

reemallawati · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Phoenix snuck through the window to get back home. Scaling the drain pipe up to her bedroom. She climbed through the window that she had left slightly open, hopped into her bedroom then shut the door behind her.

Looking around, she admired her bedroom. Her dad may not be rich, but they were living a good life and she managed to make the bedroom look like the one she had always wanted. It was in the attic and her bed was right under the part where the roof was at a tilt. Right beside the window and bed there was a bunch of paintings that Phoenix had done or her father had done when he was still painting.

But after her mother's death, he stopped and delved into the world of law again. As he used to be in that sector before he met her mother.

There were little fairy lights strung up on the ceiling and a boho chair hung from one of the wood panels on the ceiling. The floor was wood, but there was a fluffy grey carpet under the chair.

Phoenix threw herself onto her bed, still dressed in her clothes that she wore when she left. She quickly changed into a tank top and some shorts then headed downstairs to the kitchen, where she saw her stepmother making some dinner. There was already a bowl of pasta on each person's plate.

Phoenix made sure that her stepmother was turned around before she waved her hand and made her bowl float over to her. She grabbed it and then made the spoon float over too. And just as she grabbed the spoon, her stepmother turned around and let out a small scream.

"Oh my god Phoenix. What the hell?! And how did you get that pasta?!" She crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide that fact that they were trembling.

The blue haired girl smirked and wiggled her fingers, making sparks appear. "Magic." Her stepmothers eyes rolled back and she fell backwards, Phoenix caught her with her magic and lazily waved her hand towards the couch. The body dropped there and Phoenix smirked once more before leaving to her room with the pasta.

She slammed the door to her room extra loud, hoping it would maybe revive her stepmother from her slumber. Then she plopped on the chair and ate, occasionally twirling her fingers and causing blue wisps to appear around them. When she was done she touched the bowl and closed her eyes, concentrating.

It disappeared and appeared in the sink downstairs where her stepmother was washing the dishes. She gasped and her eyes rolled back as she lost consciousness again.

Phoenix went to bed soon after.


The next morning, a loud blaring alarm woke Phoenix up and she groaned, slamming her hand on the alarm clock and successfully silencing it. She sat up and ran a hand through her hair, then swung her legs over the edge of the bed and got up, hopping to the bathroom that was just outside her room.

She brushed her teeth, washed her face and did all her business. Then she walked back to her room and rooted through her closet for something to wear. Her eyes landed on her leather jacket and she pulled it out, tossing it onto her bed, before looking back at the clothes hung up before her.

She flicked through all her tops and came across a grey hoodie, so she tossed that onto her bed too along with some black skinnies. She got changed quickly and brushed through her hair before pulling a black beanie on. Phoenix headed to where she put her shoes and grabbed a pair of grey Timberland boots and slipped them on.

She took her backpack and walked downstairs into the kitchen where her dad sat, sipping his coffee. "Morning Dad." She greeted, kissing his cheek. He looked up and smiled at her fondly.

"Good morning sweetheart. Had a good sleep?" He asked. Her stepmother stood behind her father, shooting her a nasty look.

"Very." She walked to the fridge and grabbed a bacon sandwich and an apple. Then she took a paper bag and placed them both in it before stuffing the paper bag into her backpack and closing it. Her phone and headphones were in the pocket of her hoodie just like they always were.

"Well, I'm gonna head off Dad. See you later." But before she could leave, her dad called her name.

"I know you get an allowance, but here." He handed her a twenty pound note. "Treat yourself to something before school starts."

"Thanks dad." She took the note gratefully and waved before heading out to her car. It was a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda. She had gotten it in a disgusting mustard yellow colour, and spent her saving getting it painted and made faster than it already was. So now it was sleek and black.

She got in and inserted the key, starting the car. It let out a roar and she grinned, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel before she backed out and began driving towards the school, Northampton Prep.

She swung into the car park and smoothly into a parking close to the front door but not too close. Phoenix got out of the car with her bag slung over her back. She locked the car and slipped the keys in her bag. Then walked across the street to the little coffee shop that was opposite the school.

Not many people came here, but Phoenix did, and she loved their coffee. She walked to the cashier and smiled. "Hey."

"Oh hello dear. How are you today?" The cashier asked. It was the owner. Someone who Phoenix knew very well.

"I'm good Mrs. Baker. And you?"

"Oh I'm good Nix dear. Now, what can I get you?" She smiled at the younger girl kindly.

"I'll have a cappuccino please." She ordered.

"Coming right up sweetie. That will be £1.5." Phoenix fished the note out and handed it over. Once she got her change back, she headed to a seat beside the window.

Now you may be wondering what she's going to do with the rest of that money. Well, she had her eye on a pair of fingerless, leather gloves. She kept cutting her fingers during practice and these would help. So she was going to stop by after school.

Her coffee was placed on the table by a young waitress who looked fresh out of high school. She smiled at the blue haired girl and left. Phoenix sipped the hot coffee, grateful for the heat from the outside. It was freezing today. It was not this bad yesterday.

Soon she was done and so she headed back to school. Phoenix walked through the doors and towards her form class. Where as soon as she walked in, Felix looked over at her, dismissing the conversation he was having with one of his friends. He narrowed his eyes at her, and she winked, lifting a finger and discreetly lightly it on fire. His eyes widened and he shook his head, running towards her and hissing at her.

"Put that away. You'll get caught."

"Oh sweetheart. I've used magic plenty in this hellhole, and no one's noticed yet. I think I'll be alright. Now if you'll excuse me." She pushed past him, a mischievous smirk on her face as she headed for a seat at the back of the class.

Felix stared after her with his mouth gaping open. "What the fuck." He whispered to himself before heading back to his friends.

One of them, Drake, a guy with wavy black hair that flopped into his dark green eyes looked up and nodded his head towards Phoenix, who was sat with her headphones on and her eyes closed. "What's up with you and her?"

"Nothing really. Just talked to her yesterday. She's not as bad as everyone says, she's pretty cool actually." Felix defended her. Drake nodded his head slowly.

"Sure man. You do you." Then went back to his conversation with the others about their next football game (by football, I mean the English football, the one you play with your foot, so soccer for all American readers).

Felix couldn't go back to that conversation. He was distracted. By Phoenix. The mysterious, spear-wielding girl that basically lived in another realm and had magic? If someone had told him this before yesterday, he would have reported them and asked they be taken to the mental hospital.


School was soon over and Phoenix left the school, lips turned up into a smirk. She was finally leaving and going to get her gloves. Then, she would head home, grab whatever she needed and go back to the other realm for the rest of the day.

She hurried to her car but was stopped by someone. Felix. She groaned. "What the hell do you want?"

"I'm coming with you." He said, looking determined. Although that look soon faded after he came face-to-face with her glare.







"Fine. Your loss. Today's all training and scouting and hunting. You're gonna regret this." She shrugged before heading to her car and sliding in the front seat. She turned the car on and revved the engine and it roared. Then she glanced over at Felix, who still stood in his place.

"You coming or not?" Felix snapped out of stupor and hurried towards her car. He got in the passenger's seat and Phoenix backed out of the parking and smoothly onto the main road. She drove into town and stopped outside the store where she had spotted the gloves.

She got out and locked the car. "Stay. I'll be right back."

And true to her word, she came back minutes later with brand new leather gloves adorning her hands and a smile on her face. She sat back in the driver's seat and drove to the forest near her house, parking her car in a small clearing just outside the forest. It was private and secluded. She got out and moved into the forest, following the same path as the day before, except this time, Felix was following her and she knew about it.

She walked through the cave, again lighting her hand when it got too dark to see. Felix looked at her hand curiously but averted his gaze when she looked back at him questioningly. They eventually made it to the wall of vines

Phoenix put out the fire and pushed the wall aside, walking into the other realm and breathing in the pollution-free air. She headed down the same path towards the path, Felix by her side this time. They stood in front of the guards and they stared down at Felix menacingly, their spears tips glinting in the sun.

They greeted the blue haired warrior and moved the spears, granting her and the human access to the castle. But you can't deny the suspicious glares they sent his way. Phoenix skipped up the pathway and pushed the huge doors open.

Then she turned and headed down a hallway that Felix had never seen before. She walked and walked until they arrived at a room at the end of the corridor. Phoenix placed her hand on the door and closed her eyes. It glowed a vibrant blue and melted away, she stepped in and he attempted to follow her but she placed a hand on his chest.

"Uhm no? This is my room. Stay the fuck out. I'll be back."

And so, true to her word, she came skipping out of the room 15 minutes later, dressed in dark leather everything, with a bandanna wrapped around her neck, ready to be pulled up to cover half her face if needed. Her spear tucked into its holster on her bag and a dagger wrapped around her thigh.

She held out another dagger, handle first, keeping the blade in her own hand without injuring herself. "Take this, I think you might find you need it."

Felix extended his hand and wrapped his fingers around the handle, testing the weight of the dagger, and finding it to be oddly well balanced. She handed him a holster, and he tucked the dagger into it before wrapping the holster around his waist, as it was similar to a belt.

Then, Phoenix motioned for him to follow her, and she lead him to another new section of the castle. This one was all weapons, and targets and training mats. She walked up to some of the warriors gathered and greeted them with a smile, having known them most of her life. Felix stood behind her, awkwardly.

"Hey guys, this is Felix. He's from my realm." Felix snapped back to reality when he heard Phoenix say his name. He stepped forward, running a hand through his hair nervously. "Felix, these are my teammates?"

"Teammates? You wound me Nix." One of the girls commented, a smirk on her face.

"Oh shut up Cass."

"Nice to meet you." Felix smiled at the group, and the girl beside 'Cass' squealed.

"Oh Nix, he's adorable. Where'd you find him, and can I have one like him?"

"Lily, he's not a toy." Phoenix said, fighting back laughter.

"Oh I beg to differ." Came someone's voice that Felix knew quite well by now. Carter walked towards them. "Hey Felix."

"Hey Carter." Felix greeted back.

"You guys have met?" One of the guys asked.

"Yesterday. He tagged along while Nix and I sparred and found that dragon, didn't you Felix?" Carter was smirking. He clearly enjoyed tormenting Felix like this. "Duck."

Felix scowled at that. "You won't ever let that go, will you?" He looked back and forth between Carter and the blue haired girl beside him.

"Never." Phoenix smirked. "You mess up in front of us, or say one wrong this, and we hold it against you for the rest of your life, or well, for as long as we feel like it."

"Great." Felix muttered, causing the whole group to burst out laughing.

"Good luck with them." Someone patted Felix on the back.


And now, looking around, he saw her was surrounded by people far more genuine and real than anyone he hung out with in their realm. They looked like a family here. Maybe following Phoenix here wasn't such a bad idea after all.