
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Derivasi dari karya
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34 Chs

Ch 29

I turned to Penny, who was still holding Nancy's bound wrists, an uncharacteristically determined expression on her face as she enjoyed the glorious experience of revenge. "Why don't you tighten your hold a bit more?" I suggested. "Let's add some real pain to our game." 

Then, I turned my gaze to Nancy and added. "As long as you're not scared, of course," I said, just enough dismissal in my tone to trigger her. 

"Of course not, bring it on-" Nancy said proudly, her competitiveness triggered, only to follow with a pained gasp when Penny forced her to on her knees without a warning. 

"Feel free to beg for help if you're feeling distressed," Penny said. 

Nancy looked like she was about to say something, but I interjected. "Excellent pose, keep it," I said even as I moved closer, taking several pictures, reflecting Nancy's defiance and Penny's sadistic pleasure. "Now, let's try something different. Penny, keep one hand on her wrists, but put your hand on her throat and squeeze a bit, just enough to give the impression of dominance. After all, you're a warrior that captured a nasty thief." 

Penny followed the request, squeezing just hard enough to give her redheaded friend — for a given value of the word — some trouble without leaving a mark. I was considering what to ask next even I recorded the glorious moment, when Penny surprised me by going rogue. "You deserve punishment, you worthless thief," she said even as she tightened her grip. 

Then, she surprised me even further by leaning even more, and pressing her lips against Nancy's neck, nibbling softly. 

I said nothing, just continued to record the moment, surprised by Penny showing actual initiative. Nancy wriggled helplessly, but with a defiant expression soon replaced her shock, determined to hold her ground. 

A determination that got challenged when Penny's fingers slipped away from her throat and started working on the buttons of her shirt, increasing her already impressive cleavage even further. 

"It must be nice to be able to walk around all day without a bra or any kind of support without a bra," Penny whispered into her ear with a surprising viciousness before returning her job of kissing her neck. 

Nancy froze at the insult, so much that Penny's fingers, continuing down her shirt, unbuttoning across the length to reveal the bosom she had just insulted. Nancy had anything to be ashamed of on that subject. Her breasts, perky and just large enough to fill my palms with no room remaining, were definitely beautiful. 

Unfortunately for her, it was hard to compare against the girl that was currently molesting her from behind in that aspect. When it came to the beauty of her breasts, Penny was simply a class of her own. And just to drive that point further, Penny reached to her costume, removing her armored top with a surprising smoothness before pressing her breasts against Nancy's back. 

Her naked breasts, as she had elected not to wear a bra thanks to my intervention. 

"Yes, you're lucky," Penny whispered again to her frozen target, her fingers finding Nancy's breasts, squeezing hard enough to earn a gasp. 

As Penny caressed and squeezed Nancy's breasts, I drew circles around them, taking the sight of the exotic development, enjoying the moment even as I tried to hunt a few photos I could add to the mix without being too revealing. 

Watching them from behind, with Penny's beautiful ass raised up as she crouched, straining her tight costume to the limit, I was tempted to pull them down and teach her a lesson about being too sexy. 

But, after some personal struggle, I managed to hold myself back. If I did that, there was no way for us to arrive at the convention on time. And after our deal, Nancy wasn't the only one that needed the event to be a success. 

Instead, I limited myself to enjoying the amazing sight even as I continued to record the delicious moment. Penny continued to attack her neck with a relentless, rhythmic motion, while Nancy shuffled more and more. 

My tightening pants definitely didn't make the moment any more comfortable, however. 

Then, Penny pushed her limits even more, shocking me with her daring. She leaned back, but when Nancy tried to stand up, Penny's hand was on her shoulder, preventing her from succeeding. 

She walked around her before crouching in front of Nancy, with her costume around her waist, revealing her glorious tits to Nancy's gaze once more, but this time, from close quarters. "You're really lucky," Penny whispered as she caressed the underside of Nancy's breasts. 

It was a mean thing to do, but considering her actions, Nancy definitely earned that today. Then, Penny removed Nancy's wig — and I grabbed it before it could hit the dirt — before grabbing Nancy's hair, hard. 

Removal of the wig meant that I could not take any more pictures to be included in the convention package. 

Not that the absence of a wig was the only thing that disqualified the scene from being unsuitable for public consumption. Penny pulled Nancy to her chest, burying her face between her breasts. "See, aren't I very unlucky. Imagine the back pain I feel every day," she said, though her gleeful, victorious tone was hardly a good fit for complaining. 

When she was finally let go, Nancy was panting desperately, her face contorted between anger and jealousy, though, when she realized I was watching from behind, not bothering to hide my desire, arousal was quick to be added to the game. 

She clearly enjoyed the opportunity more than normal. 

"Excellent," I said, leaning forward, still taking pictures — though straight to my own personal archive. "Now, take her nipple on your mouth, Nancy, and start sucking hard." 

Penny's eyes widened at the sudden reversal, but Nancy was quick to follow my request, happy to find an excuse to discard her self-imposed restriction. She started biting and sucking aggressively. 

My blonde model had lost her control for a moment, panicking at the sudden reversal. After all, while she was quick to enjoy her dominant position, her confidence was paper-thin. However, a gentle caress along her spine was enough to fuel her confidence artificially. Her hands retaliated to Nancy, caressing and squeezing her half-naked body aggressively. 

 Meanwhile, I casually dropped my touch down Penny's hips, enjoying the warmth of her skin even as my fingers climbed upward to her core. 

Just to make sure her confidence didn't waver. No ulterior motives. 

Not at all. 

Electrified by my touch, Penny picked up speed. "Now, kiss," I ordered, picking my moment correctly to press for more. Penny, ever the obedient little model, didn't even consider before shifting her position and capturing Nancy's lips with an aggressive assault. 

"You can stop when you feel you can't handle it anymore," I said before Nancy could react, which, once again, worked just as excellently to prevent any negative reaction Nancy might have. 

I just pulled back, enjoying — and recording — the sight of Penny's tongue slipping into her opponent's mouth in a clumsy aggressiveness. And Nancy was too competitive to ever reject such an assault, her tongue counter-attacking mercilessly. 

Their breath started to fasten as the realization of what they were doing started to sink in, but neither was in a mood to stop, one out of obedience, the other out of competitiveness, even as the tension slowly reached a level of a time bomb, ticking ominously. 

I stood on the side, my camera working repeatedly, recording every delicious hint of their shifting expressions, their tits pressing together to create a sight of a masterpiece… 

"That should be enough, girls. Any more, and we will be late," I said. The way they jerked back, quick, relieved, and more than a bit aroused, was delicious. 

I said nothing else, letting an uncomfortable silence stretch into the opening, even when I freed Nancy's wrists, and watched the girls put their clothes back on and fix their make-up, deliciously silent. 

A silence that stretched for the next several hours, as we drove the convention center, slowly transforming into sexual tension and frustration, mixed with some pure jealousy and other complicated stuff that grew between them. 

And when the convention actually started, that tension turned into an excellent thing to draw people to draw our stand. Their interaction was tinged with a growing tension, which worked wonders to draw a constant crowd of horny boys around our stand. 

With me actually intimidating any boy that didn't buy a book from loitering around, the books sold with a great speed, without even bothering to offer the bonus set of tasteful pictures. Though, considering the fun we had taking those, it was hardly a waste of time. 

And Nancy could always use them as marketing material. 

Instead, I offered them to take a picture of them with the girls, charging extra for each photo. They weren't very much interested in the quality of the photos, but with selfies not allowed, it worked wonders to create an extra revenue channel. 

When the convention finally ended, we had no more books, and were completely exhausted. However, the thick wad of cash in my pocket was more than enough to compensate for that change. Nancy was naturally smiling hard, happy with her first great success as a writer, selling out a thousand physical copies in one day. 

"Damn, do you girls feel exhausted as well?" I said, earning matching nods. Amusingly, despite posing together all day — or maybe, because of it — the tension was still thick between them. 

And I had no intention of missing the great opportunity it presented. 

"Driving all the way back will be hard," I said. "Why don't we stay here for the night, and we can drive back tomorrow." 

"We can't," Nancy answered, smart enough to realize my objective, but lacking the confidence to argue against it directly. "All the decent motels are filled with people that came for the convention. And I prefer not to sleep in a garbage dump." 

Unfortunately for her, that was something I had prepared for, as I definitely didn't want to sleep in a garbage dump as well. "Luckily for you, you don't have to," I said with a smirk. "I have some contacts with the city, and they arranged a room at the Hill." The Hill was the most expensive hotel in the town. 

Luckily, I still had a lot of reward points from my glory days. 

After I passed the keys to the valet, I turned, my gaze on the faces of my two beauties, enjoying their matching hesitation. The lakeside adventure left its mark on them, and following that with a day where they had to give an impressive variation of suggestively sexy poses hardly helped to reduce their tenseness. 

Especially since both of them were too hesitant to talk about it in the first place. 

"A good place to spend the evening, right?" I said as I gestured to the building that looked over the city just like the name indicated. Admittedly, it wasn't the most tasteful architectural structure, but the luxuries hidden inside were enough to compensate for that little blunder. 

Penny said nothing, just looking at the hotel, fascinated. Coming from a small town, she was unfamiliar with the siren call of luxury. 

"Are you sure you can afford it?" Nancy mumbled, though her gaze was no less fascinated. She might not have come from a rural area, but she never had the income that would allow her to enjoy any kind of luxury. 

"Don't worry about it, I have already arranged it," I said, neglecting to mention that it was the reward points that earned us the momentary glimpse into the luxury. No need to diminish the awe they were feeling. 

Unprepared for a night stay, we didn't have a lot of luggage, but the bellboys were still quick to swarm over and pick them up. Not too enthusiastic considering the car I was driving, but still. 

"Why don't you girls go for the elevator, and I'll be there the moment I pick up the key," I said. They nodded, and I started walking. 

I had sent them beforehand, because of the receptionist. A cute brunette. Normally, I wouldn't be bothered, but the longing gaze she had as she looked at the camera that was hanging on my shoulder. 

Recognizing the longing gaze of an aspiring model was an elementary skill, and without the girls, I was sure to swing an upgrade at least. 

Maybe something more… 

 "I'm here to check-in," I said, making sure to sound tired even as I flicked the camera. 

"Tough day?" she asked. 

"Definitely. You can't imagine how exhausting it is to herd a couple of entitled models all day," I said, sounding fed up. 

"Oh, you're a professional?" she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing to do so. Meanwhile, I passed her my ID, and after a few clicks, her eyes widened, no doubt realizing just how many countries I had been to for the last year. 

Of course, they were all for the job I had been fired from, but that was hardly the thing to share with her, right?

"Unfortunately so," I answered, and she looked at me questioningly, shocked at my vehemence. "It's a nice job, but after a long day of work, it gets a touch exhausting, especially with the professional models. I really miss working with aspiring models," I said, throwing a hook at her. 

Her voice was considerably higher as she answered, unable to suppress her enthusiasm. "Oh, really?" 

"Of course. The aspiring models, at least ones that recognize the opportunity and work hard without a complaint rather than doing their best to copy the smugness of a diva, are a delight to work with." 

"I'm actually trying to be a model as well," she said, trying to sound serious. 

"Hmm," I murmured, examining her face carefully for half a minute, until her enthusiastic smile started to disappear. "I can definitely see it," I said even as I pulled a business card from my pocket. "Actually, why don't we have a test shot, I should have a free slot in two weeks. Unless one of the divas suddenly decided to change the date, we can work it. As long as you're open to travel, of course." 

"I might," she said, her enthusiasm hitting back, only to disappear just as quick as she processed just how non-committal my recommendation was. She typed a few seconds before raising her head once again. "Maybe we can have a test shoot tonight?" she whispered. "If you're not too tired, of course." 

"I would have loved it," I answered, doing my best to look regretful, and her smile fell, realizing her opportunity was slipping. Perfect time to drive the dagger, I realized. "Unfortunately, I have been in those regular rooms before, and they are too small to have a proper shoot. I need a higher ceiling to properly set up the light." 

She took a deep breath to suppress her brewing excitement, thinking she had just found her big break opportunity. She typed her keyboard a couple of times. "It's your lucky day," she suddenly murmured. "We have an upgrade for you." 

"Oh, what a nice coincidence. Which one?" I asked despite being fully aware of which one was the target. I had been to the hotel, and there was only one floor with higher than the usual ceiling. 

"Our grand suite, actually," she whispered as she leaned forward, trying to keep her voice whisper. I understood the reason for it, as no doubt she was pushing for that upgrade. She was important, but not that important. 

"Excellent," I said. "You have my number, and send me a message. We'll arrange a meeting time." With that, I turned and left, leaving an excited cute brunette behind me. 

I didn't feel guilty, because the offer wasn't even a lie. Due to the loose clothing she was wearing, I wasn't able to make a good judgment on her body, her face was certainly beautiful enough to get some success. 

If she was willing to put the time, of course.

I walked to meet with the girls, who were waiting for me in front of the elevator. Luckily, the elevator area wasn't directly visible from the reception. I didn't want my latest model candidate to realize I had two models accompanying me. 

I wanted to keep that part as a surprise. 

"Which floor?" Nancy asked as we stepped into the elevator. 

"The top floor, of course," I said, smirking widely. 

"Really," Penny interjected while Nancy sent a suspicious glare, aware of the price such a location would go. "Three rooms on the top floor? How did you afford it?" 

I chuckled even as I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Who told you that there would be three rooms." 

"We have only two rooms?" Nancy said, though her tone betrayed that she realized where I was driving at. I chuckled. "Just one," she said, her panic growing. 

"Is it a problem, after everything?" I asked, which put a huge blush on her face. 

"One room for three people? I'm afraid it won't be comfortable," she said, quick to find a different explanation. Before she could comment further, the elevator stopped.

I quickly moved to our room, unlocking it with a flick, gesturing them to walk forward. "Do you think it's enough," I said, enjoying the simultaneous gasps as they took the view of the room. 

"It's amazing," Nancy gasped as she walked around, taking the sight of the luxury room. Nancy clearly shared the same approach, but she reacted by freezing in shock. 

Their reaction was understandable, as the grand suite definitely lived to its reputation. It was a touch too gauche for my tastes, going more for a showy classical approach rather than a more understated modern style, but they compensated that by embracing that extravaganza perfectly. And with a large bedroom, a connected living room, a huge bathroom, with a tub large enough to almost classify as a pool. 

I watched them walk around the room, almost in a daze, before chuckling. "So, do you think we'll be able to fit comfortably? 

"I guess," Nancy murmured, not happy that her excuse had been destroyed spectacularly.

"Excellent," I said even as I slapped her ass. "Why don't you be a dear and start preparing the bath, we definitely need one after everything. 

"W-we?" Nancy suddenly stammered, though Penny's expression showed she shared her attitude. 

"Sure," I said as I pointed at the bath. "Look at the size of that thing, it can easily comfort all three of us." 

"Size isn't a problem." 

"And what is the problem," I said mockingly even as I took a large step forward Penny, closing in the distance as I slipped my hands under her costume to caress her naked stomach for a moment before slipping them down, quickly unbuttoning her pants and pulling them down, revealing her suspiciously-damp panties. "Don't tell me you're worried you can't handle a touch of nudity, after everything today." 

Nancy's rebellious streak didn't disappoint. "Of course not," she assured before she could even realize what she had said, and her pride, preventing her from taking her words back, preventing her from saying anything else. 

While she moved to her task, I turned to Penny. "Let's prepare you for the bath," I said as I pulled off her top, which, thanks to the absence of a bra, left her spectacular breasts free for my attention…