
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Derivasi dari karya
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34 Chs

Ch 31

"So, do you want to come, or would you prefer peeking from the corner," I asked as I looked at Penny, who was still behind the door, watching me from the slight crack that was letting a ray of light in.

The expression of shock that passed through her face, replacing her earlier impatient jealously, made her even cuter. Not to mention the fact that she believed that it was an adequate hiding method, enough to keep her obscured from my gaze… 

It was easy to forget just how silly and clumsy she could be when excited, then she went and did something like that, reminding me why I should never let her work with another photographer under any circumstances, no matter how attractive that might be for the fledgling business I was building to have models with better visibility. 

"Come on, open the door, and show me the surprise you clearly worked hard to prepare," I whispered, earning a shy whimper, one beautiful enough to awaken my manhood even after its great exertion earlier. 

From the crack on the door, I could see Penny's blush growing gently, putting a big smile on my face in the process as well, amazed how she could act this shy after her earlier daringness, allowing me to complete a beautiful milestone much faster than I had been planning. 

Yet, when she pushed the door open, revealing her surprise, I couldn't help but look at her with widened eyes. "Naughty girl," I murmured as I looked at her, my gaze slowly lingering from bottom to top. 

I was surprised by the way she dressed, especially since I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary in the first place. I had an accurate understanding of each item of clothing they had available — as while I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, ultimately, I didn't forget that I was a professional. 

The most I expected her to mix and match their costumes to create a new show. Not that it would have been a horrible option, as Penny stuffed in a costume that was barely a fit for Nancy in the first place would have looked amazing. 

She went in a different direction. 

She had found a long strip of red cloth in the room, barely half as wide as my hand. Since she had arrived with a bottle of massage oil, I guessed it was a part of the massage equipment that came along with the expensive room. 

Living in a classy suite definitely had its perks. Pity, it was a one-time perk. 

What she had done with that surprised me more than its existence. She had carefully wrapped it around her considerable bosom a couple of times, though she carefully kept the alignment askew to as not to cover the sight of her inviting flesh completely. Then, one of the hooks moved down from the left side, hooking under her torso to create primitive underwear, hiding her core from the view. 

Yet, the real impact came from the large bow tie she had created, resting at the side of her alluring belly, turning the whole costume into a nice gift wrap. 

"I see," I said with a gentle smile, yet, rather than walking to her, I turned my back and walked to the living room. I expected her hesitant steps to follow me, but they were absent. So, just as I arrived at the doorway, I turned to her, finding her expression replaced by fear and hesitancy. 

"It's a good start, but a present doesn't just need to look good, you also need to think about how to present it," I suggested to her. "So, why don't you give it a little more thought and surprise me in the living room." 

Her expression changed once more as her shy determination asserted itself. She said nothing, just nodded slightly, while I turned and left her behind at the entrance of the bedroom, curious what she might create after the earlier show. 

I still grabbed my camera, which had multiple reasons. Not only did I enjoy taking photos, after all, but also it worked wonders to make Penny relax even more, triggering her submissive traits under the physical representation of my authority. 

While Penny stayed back to work on her presentation, I decided to help her a bit more. I went to the bathroom — the other, smaller one, another perk of the top-tier suite we were enjoying — to refresh and clean myself a bit, then I put on a fluffy bathrobe. 

Then, I returned to the room and poured myself a glass of single-malt scotch, but didn't immediately sit down. Instead, I walked around, turning certain lights on and dimming others, creating a nice lightning effect that could pass for professional-level, the focus on the doorway and the couch I planned to occupy. 

After all, giving a little help to my sexy blonde wasn't a horrible idea… 

Then, I sat down and crossed my legs, appreciating the opportunity to rest a bit. After all, I had been up since the early morning, and not only did the day have a rather explosive start, and we had worked hard the whole day at the convention center, which was hardly the most relaxing day. 

I leaned back, enjoying the comfort of the couch that was probably more expensive than a car. "Damn, I missed the luxury," I murmured. A lot of people claimed that luxury was unnecessary, and just about vanity, but, unfortunately, it was just a lie told by the people who didn't enjoy the true luxury. 

Or maybe, I was just a vain asshole, but if that was the case, I had no intention of changing that. 

At least, I was a lucky vain asshole, I decided as I looked around. Considering I was literally exiled from the peak of the industry in every way that mattered, I was still living rather well. Unfortunately, that amount of success could hardly open the path of the peak back to me, not with the clout of the people I had already angered. 

Even worse, I could hardly see a way to climb back. Doing the fashion shoots of the third-rate local brands gave me some much-needed revenue to buy some new equipment, maybe even enough to rent a decent studio, but ultimately, those were hardly enough to break the barriers in an industry that worked exclusively on connections, favors, and reputation. 

And my connections were all burned by a certain highly-known editor, I had no favors that could call. Even worse, my reputation was worse than nothing, a chain around my ankles. 

"Damn," I murmured as I shook my head, trying to dispel the sudden depression that threatened to overwhelm me. What a stupid mood to suddenly fall into between a spectacular threesome and waiting for a spectacular show from a sexy blonde wrapped in gift wrap. 

I reached my phone, hoping to distract myself from the funk, only to find my phone flooded with notifications. 

"How interesting," I murmured as I went through the messages, asking for more and more photos of the girls in exchange for even more money. "Maybe there's not just a way of doing business," I murmured to myself even as I went through them. 

Maybe I had underestimated the money I could make from those nerds. 

'Don't worry, a new tier on the way, and here's a teaser,' I said before I posted two photos, one from Penny, the other from Nancy, both from the archives — not the private archives, of course, as they were exclusively for my own private ownership. They were just sexy poses, disguised enough to hide their identity. 

Not that I would have shared them even if it wasn't for the possessive streak I was developing. I had been caught flat-footed by the sudden interest they had shown for the extra, steamier photos — mostly because I didn't factor in the extent of the allure of two sexy women for the people in the convention after they spent a whole day leering at them — but as a professional photographer, I was an expert on how to manage that. 

Never give them what they truly wanted. 

There was a reason most models never did nude photoshoots, and it was little to do with their sense of shame. I had worked the backstage enough to know just how 'adventurous' they could be behind closed doors to get better jobs to know that part didn't deter them. 

Yet, they avoided it, because a model's allure came from the mystery it suggested as much as her beauty, and a fully nude, or even excessively revealing photoshoot went a long way to destroy that allure, even if doing so came with rather explosive benefits in the short term. 

For that exact reason, I made sure that, even though I had shared some photos of them wearing some very sexy underwear, I had deliberately chosen the most obscure angles that just implied a sense of sexiness. 

And the moment I did so, messages flooded in, displaying the awe of their beauty, while the subscriptions to higher tier skyrocketed, even better than I expected, earning me several thousand dollars in the process. 

A promising start, but before I could truly focus on the implications, I noticed a movement at the doorway. 

I raised my gaze, as it would be extremely rude to ignore Penny after asking her to prepare for my sake.

"H-how is this," Penny murmured as I turned my attention to her, whose beautiful face once again glowing with a shy blush as she stood at the entrance, visible even in the dimness of the room. 

This time, she wore a robe to cover her beautiful body, though it was only true for a rather loose definition of the concept of coverage. The robe was of a half-kimono type dress than a proper bathrobe, designed to be sexy and alluring rather than to protect the maximum amount of skin. 

And, most importantly, it was designed to fit sexily a petite woman, one that had neither Penny's height nor her beautiful curves. 

On her voluptuous body, the robe barely went low enough to cover her ass, and that was under the condition that she stood completely still, a careless step enough to reveal everything that the robe tried to keep hidden. Nor it was large enough to be successfully tied around her body despite her best effort, the red ribbon still peeking underneath. 

Normally, such an ill-fitting item of clothing would have created an unappealing view. The material of the robe prevented that from being the case. It was made of some kind of soft satin, melding around her body completely, looking like it was painted on, leaving no room for the imagination. 

Not that I needed that to imagine the body underneath, but the view certainly helped. 

Ironically, the robes for men were much looser, comfortably wrapping around me. 

"Give me a twirl, beautiful," I said as I took a sip from the scotch, enjoying the sight as she shuffled her weight uncomfortably. If it wasn't for her earlier, even more daring, costume, I would have assumed she was feeling self-conscious about revealing her body, but with that, I was more inclined to assume it was about her fledgling confidence in her clothing, especially after her previous attempt fell short. 

 She followed my request and gave a little twirl, confirming my guess about her robe's limited capability to keep her bottom covered. "Delicious enough to feast," I whispered, which made a smile bloom to replace her hesitancy. 

"Now, give me a show that's worthy of your clothing," I said even as I grabbed my camera, taking a quick shot of her beauty. 

"R-right now," she murmured as she grabbed the sash to tighten it further, her hesitancy returning with a vengeance. The soft flash exploded, eroding some of that hesitancy, and a sharp glare was enough to destroy the rest of the attitude, awakening her beautiful obedience once more. 

She took a step forward, the thin material shuffling around her body to give an even more beautiful glimpse of her body, her long legs completely exposed, displaying their stunning beauty as her muscles contracted. The muscle movement wasn't as obvious as she lacked a dancer's physique — not that it was a problem. Losing her curves for that would certainly be a poor trade-off. 

I was busy taking another immortal record of her beautiful curves, each shy step bringing her closer. As an added bonus, the sash of her robe was clearly too soft to hold against the pressure of her curves as she moved, each step making the gaping opening in front of her wider, showing off her body further. 

She tried to fix it a couple of times to hide some more of her legs, but ultimately, it was useless. 

When she stood in front of me, I delivered another surprise, turning on soft yet rhythmic music. "Why don't you show me just how well you can dance?" I suggested. 

"I — I'm not a good dancer," she muttered, but under my sharp gaze, she started swaying to the music without further complaint. It turned out that her words were not a modest brag, but the truth. She was truly a deficient dancer, failing to follow the simplistic rhythm of the music. 

Yet, ironically, her clumsy dance somehow worked perfectly with her cute face, reminding me of a raunchy yet cute scene from a 60s movie. Of course, that was only possible due to her spectacular beauty combined with her unique brand of innocence. 

"You're doing more than alright, sweetie," I murmured. "Just close your eyes, and let the music take you." 

She said nothing, just trusting my words to close her eyes, continuing to sway with the music. After a few more photos, I put the camera on the side, and gave my full attention to her dance. The number of interesting poses I could find without standing up or aggressively micromanaging her pose was limited. 

And at the moment, I wanted to enjoy her show without interruption. 

For a while, I just sat as she did her approximation of dance, her robe slowly slipping more and more, revealing the gift wrap underneath properly while I busied myself throwing appreciative looks at her. I had a feeling that, if I put my hand on her pulse, I would find it thumping with all the wildness of a hummingbird. 

I managed to suppress that desire, letting her sway ineptly under the constant thumping of the music, the robe getting more and more useless — at least in terms of the coverage it provided. 

As a tool to enhance her allure, it was working spectacularly. 

I doubted that her thoughts were too far away from the same track, not with her nipples hardening to the limit, pushing against the ribbon pretty effectively. Then, she leaned forward, the robe slipping even further in response to my erotic thoughts. 

 Her gaze found mine when she finally opened her eyes, still swaying with the music. I noticed it, yet didn't raise mine to meet hers, instead of staying stuck to her amazing chest, which was enough to make her nipples harden even more. 

"It's time for the next step," I whispered even as I patted my lap. It was all that was needed to make her react. She turned her back, giving me a glimpse of her plump ass before she started lowering herself, And since I was already sporting an erection, she didn't have any trouble finding her landing spot, trapping between her beautiful cheeks as her back pressed against my chest, our skin separated just by our robes. 

Even after everything we had done together today, I could not help but be aroused. Not that it was too shocking. Penny was beautiful, alluring, dressed specifically as a gift for me, waiting for me to unwrap her. My raging erection, captured between her cheeks, even the slightest movement of her hips sending shocks through my system hardly hurt. 

Her beauty was not just a spark but out of controlled forest fire, and I was just an abandoned tanker of gasoline, under the mercy of her beauty. 

I grabbed her waist, enjoying the three layers of softness, the satin robe, the silky ribbon, and most importantly, her beautiful skin. She trembled slightly under her touch, but the quick movements of her hips were more than enough to convey her passion. 

Especially since the choppiness of her movement that defined her movements while she danced had disappeared completely, leaving its place for a smooth, sensual movement. 

Once again, a great example of eroticism. 

My fingers wiggled, finding her naked waist as she continued to rock her hips steadily, like she was trying to prove that her beautiful ass was superior to Nancy's toned one even without going the full distance. 

If that was her intention, however, she needed to work much harder. That was not a slight to her, as she had an amazing ass, but so did Nancy…

Unsurprisingly, she lacked the courage to say anything even as her hips started moving faster, my fingers continuing to explore her skin, smooth yet fiery at the same time. I felt her quiver as my shaft got buried between her beautiful valley. 

The sensation was good, but not as amazing as it could have been, I decided as I slowly slid my hands up until I felt the edge of her breasts, getting freer from the already-deficient hold of the ribbon as she rocked her hips heatedly. 

Direct groping was definitely against the lapdance etiquette, but I had a wild feeling that Penny might let that egregious move slide, so I let my fingers continue to move up, caressing more and more of their glorious expanse, followed by reckless cupping that sank my fingers deep into her flesh. 

The moan she let out in response was simply spectacular. 

I enjoyed the soft weight of her globes against my palms as I squeezed them, enjoying the sudden speed her hips had picked up, my mind already on the next step, trying to decide on the optimal moment to free her from the oppression of her robe… 

Yet, in a surprising display of initiative, Penny stole that opportunity from me. She slid away before I could break the rules of the private dance, turning her back to me. Though, watching the robe slide down her body slowly, revealing her smooth shoulders, interrupted only by a lone red ribbon, barely enough to hide inches of her curvy body, the color contrast was especially beautiful under the low light… 

So beautiful that, even when she started turning toward me, I didn't reach for my camera, enjoying the moment for myself…