
Trial of the Serpent (part one)

Ducky smiled at the group, before hugging Nix. "You guys worked fast." The Water Witch held both vials of the antidote and Nix's Deep Blue bracer.

"Return to the Gladis Hub and pick up Shi. She'll be able to remove the Black Ice safely from the Infirmary. Administer the antidote as soon as they wake up." Nix was about to add more when a knock sounded at the door.

"Nix?" A feminine voice spoke from outside the door.

Nix glanced at the others and shrugged. He didn't recognize the voice. "Come in."

The door opened slowly, a petite female with short black hair that stood straight up entered slowly. She immediately locked eyes with Nix. "Miss me, boss?"

"Damn..." Nix's wide grin told his companions that he knew the guest. "It's Gideon." His tone held the hint of humor, Gideon had chosen her real-world looks as a reference for the ring disguise. The resemblance was spot on.