
Undead Cleric

[Guild and personal messaging have been disabled. You may not activate any portal skills or abilities. No companions may be summoned at this time.]

All Class and Crafting skills are temporarily hidden.

You have a new class.

You have a new rank.

Nezbit pushed her way out of a snowbank, the first thing she saw was her bone-white hand silhouetted against the night sky. "Oh... I'm ..." Standing up completely, she verified her status.

Nezbit Blue-Sky

Undead Skeleton [Elite]

Class: Unholy Cleric

Rank 1

Kills: 0

Welcome to the Bone Fortress, new recruits. Your fellow undead welcome you! If you bring up your hud map, you can find the territory that your faction currently holds. The ground you are standing on will remain neutral for the next hour.