
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Derivasi dari karya
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34 Chs

Ch 30

"M-maybe we should wait until she's finished with the bath," Penny whispered, but did nothing to prevent me from pulling down her pants and underwear, leaving her curvy body completely bare. 

"Nonsense, there's no need to waste time, it's big enough for all three of us. And we all deserve a long, relaxing soak after the day we had," I whispered back. Luckily, her whisper was too soft to be heard from the bathroom, especially with the interference from the running water. I dragged my finger across her stomach, pulling back just as my fingers caressed the edge of her core. "Now, undress me." 

Her verbal reluctance was nowhere to be seen when her hands landed on my body, helping me divest from my clothing with great urgency. And if there was one thing that could energize a tired body after an exhausting day of work, it was the touch of a naked blonde as she hurriedly divested me of all my clothing. 

Especially with the sight of a redhead undressing in the other room. Nancy was doing her best to look nonchalant, but I didn't miss her beautiful trembles in the process. 

"Let's go," I whispered to Penny after she finished removing my clothes, and grabbed her waist. The sight of a naked Nancy hardly helped Penny to calm down after their little adventure on the lakeshore, but she was far too submissive to extract herself from my grasp. 

Nancy was quick to slip in the water, and I followed her a moment later, sitting directly across her. Penny moved to sit next to me. "Sit here, otherwise we won't fit," I said even as I pulled her on my lap, earning a beautiful moan as she landed on my lap. 

Nancy shared a frustrated glare, but that didn't prevent her gaze from lingering on Penny's beautiful tits. The water was deep enough to reach Nancy's shoulders, but Penny was sitting on the elevated platform of my body. With her decent height, her breasts stayed out, giving Nancy a constant reminder. 

With my shaft under her, teasing her core from outside, Penny didn't need any additional visual aid. 

Still, even with the comforting weight of the sexy Penny, I gave myself a moment to relax. The warm water was an excellent way to sap away our exhaustion, and the girls looked incredible their naked bodies were barely hidden by the constant bubbles of the hot tub. 

"So, Nancy, how was your first day as a professional model," I asked teasingly. 

"Boring," she answered dismissively, but the exaggeration was enough to reflect her discomfort. 

"Oh, really," I said. "Are you telling me you didn't enjoy being on display for the whole day, making little boys mad with desire?" 

"Clearly," she grunted. 

"I see," I said as I leaned forward a bit, bringing my lips near Penny's ears. "It's your fault, you know?" I asked, though I was unable to resist the temptation of looking down even as I whispered, enjoying the sight of her floating breasts. 

"W-what do you mean?" Penny stammered, still spectacularly shy after everything we have done. 

"As the more experienced model, it's your job to keep the first day entertaining for your partner, of course. But you didn't even notice she was not engaged. You could have entertained her … somehow, right?" 

Penny failed to answer, somehow managing to blush at my words even more than her activities. 

Nancy snickered. 

"Look, you're making the amateur laugh at you, you need to be better," I admonished, adding just enough sharpness to my tone, which was enough to make Nancy look down in defeat. "What are we going to do with your shyness?" I murmured, while Nancy's smirk widened at Penny's perceived misfortune. 

"Maybe you should make her walk the corridors naked," Nancy offered smugly. "It'll cure her alright." 

I stayed silent for a moment, which was enough to make Penny tremble in fear. "A touch too excessive," I murmured, then hit Nancy with a smirk. "But maybe you should help her, since you're the brave one." 

"Help her, how?" Nancy answered tense, realizing where I was leading, but once again, her pride prevented her from responding properly. 

"Penny, go and kiss her," I ordered, then turned to Nancy, who looked ready to bolt out of the bath. "If you can handle it, of course." 

Nancy's eyes widened, but that didn't affect the sudden stubbornness, once again pride ensuring her fall. She said nothing, and, despite her shyness, Penny was quick to follow my orders, and leaned forward, vacating my lap. 

Normally, it would be a sad turn of the affair, but considering it presented me with the sight of two beautiful, naked girls kissing, it wasn't exactly a disaster. And the fact that she lunged forward, giving me the sight of her glistening ass, water drops sliding down slowly, was even better. 

Amazing, I thought as I leaned back, enjoying the luxury of the moment. Here I was, in a very expensive hotel room, enjoying the hot tub accompanied by two beautiful models enthusiastic to prove themselves. The only thing that was missing was the huge salary I was receiving, but even that was slowly being resolved. 

Their lack of experience made the moment even more charming.

Penny completed covering the small distance, and her hands landed on Nancy's shoulder to keep her balance as she leaned forward, which had the added benefit of pinning her in place. As she got nearer and nearer, Nancy started to get nervous, realizing that, despite her shyness, was not going to stop. 

Ironically, her surprise was the thing that surprised me. After everything that happened in the morning, the fact that After the morning, the fact that Penny had the courage the kiss her despite their deficient clothing shouldn't be something new. 

"Maybe—" Nancy murmured, but that was all she was able to let out before their lips met. The kiss itself was soft and lingering, one that would have been boringly tame if they weren't beautifully naked. 

"Good start," I whispered even as I touched Penny's beautiful ass, caressing its expanse to give Penny some extra encouragement. "Now, some tongue." 

The widening of Nancy's eyes was enough to signal that Penny was quick to follow my order, carrying the kiss to the next level. And I rewarded her with the movement of my finger, dancing around her wetness. 

A beautiful gasp escaped Penny's mouth, only to be suppressed by Nancy, who was starting to respond to the kiss hesitantly, her confusion and shyness apparent. 

There was one thing I liked against Nancy, that she had a tendency to lash out when she faced something that ashamed her, especially when said emotional distress was caused by someone that she treated as her lesser, a category that definitely included Penny. 

This time, her reaction came in the form of wandering hands, landing on Penny's beautiful breasts, squeezing. Quite hard, if Penny's pained gasp was any indicator. It was clear retaliation for Penny's daring, enhanced further by the shame she was feeling for her own reaction — something that was clear since the morning. 

The sight of her fingers disappearing into Penny's oversized bust made the moment even more spectacular. 

Penny's obedience deserved a reward, which came in the form of a finger slipping into her wetness. She stilled for a moment before exploding into faster action. She grabbed Nancy's hair as she deepened the kiss, her hips rocking, trying to devour my fingers in the process. 

"Faster," I said with a chuckle even as I added a second finger. "I can see that Nancy likes that immensely." 

My words earned an angry yet muffled growl from Nancy, but not enough to stop making her back from the kiss. Whether it was her pride that was keeping her there, or her pleasure, was a question. Though, from her naked body flushing with excitement, it might be inferred that it was the latter option. 

I maintained my position for a fleeting moment as my fingers continued to dance inside Penny's tight entrance, enjoying the sight of their erotic embrace, getting sexier each passing moment. 

"Do you think you had enough of a show?" Nancy growled when Penny pulled for a momentary breath, trying to sound sharp, but clearly, she was lashing out. 

"Nope," I answered shamelessly as I spanked Penny's amazing ass, which was all that was required for her to kiss her once again. 

However, this time it wasn't the only thing she had to deal with. I had decided to punish her earlier disobedience by repositioning my leg. She trembled as my foot sneaked upward, teasing her inner thighs as it moved upward before arriving at her core. 

The soft caress around her knob hardly helped her to contain her pleasure, especially when one of Penny's hands disappeared underwater, assaulting her less generous — yet still spectacular — breasts in revenge. 

My initial intent was to push them until they had been overwhelmed by their shyness. However, watching Penny's sensuous body dancing inches away from me, it was hard to stay true to that particular decision. 

So, I stood up on my knees, water dripping down my shaft. It didn't earn any reaction from the girls considering they were busy with each other's lips, but Penny realized something changed when I pulled my fingers out of her. 

She moaned when I pressed my shaft against her entrance, showing that she understood what was about to commence… 

And she was very happy about it. 

he moan that escaped from Penny's mouth as I finally slid inside her, breaking through the silencing effect of Nancy's lips, was simply spectacular. Though that suppression effect didn't last long as the pleasure hit. She pulled back from the kiss as she took a deep breath, finally leaving Nancy's lips alone as she continued moaning. 

That hardly meant Nancy was free, not when Penny's hands were still on her shoulders, preventing her from standing up — not that she looked inclined to do so in the first place, not with her gaze locked on Penny's face, examining her expression. 

I couldn't see Penny's face from my current position — my very glorious, very enjoyable position behind her — but after all the time we spent together, I could easily imagine the exact face she was making — eyes closed, her pouty lips parted just enough to make her look even sexier, every line on her face contorted with pleasure… 

I caught Nancy's eyes, smirking widely as I started to speak. "Make sure she doesn't make too much sound, we don't want our neighbors to complain and make us lose this beautiful room, do we?" 

There was no such possibility, of course, as no hotel worth its salt would neglect the soundproofing of their best room, not when their whole existence was to give rich and powerful a safe location to cheat on their significant others, usually in very loud and perverted ways. 

By those standards, a sexy threesome was on the tame side.

Nancy was smart enough to realize that, but desire and hormones worked perfectly to obscure details that would otherwise be obvious. Though, considering the speed she had followed my instructions, maybe she was just happy to have an excuse. 

The speed her tongue darted out, invading Penny's mouth, certainly supported the latter. 

Even with Nancy's lips doing their best to block, Penny's muffled moans continued to fill the room as I pumped mercilessly, her wetness wrapping around my girth with enthusiasm. She didn't move at first, just maintaining her position as I slid in and out into her beautiful body. Then, her body started to move, pushing herself back to match my movement, making our embrace even more explosive. 

It was faster than I expected with her shyness. 

It would be a lie if I didn't feel a hint of surprise. Despite her impressive obedience, Penny had a significant problem taking even the slightest initiative, and seeing her react without order was a pleasant surprise. I rewarded her with a spank on her beautiful ass, and in response, she started moving even faster. 

Our repeated encounters seemed to help her grow as a person, at least enough for her to act to get what she wanted rather than just waiting passively, accepting whatever happened. 

I managed to fuck a hint of the spine into her. 

Not too strong, of course. "Raise your ass more, and leave Nancy's lips alone," I ordered. Penny was quick to follow my orders, which left Nancy dazed and surprised, but only until my next order arrived. "And focus on her breasts." I chuckled. "She has very sensitive nipples." 

"But—" Nancy managed to say before Penny's lips landed around her nipples, attacking with a fervor that reflected the speed I continued to drill her soft insides. "I thought I was supposed to keep her silent," she managed to say, though that didn't prevent the blush from climbing up. 

"Well, it's keeping her quite silent," I said. "Isn't she the perfect model, not skipping a second before listening to my orders." 

"I don't see any camera," she murmured petulantly. 

"How daring!" I said, catching her beautiful gaze. 

"What are you talking about?" Nancy said, confused, especially with Penny continuing to work on her beautiful breasts. 

"I'm talking about you complaining about not having a camera in the room, of course. Maybe I should go and get one. Creating an automatic setup wouldn't take more than—" I started. 

"No!" Nancy interrupted, her blush getting more and more intense each second. I smirked. 

"Why, can't you handle it?" I asked, deliberately teasing her. 

"O-of course I can," she stammered, once again showing that she couldn't back out from a challenge, even that challenge meant a candid shot of her heated threesome. "I just don't want Penny to feel self-conscious," 

Penny raised her head, stopping her task for a moment, but before she could speak and refute Nancy, I spanked her ass to silence her. "Continue with your job, sweetie," I said even as I caught Nancy's eye, whose expression started to turn into panic as she realized just how weak her argument had been. Penny certainly didn't show any inclination she might reject my orders. 

Luckily for Nancy, I had no intention of pushing that particular subject. "You're a good friend, thinking of Penny's discomfort," I said instead, giving her a graceful retreat. I even managed to keep my face devoid of mockery, which was a more difficult challenge than expected. 

"Yes, I'm a good friend," Nancy said, letting out a sigh. 

"Yes, you are," I murmured like I had come to a big realization and pulled back, leaving Penny's core empty, which made her rose, a soft frown on her face. Considering her submissiveness, I suspected that someone else would have been shouting in anger. I winked at her as I sat on the side of the tub, patting on my lap. "So much that you deserve a proper reward." 

"I … that's not necessary," she murmured. 

"No, I insist," I answered as I patted my lap, calling her closer. Then, I caught Penny's gaze, and gave her a nod. "Sweetie, why don't you help your friend to stand up." 

Nancy shivered as Penny grabbed her arm and helped her to rise, her beautiful legs trembling in fear and excitement, water droplets sliding down with each shiver. "I'm serious, there's no need—" she tried to argue, but made absolutely no attempt to pull out of Penny's grip as she led her toward me. 

"No need to feel self-conscious, beautiful," I answered even as I grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her to my lap. "It's not like we haven't done it before." I chuckled. "Although, not with a company," I added even as I caressed her wetness. "Though, you're very wet, and our previous time was in the living room, where anyone could stumble. Are you sure you don't have a kink, sweetheart?" 

"I'm not — I'm not an exhibitionist!" she exclaimed in anger, though, considering she didn't show the slightest hint of hesitance as she lowered herself on my lap, it was hard to take her statement seriously. 

However, I let her enjoy that dubious victory, that was all I could do as my shaft slowly disappeared into her entrance, a gentle moan escaping her mouth. I caught Penny's expression, which had a rare mischievous expression as she stepped out of the shower. 

I felt curious, but as Nancy started rocking on my lap, I decided to trust her. Admittedly, Nancy's enthusiastic movement made it much easier to take that decision. She must have been feeling even hornier than I expected all day long if her sudden quickness was any indicator. 

I placed my hands on the small of her back, supporting her as she moved up and down. "Modeling is not a bad job, isn't it?" I asked mockingly. 

"I much prefer writing," she countered. "Standing all day while being ogled, I hate it," she said, though her voice, along with her speed, suggested that she might not be entirely honest. 

"So, should I assume you don't want to repeat our trick in another convention, even if it allowed you to sell all your books? I respect your principles, turning your back to thousands of dollars, even if you can't pay back your publishers for the advance." 

She said nothing, but her silence was more than enough as an answer, especially with her hips moving quicker. I could have mocked her for changing her mind, but it was pointless to brag after a victory. 

Especially when her surrender included a beautiful rocking of her hips, moving faster and faster. "Harder," she moaned. 

"So demanding," I mocked, but that didn't prevent me from wrapping my arms around her waist, keeping her in place, while my hips moved with a renewed fervor, the sound of our slamming filling the room. "Damn, you're a treasure," I murmured even as I enjoyed the warmth between her legs unrestrictedly, each pump bringing me closer to an explosion of my own. 

"Of course I am. I'm the best," she answered smugly, though interestingly, I noticed she wasn't looking at me when she said that. I followed her gaze, only to find her looking at Penny, who had reentered the room. 

Her declaration was amusing, but I said nothing, letting the girls to battle for supremacy among themselves. Especially after seeing Penny's expression. It seemed that, unlike earlier the day, she had no intention of obediently accepting the resolution of the day. 

Penny slowly walked toward us with a soft expression on her face, though I noticed that she was holding something in her hand. I suppressed my curiosity momentarily as I continued to impale Nancy, earning a moan every second. 

It was a good reward, especially with the sexy walk of a busty blonde in the background, her curves shivering with each step. We were close to a combined climax. 

Before that, however, Penny revealed her surprise. A small bottle of massage oil, she displayed as she drenched her fingers with a generous amount of slippery liquid, then stepped behind Nancy, her beautiful breasts pressing against her back. 

"Wait for your turn," Nancy said smugly, trying to turn that into a declaration of superiority. 

"Don't worry," Penny said with an uncharacteristic smugness, fueled with jealousy, even as she pressed a finger in her puckered hole. "I'm just here to help, just as you deserve." 

At that moment, I cursed that I didn't have my camera with me, as Nancy's expression of shock was simply too beautiful… 

"W-wait—" Nancy stammered in fear, but it was too late, as Penny already slipped a finger inside, extracting a cry of pain.

"I can stop if you can't handle it," Penny said, her anger highlighting her cuteness even more. She was trying to look intimidating, but ultimately, she was as scary as a little kitten, her efforts only made her cuter. 

Of course, in our current situation, the cuteness was a relative term. I had no doubt that Nancy, whose face was scrunched in a surprise invasion of Penny's lubricated fingers. Yet, her expression tightened despite the pain, her competitive spirit coming to the surface once more. "I can handle anything you can dish out," she said proudly. 

Too proudly in my opinion, as I was never a fan of giving such categorical promises, though it was significantly different being on the receiving end — or in this case, a VIP seat to watch the show. 

"Good," Penny said as she pushed her finger deeper. Nancy bit her lips, trying to hide her pain, but she was too close to me to even have a hope of hiding the sudden tightness of her expression. 

More importantly, it wasn't the only part of her suddenly tightening. Her walls clamped around my shaft even tighter, making it much harder to prevent a premature explosion even when her hips were still, not rocking back and forth. 

Nancy seemed determined to tough it out, but it lasted only until Penny slipped another finger. Then, the pain overcame her desire to look superior, her mouth opening to let out a cry. 

Luckily for her, I was a nice guy, so I leaned forward, capturing her lips to suppress the loud cry that was about to let out. Penny glared at me, showing the closest emotion she could to anger with her cute features, no doubt frustrated that I had stolen her little victory. 

She wasn't frustrated enough to pull back. 

I grabbed Nancy's hips, guiding her to move once again, helping her enjoy the closest thing to a double penetration she could experience in the current party without involving toys, especially when Penny added a third finger, making her let out a string of beautiful yet suppressed moans. 

I had to gesture Penny to dissuade her from a fourth finger, as I could feel Nancy was already at her limit. Luckily, despite her sudden bravery, Penny was as obedient as ever, and a gesture was all I needed to stop her. No additional orders, no threats. Just a gesture. 

"Beautiful," I murmured as I pulled back from the kiss, which put a beautiful smile on both of their faces. Penny because I made eye contact with her while saying it, and Nancy because her eyes were still closed as her hips rocked, enjoying the position despite the occasional pain as Penny's fingers moved aggressively. 

I kept one of my hands on Nancy's ass, enjoying her fit body while directing her pace, while the other sneaked toward Penny, landing one of her spectacular breasts, my fingers sinking into her inviting flesh, earning some beautiful cries as a reward. 

Thanks to the sensitiveness of her breasts, that had been enough to distract Penny properly, allowing me to focus most of my attention on Nancy, and not just to enjoy the way she was tightening around my shaft. I pulled and pushed her harder, making her pace even faster, which she rewarded by getting even tighter, clamping around my girth like a supernatural mixture of silk and steel. 

Soon, her earlier distaste about Penny's sudden initiative had been forgotten completely, replaced by a beautiful string of moans, singing the song of pleasure. Our unintentional cooperation was working perfectly, each push inside her — whether from my rock-hard erection or Penny's naughty fingers — making her moan louder. 

Soon, the pleasure hit her with all the subtlety of a truck, and she started trembling with an explosive climax I had never seen her experience before, the combination of surprise invasion and the frustration that stretched for a whole day working its magic. I wondered that, if we were in a bed at this moment, she would have collapsed unconsciously.

Maybe I should test that, I decided as I pushed Penny back a bit before grabbing Nancy's waist, and standing up. Admittedly, with her weight pushing my shaft even deeper inside her, her feet dangling, it hardly helped her to process the tsunami of pleasure that followed her spectacular climax. 

While our ultimate destination might offer her comfort, the journey to that comfort had been rather grueling for her, each step pushing my shaft deep inside her. She tried to push herself up to limit the impact, but with her limbs trembling softly under the invasion of pleasure that immediately followed her climax, it was a challenge she had failed utterly. 

Although, while she had failed on that particular challenge, she didn't look like her failure was the cause of great regret, if her cries of pleasure were to be believed. 

"She seems distressed," Penny murmured, but rather than following us, she had dashed inside, only to return to the bathroom, carrying a small bundle in her hands, trying to keep it hidden. 

She failed on that particular task, but I deliberately neglected to ask about that, curious what little surprise she had for me. She had already surprised me with her performance today, and I was curious what she would reveal next. 

So, I left Penny behind in the bathroom while I did my gentlemanly duty of helping an exhausted Nancy to move to the bed to rest. 

Well, almost rest. 

At least she would be laying on her back on the bed. 

Nancy showed that she had appreciated the sudden change as her body hit on the bed, and that appreciation came in the form of a beautiful moan, soft, yet loud enough to echo against the walls. I pulled out, and let her rest for a few seconds to allow her to catch her breath before commenting. "Don't tell me you're already exhausted, and that's all you can handle?" I asked. 

"O-of course not," she answered, her beautiful green eyes flashing with anger at the question, too competitive to accept that even in her state. Yet, with exhaustion and pleasure battling in her delicate body, an angry glare was all she could manage. 

"Oh, really?" I said. "So, you're saying that even with exhaustion, you can handle enough to actually compete with Penny?" I said, seeing no harm in a casual namedrop to fuel her competitiveness even further. 

Her reaction was so predictable that I wasn't surprised the slightest as I felt her arms wrap around my neck and pull me a kiss — through the lack of surprise certainly didn't mean a lack of enjoyment. I let her capture my lips in a searing kiss, even as I pushed my hips forward, ready to impale her again. 

Just not through the entrance she was expecting. 

"Are you—" she started as her eyes widened, only to be replaced by a gasp as I pushed into her puckered hole, still slippery thanks to Penny's earlier assistance. 

"It would be rude to waste Penny's helpful efforts, don't you think so?" I asked as I hit her with a big smirk. She didn't say anything, because she was busy biting her lips as I slowly pushed deeper. "Of course, if you think you can't handle…" 

At this point, her reaction was perfectly predictable, enough to make it actually boring if the reward I earned wasn't so spectacular. She said nothing, nor did she need to as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and actually pulled me deeper despite the pained cry that left her beautiful lips. A rare feeling of mercy hit me, and I leaned forward to capture her lips. 

That didn't stop me from pushing my hips steadily of course, though I made sure to keep my pacing manageable as I slowly pushed inside her until I reached her current limit, stayed there for a moment, pulled back, and pushed again with the objective of breaking my previous record. 

The progressive invasion of the last untouched part of her body challenged Nancy with a glorious mixture of pleasure and pain, each with its own challenge. The pleasure threatened to push her to the land of unconsciousness as it compounded with the joy of her previous pseudo-double-penetration, while the pain flared and disappeared based on the current progress of the invasion, forcing her to erase every sign from her face as she tried to sell her toughness. 

She failed spectacularly, of course, but that only made her cuter. I took several breaks from kissing her pouty lips just to enjoy her fiery beauty as she struggled against the overwhelming pleasure, her eyelids fluttering repeatedly. 

"It's not too late to ask for mercy," I whispered even as pushed even deeper, her puckered hole loosened just enough to allow me to assault from multiple angles, each bringing a completely new experience for her, her moans strong enough to eviscerate her determination to keep silent. Her moans exploded, filling the room even as I impaled her again and again, deeper and deeper, yet she took all of it like a true champion. 

I was impressed. Not everyone had handled their first anal experience that smoothly. 

I noticed a movement from the bathroom door, only to see Penny peeking as she tried to stay hidden, yet the door was still wide enough to reveal her jealous expression, underlined with impatience. Yet, despite her impatience, she didn't enter the room, limiting herself to the show we were providing.

Maybe she didn't want whatever she wanted to show to be overshadowed by Nancy's amazing performance. And if that was the case, it would have been the correct call, because as my climax got closer, I was finding it rather difficult to pay attention to anything but the beautiful redhead moaning under me. 

And then, Nancy raised her head to take initiative in a kiss, her tongue doing her best to invade my mouth only to be rebuffed in a counter-attack. As our tongues locked in a beautiful dance, however, I had finally reached my limit, and started painting her tight entrance with my mark. 

Already on the limit, the endless throbbing of my thickness proved too much for her, and she started trembling under the endless flood of pleasure. Her moans started spectacular, but with each repeat, they lost power, exhaustion catching up with her, and when I pulled out of her, she was already unconscious, her weight buried in the soft bed. 

And then, I turned to Penny, who was still watching us from the cracked doorway…