelessly. "It wouldn't be that bad if I hadn't taken an advance, or was smart enough not to spend it all… What I'm going to tell mom," she moaned, pressing her hands on her face in an attempt to hide from the realization.

I patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure that you're going to nail it. And in case they have horrible taste and still reject your work, why don't you talk to me before going to Nicole. Maybe I would have a job fit for you that could help you get the money."

"Really, would a job be enough to cover an advance of a thousand?" she asked.

"That's a difficult amount," I said. "Still, you never know, sometimes I got interesting jobs. I can't guarantee that you can get in a couple of shots, but with a bit of luck, it should be doable."

A smile bloomed on her face, even though it was a small, flickering thing. I let my lips curl in a smirk as well, hoping for her manuscript to be rejected. I didn't want to lose such a convenient hook. I had some costumes in mind that would fit her perfectly.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Rest of my day went without a notable event. I swung by the shops to buy some essentials, and also passed by the delivery company's branch to pick up the next set of clothing. I might have tried to convince Nicole for the next session, but unfortunately, she wasn't around when I came back. I shrugged and went downstairs, intending to rest a bit. But thoughts of her dressed in some of the nightwear that was in the package prevented me from catching my sleep.

I got up from the bed despite the temptation to stay under the warm blanket. First, I opened the package to cycle through the next event's clothing. Then, a few minutes were spent going through the box of clothes that left from the previous shootings, until I came across a red thong that was little more than a floss. It didn't have a matching bra, not that it was an issue, of course. An equal time went to set up the lights, hoping that the physical exertion would be enough to make me sleepy.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. I decided to go upstairs to make myself some warm milk, hoping that it was going to do the trick. "Jackpot," I murmured to myself. I wasn't alone. Nicole was in the kitchen, washing something in the sink, unaware of my presence. I smirked as I sneaked closer. Her clothing was disappointing though, a bulky set of pajama, likely cotton. "Evening, Nicole," I said, but only when I was just a step behind her. Startled, she turned towards me, and I chose that particular moment to close the remaining distance.

The resulting position was quite interesting, our faces close enough for our noses to touch, her lips parted open for a cry that rejected to appear. I smirked but said nothing, just calmly reached to pick a cup. Then, like it was nothing out of ordinary, I pulled back and walked to the fridge instead. "So, how are you in this beautiful night?" I asked, filling the glass with milk.

"Good," she managed to stammer, her face red enough to melt chocolate. Her mouth opened like she was about to say something else as well, but changed her mind at the last second, turning her attention back to the dishes instead. I put no effort to break the silence, enjoying the uncomfortable tension at the room, broken only the running water.

I was finished with my drink just as she was about to finish with the dishes. "So, do you have anything to do after the dishes?" I asked as I stood up, walked towards the sink.

"No, why," she stammered, drying her hands with the towel.

I put my hand over her wrist gently, my fingers loosely around. "A perfect opportunity for a photo shoot then," I said, and started walking with her in tow, not waiting for an answer. She followed silently, no words of protest coloring her beautiful lips, showing the distance I had came for just a few days. How such a treasure had escaped the male attention for such a long time, I had no idea. But spending any time to find out didn't sound attractive when I could feel her pulse under my fingers, beating in a frenzied pace.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the emotions passing through her face, determination leaving itself to resignation as she tried to resist, only to be betrayed by her own body. It was an amusing sight, like a walk around the beach before the main course. Nothing compared to the amazing main course that was waiting for us, but appetizing and enjoyable at the same time.

Another interesting thing came to my attention as we went down the stairs. Nicole's breasts, not inconsiderable on size, was jumping up and down in a freedom that suggested the absence of a bra. It was a bit funny, to be aroused from that after all the compromising situations I had seen in, but still, I couldn't pull myself away from their attractive sway.

"I-" she tried to start speaking, only to cut down by my finger pressing on her lips.

"We don't want to lose any time with discussions, right?" I said, keeping my fingers on her lips despite the blush creeping her neck. "Why don't you just walk behind the screen and remove those ugly pajamas while I pass you the first costume.

With a flicker of indignation trying to flare into life before giving it up as a hopeless task, she was adorable. She turned, walking towards the crude changing room with slow steps. "Quicker," I said, a soft pat to her bottom underlining the message. She yelped in surprise but didn't turn back, her steps quickening instead.

I picked the most conservative of the nightwear she was supposed to model, a dark green, opaque nightie with a small cleavage, long enough to almost reach her knees. It even had a longer, more conservative robe. I heard the ruffling of the fabric, tempting me to took a step towards the confines of the screen. Patience, I thought, trying to resist the temptation. For all her apparent docility, she was yet to descend to a level where I could use her free to my heart. "Soon," I whispered, walking back to my camera.

A minute later, she stepped out, her figure showing itself even through the thick fabric. I looked at her, the camera pointing downward in my hand. This time, I wanted her to be aware of my smoldering gaze. From her gaze trying to find a location to escape, I decided that she indeed noticed it. She said nothing as she walked to the small make-up table, putting on her wig and some make-up. Meanwhile, I walked behind the screen and moved her pajamas and her panties away. I wanted her not to have an option to change. Though, I was happy to note her changing tastes. Yesterday, I had no doubt that she would've kept her panties on unless I prompted otherwise.

As usual, the shoot started mild, and I ordered her to cycle through a set of professional poses, all clinical. "Why don't you slid your robe a bit so you could display your beautiful shoulders," I said. There was no hesitation as the silky fabric slid until the spotlights were shining from her shoulder, naked discounting the spaghetti strap of the nightwear. "Perfect," I said after a few more shots. "Now turn your back, and let the robe fall on the ground." She followed it, leaving her robe for the mercy of the gravity until it met with the ground.

"Now, bend down a bit while keeping your back turned at me." Her hands reached towards the skirt of her nightie even as she followed my direction, trying to prevent an accident. "Keep your hands away from the dress," I ordered, allowing her dress to ride her thighs up freely until they stopped at midway, not revealing anything interesting. But I wasn't trying to do that. The objective was to damage her sense of restraint even further. "Perfect," I said as I took a few more photos in rapid succession.

"Now, turn your face at me, one leg forward, your left hand resting on the dress." She did so immediately. "Drag the skirt up slowly until I say stop," I added. She followed that command as well, but not as quickly, each flare of flash documenting it in a higher location, her fingers trembling stronger with each inch they climbed. Still, I didn't call her to stop for a while, and she continued to pull it up resolutely. I had to admit, I was tempted to see how far she was willing to forward, but didn't want to disrupt the spell. "That's enough for this costume," I said, calling the time to make her change.

She delayed for a second, picking the robe up from the ground, walking towards the screen. I took a step, cutting her way, my arms open for a hug. "Is it over already," she asked. I was happy to notice the tinge of disappointment in her tone.

"Definitely not, we have quite a few more that needs to be documented, but you deserve congratulations after that flawless shot," I explained. I took a step forward, dwindling the distance to nothing before she could say anything else. Her arms wrapped around my torso just as quick, which surprised me positively. I was expecting her to stiffen in shock. Her acceptance of my touch without reservation this early in the session was a nice development. Still, I kept the hug short and my hands away from unsafe locations.

She walked behind the screen without saying anything after I let her go. I walked towards the screen, and passed the next lingerie she was going to pose in, an opaque teddy with a nominally deeper cleavage. "Could you pass me to previous ones, dear," I said. "They need to be kept crease-free." It wasn't a good excuse, but she made no attempt to examine it, just passed them to me over the screen. Another part of my plan had been cleared.

Next few shots passed without a notable event. All conservative pieces with little chance of malfunction. The only interesting thing was our congratulatory hugs, which I initiated after the completion of each dress, lingering longer with every repeat. However, I could feel my heart quickening in anticipation as she walked behind the screen, afraid that she was about to reject the dress I was about to pass her. We exchanged the clothes over the screen, and I heard the fabric unfolding before it came to a sudden stop. "Stephen," she called with a trembling voice, but I didn't bother to answer, just walked back to my camera.

"Come on, Nicole," I called her. "We don't have all night." We did, of course, but I had some activities even more interesting than modeling in mind. The only answer I received was a whimper, almost too low to be heard. A few seconds later, she stepped out in the open.

Damn, I thought. She looked absolutely amazing, wearing a flowing loose negligee, similar to the first piece she wore at the start of the evening, but with two great differences. The first was the area it covered. It ended quite a bit above the middle of her thighs, displaying her beautiful legs alluringly. The deep cleavage and its loose cut weren't exactly helpful in that front as well. The second issue was its fabric. Rather than the thick, opaque fabric of her earlier costumes, this one was made of a thin layer, too weak the prevent the light from escaping, leaving the ghost of her most private areas to my attention. It was supposed to be worn with underwear, something I managed to miss when I passed the dress to her. She had her panties, but no bra.

"You look exquisite, my dear," I said. "There is no need for you to feel self-conscious." Other than being practically naked, but it was life. Sometimes, you found yourself naked when you least expected it. "Now, turn forty degrees to the side, then look at me," I ordered her, initiating the next chapter of our session. First few minutes, I focused exclusively on the shots from the profile, hiding her treasures from the camera. It helped her to relax considerably, but it wasn't my aim on that. I wanted to have a few poses where I could share with the client. I don't think I could share anything I took from the front even after a heavy digital editing session, not when each flash highlighted her contours perfectly.

"Now, look at me seductively," I ordered her with a sensual whisper, a sudden change from my usual style. She looked at me, her eyes growing in a sudden rush of emotion as her arms wrapped around her body in a sudden realization. I smiled even as I took the camera from the tripod and walked closer. The change in tone worked just as good as I hoped, breaking the barrier of professionalism between us. I walked closer, the camera flashing repeatedly. "Come on Nicole. Give me a sultry smile, one that would drive a man crazy like the song of a siren would."

She opened her mouth to say something, but it was too late. Just a step away from her, I lay my finger on her lips, preventing her from saying anything. "A sultry smile," I repeated. "One that was tempting enough to break a saint's wow of celibacy." I let my finger drag to the side, caressing her cheek, drinking her shock like a wine. "Come on, Nicole, show me just how good of a model you are."

The last call worked even better than I had hoped. A challenging flare appeared in her gaze, and her lips twisted into a fragile smile. One that reminded me of an angel that was lost in a dangerous neighborhood, trying to brave its perils. But I was like a devil following her, the purity of her smile making it even more attractive.

I let my hand fell on her shoulder, pushing one of the straps to the side before pulling back, taking a few pictures of her face close. "Now, I want an expression of arousal. The expression you have after a lover teased you for hours, leaving you yearning for release," I continued, my voice barely above a whisper, worming themselves into a primal part of her brain, bypassing the baggage caused by the civilization.

"Still not enough," I whispered. "I need an expression of denied ecstasy." I stopped, breaking the explanation with a wide smirk. "Maybe I should help a bit." With that, my hand was on her body once more, caressing her sides over her clothing, but the thin fabric was almost nonexistent under my touch. I brought my hand from the side to her stomach, feeling her diaphragm stilling in shock. I rapidly took a few more pictures, then pulled back. "That was amazing," I said. "Now, there is only one set left."

That last word acted like a signal, breaking her hypnotism. A sudden blush invaded her face, panic blooming on her face. Uncaring, I wrapped my arms around her, my hands much more adventurous, teasing the border of her plump bottom. "Go change," I said, pulling back. She turned, but before she could take a step, I spanked her bottom, earning a shocked yelp off her. "Hurry up," I ordered, and her steps quickened, whether uncaring or unaware of the display she was providing as her negligee moved up with each hurried step. But through all, she didn't utter a word of protest.

Once again, I took her dress first before passing the new one, this time, only a small thong. Her hand appeared up once more, but this time, it was destined to stay empty. I walked towards my computer and set a second camera to record the session. Then, I walked to my main camera and called her. "What are you waiting for Nicole. Come here."

"I think you forgot to pass the rest of the costume," she said, her voice trembling.

"Nope," I said. "That's all of it. Now get out, we need to finish the shoot."

"But…" she said, her voice dwindling in shock. "I can't step out wearing only this."

"Of course you are going to," I answered. "You don't want to ruin the whole shoot, don't you?" I waited for a second, then continued with a sharp tone that demanded obedience. "Get out now!"

Power was all in the perception, the scene in front of me was a proof of it. She was my landlady. From an objective standpoint, I had no power over her. But that was meaningless when she stood in front of me almost naked just because I ordered her to, her arms wrapped around her chest in a poor attempt to hide her ample breasts from my gaze. It was only partially successful, because, in panic, she was pressing on them too hard, causing them to pop from the sides, making the scene even more heated.

"Walk to the podium," I ordered, and she did so, her lips sealed shut, her body trembling with each step. I didn't lose time tripod even for a second, walking next to her. The time for games was over. It was the time to get my reward. "Sit," I said. A shocked expression appeared on her face surprised with her own obedience, but nevertheless, she followed my order like clockwork.

"Now, give me an aroused expression," I ordered. "I want your eyes to promise me the best night of my life, lush and erotic." She was frozen in shock, and it didn't help when I took the knee next to her, getting even closer. "Come on, Nicole," I whispered promisingly. "Don't disappoint me now."

To her credit, she managed to recover enough to put a trembling smile on her face. It wasn't a smile of a woman in control, subtle and alluring. Instead, it wavered in indecision, highlighting the storm that was wrecking her emotions.

It was the time to break her, I decided. "Maybe you need some help, Nicole," I whispered, and put my hand on her stomach once more. A gasp escaped her mouth, leaving her frozen, removing the last scraps of her ability to speak. "Now, I want you to stay silent and focus on the sensation. You wouldn't waste my efforts to help you, right?"

A panicked nod, followed by silence told me that I was on the right track. I raised my hand until my fingers were barely touching her skin. I moved upwards until I was about to caress the bottom of her breasts. Her arm moved down a bit to create a barrier, ignoring the line of flesh that was revealed by the motion. Still, even with the unexpected benefit, her move was unacceptable. I peered into her eyes, and she wilted under my warning, her arm pulling back, leaving me free to caress the edge of her breasts. She trembled deliciously.

I leaned closer until my lips were separated from her ear by nothingness, the smell of her shampoo tickling my nose. "Are you ready for the pose?" I whispered sensually before pulling back, my breath tickling her neck. Overwhelmed, she wasn't able to react. "Maybe you need a more intensive help," I added.

It was time to quicken the things a bit. I moved my hand down, quick enough that my hand was already above her clit when she realized what was going on, separated by the nonexistent fabric of her panties. Her eyes popped open with shock, her mouth following the suit a second later. What she was going to say, however, I was unable to learn, her statement replaced by a moan with a twist of my fingers. It was a tempting thought, to slow down my pace and allow her time to gather herself, only to destroy her balance once more. However, she wasn't the only one that was under strain. Playing with her for the last few days, watching her in different dresses each more revealing than the last, I could feel my willpower getting damaged under the strain, something that my encounter with Katie's friend earlier today didn't help at all.

It was enough playing, I decided. It was the time to trigger the main event. I pushed her panties to the side, revealing her glistening slit to my bare attention. "What-" she tried to say, this time managing to utter a word. It was a pity that her sentence was aborted an out of control moan as I slid my fingers inside her. I pushed my digits inside her repeatedly, and received a jumble of cries in response, destroying her half-formed words whenever she tried to say anything.

One of her arms pulled away from her breasts, revealing a portion of her small pink areolas for my gaze before her other arm shifted to compensate. Her free arm landed to my shoulder, trying to push me away. But it was a soft, trembling push, lacking power or conviction behind, nor she had enough to whisper an order, asking me to stop. Even that attempt died a second later, when a sudden shock rocked her body, and she was forced to put her arm on the floor in an attempt to keep herself upright. The climax hit her hard and merciless, her eyes closed, her cries free, loud enough to make me thankful for the sound insulation of the basement.

Even with the support from her arm, she was unable to keep herself upright for more than a few seconds. Her arm gave out without a warning. Her other arm tried to press on the ground, to compensate for the loss of support but leaving her tits naked for the first time for my gaze. But her move was too late, and only my reflexes kept her away from a painful collision with the floor.

When her eyes opened once more, our faces were close enough to press our noses together. An intimate pose, and the fact that her naked breasts were pressing to my chest wasn't exactly something against the grain. Nor the fact that my fingers, still inside her, being squeezed by her wet tunnel. I smirked before letting my fingers cut free once more, sliding in and out in a frantic pace. Her eyes grew in shock, realizing that her delicious torture was just beginning.

"Give me an expression of arousal," I ordered to her once more, repeating my earlier question. A defiant expression tried to flicker into life, trying to rise against my invasion, only to die a second later. It wasn't a surprise with her submissiveness. After all, if she had been able to resist, I wouldn't have her on the floor of her own house, naked for all practical purposes, mewling helplessly with each push of my fingers.

Then, I turned up the intensity several notches, a third finger joining the fray, followed by a sudden jump in intensity. Her eyes found mine, nothing behind them but a total surrender, drowned in pleasure. She was mine.

I decided to reward her. My thumb found her clit, adding another dimension to her delicious torture, my breath caressing her lips, which were opened in acceptance, waiting for my kiss. A kiss that I denied even was my own hovered just an inch above hers, enjoying the wind of her out of control breathing.

Her body under the effects of a combined assault, it wasn't exactly a surprise when she started to rock under the control of another earthquake, strong enough to make the previous one jealous. I smirked in satisfaction as I felt every tremor on my body, pulling her tighter against me. Then, I lay her listless body on the ground, a half-drunk euphoria on her face. I picked up my camera and took a few rapid poses of her, wearing nothing but a thong pulled to the side, soaked with her own juices. Then, I placed the camera on the ground, thinking about what to do next.

Possibilities were endless, each more delicious than the last.

It was an amazing experience, watching my landlady panting and wheezing after an earth-shattering orgasm brought by my fingers, even if a part of my mind was busy with that to do next, aware that I need to act before she could gather herself enough to throw off the spell. The easy choice would be just pushing her down and having my way with her on the basement floor. She was in no mood to reject my advances. But I couldn't help but feel that it somehow cheapened the impressiveness of my achievement.

Her bedroom, a flash went through my brain. Her bedroom, demanded a voice from the depths of my male ego. I wanted to have her in her own bedroom for the first time, violating her most sacred sanctuary as well as her body, in declaration of my full ownership.

With the decision made, I moved on to the next problem, how to travel to her bedroom without arousing suspicion. The simplest solution would be to let her redress, allowing her to walk upstairs under her power. A simple solution that would prevent a total meltdown if we came across one of her step-daughters at upstairs.

But once again, I was reluctant to go with the simpler option. It was a tame, colorless solution that destroyed the excitement of the moment, not to mention allowing her to gather her wits together to a degree, risking to waste all my efforts that led to the point. The better option sparked in my mind as I watched her struggling to stand up, only for her trembling limbs to fail. "Let me help you," I said with a smile as I fell on my knees and slid my arms under her before standing up. A yelp escaped her mouth as she found herself in a bridal hold, her arms wrapping around my neck in an instinctual panic. I could feel her shivering on my arms, pressing tight against her as they kept her hovering.

But it was nothing compared to tremble that passed through her skin when she realized my destination, climbing the stairs. "What are you-" she started, only for her sentence to cut halfway when I shushed her.

"I'm bringing you to your room, of course," I answered, my voice was an epitome of calmness like the situation was perfectly ordinary.

With that answer, she stilled for a while. Not because it was a reasonable or convincing one, but it was so out of the ordinary that she was unable to process. I was at the top of the stairs, and about to open the door when she found her voice again, this time tinged with panic. "Stop!" she whispered. "What if my daughters see us?"

"That would be unfortunate," I answered to her, but didn't let it delay me even a second from opening the door. It would be unfortunate, I agreed in my mind, considering the near-impossibility of seducing them if one of them saw me carrying the almost naked figure of their stepmother in the middle of the night, bearing the obvious signs of a successfully concluded sexual encounter. "But it's already late, and they should be in their rooms. If you keep your voice down, there shouldn't be any danger."

There was no TV sound in the room, meaning Nancy wasn't in the living room for another round of carnal pleasure, probably spooked by the near-miss of yesterdays. An unfortunate occurrence in any other situation but this one. I continued my trek through the living room and reached to the stairs which led to the upstairs, and she didn't make a whit of sound, frozen in shock.

I decided to liven up the situation a bit, so I slid my hand over thighs until my fingers were caressing the edge of her bottom. She whimpered in shock as I took the first step on the stairs. But the voice was nothing compared to the moan that left her mouth when my hands slid further, probing her nether lips. I looked at her mockingly despite a small jolt of adrenaline, afraid of being caught. The expression of growing panic, delicious in its fullness, told me that she was aware of the same risk, a risk that was affecting her much stronger. Her hands, previously limp in their exhaustion, jumped to her lips in an effort to suppress her voice.

A good call, I noted, as I had no intention of leaving her alone just to keep the risk down. My fingers slid inside her, several beats for each step we cleared. She cried, but her voice was unable to escape from barrier her fingers created, woven tight in front of her lips. At least, not in a volume that would matter.

Rest of the journey passed quick, though it was certainly memorable with Nicole squirming helplessly under my touch while doing her best to keep her voice suppressed, her body rubbing to mine in a natural consequence. I enjoyed the sensation with the each second of movement despite the annoying barrier my clothes presented. Still, I wished I took the time to remove my shirt at least. It wasn't like my bare chest would make the situation any worse.

Her bedroom door was conveniently cracked, allowing me to open it with just a push, no need to allow her feet on the ground, which would lend a portion of control back to her. Just a sliver of power, but it was better if she was lacking even that, helpless under my grasp.

I pushed, revealing a pastel-colored room, furnished sparse, unassuming, not rating anything other than a glance, especially with my encumbered state. Nicole was a beautiful, curvy woman, and she wasn't exactly short either, meaning that carrying her wasn't something that could be called a trivial effort. Not that I wouldn't be willing to carry her for much longer, I corrected in my mind as I glanced forward, watching the relief spreading to her face, assuming that the unique situation she found herself trapped in was finally over. I couldn't wait until informing that there was still a third act left to play in our little tale.

I let her on her feet, my fingers getting out of her wet tunnel, accommodating despite her tightness, though needed to wrap my fingers around her arm for a moment, supporting her trembling legs as they adapted to the unexpected strain.

An expression of confusion passed over her face as she found herself in a situation well-outside her comfort zone, standing in the middle of her own bedroom with a man that she knew for a few days, naked for all practical purposes. For a while, she stood still in a display of total confusion, her arms risen to cover her breasts, though they were limp, aware that it was well-past to point of hiding.

Seconds passed silent, and she did nothing but looking on the ground, overwhelmed with the situation. A part of me wanted to see for how long she would stand without uttering a word, waiting for my command. Unfortunately, my patience was not limitless, especially under such tempting circumstances. Instead of waiting for her to gather her wits, I sat on her bed. She turned towards me, resolutely avoiding my gaze. "Apologize!" I suddenly ordered, my voice sharpest it had even been all night.

Her surprised expression, I expected. After all, it was the reason I gave her that order, without any explanation or apparent reason. "I'm sorry," she stammered automatically before realizing she didn't know the reason for it. "What did I do?" she added seconds later, confusion marring her face.

"It's even worse that you aren't aware," I added, doing my best to keep my face straight. "I have put all that effort for your comfort, carrying you upstairs to help you since you were having trouble walking, but whispering a word of appreciation seems to be too much of a bother for you. Quite rude, don't you think?"

"I am truly sorry," she repeated her earlier sentiment, surprising me even more. I was expecting more resistance against the stupid crime I just created. I wondered just how much I needed to push her before she gave the slightest push-back.

"I accept your apology," I said, and a note of relief passed through her face, one that lasted until my next words. "However, you won't learn without a bit of reminder to help the message stick." I patted my leg, inviting her to my lap, and an expression of total shock passed through her face, as well as the beginnings of an outrage. Though the second part of the equation didn't take much to disperse. A hardened gaze was all it took to bring back her chastised expression. She took a step forward like she was hypnotized, followed by another one, and soon, she was lowering herself on my lap.

I had to admit, I was tempted to whip out my cock and slide inside her. By this time, it was obvious that there would be no repercussions if I did so, she was like a puppy, eager to please after a mistake. Instead, one of my hands found her waist while the other pressed her back, forcing her to lay on my lap, her bountiful butt primed for my attention. "Physical pain might be the best reminder," I said nonchalantly like it was nothing out of ordinary, though my apparent calmness hid my own nervousness. I had been pushing her too far too soon, risking an explosion even counting her submissiveness.

The first spank landed before she could formulate a response, echoing in the sparsely furnished room. Her cry followed, more from the shock than pain. However, what surprised me was not her cry, but lack of a subsequent response, showing that she had already internalized the situation. I had expected an adverse reaction after seeing her angry expression after mentioning the punishment, so her accepting silence was a surprise. Once again, I had adjusted my estimations about her level of submissiveness as I spanked her several times, each accompanied by a soft yelp from her.

"And that's ten," I said as my hand came into contact with her bottom once more, this time caressing softly instead of a painful collision. "That much should be enough to remind you to show gratitude, right?"

"Yes," she whispered, her voice hard to distinguish from a pointless mumble. I assisted her to stand up, and she righted herself in front of me. I watched her, a smile worming itself to my face despite my efforts to look serious, but it didn't bother me. From her small flinch, I could see that it didn't come across nice or accommodating, so it worked better than a stern look for my purpose. A second later, her face was alight with realization, understanding what I expected, though it took a few seconds for her to gather the required composure to part her lips, whispering the required words. "Thank you."

I chuckled. "You're welcome," I said, dragging my finger across her cheek softly, happy to notice that she hadn't flinched, nor she tried to cover her tits, which were hanging naked, her nipples hard like diamond. I let my gaze explore her body one last time, recording every detail before I turned and left the room, despite the temptation to push her down and have my way with her. I had pushed her more than I should, and another day's wait should mellow her perfectly for the next step.