

A sound from behind Nix caused both Guyanar and Zinu to fall to their knees in despair. The last pieces of a large snake-looking creature that was coiled around the Totem, finally crumbled to the ground.

Suddenly Nix figured out his reason for being there. "You want me to replace your Totem creature?"

Zinu nodded from her knees. "You're a salamander, although it is fire-based, we would be able to adapt to those changes over time."

Nix would have laughed had he not seen the anguish in the old man's eyes. "I'm sorry Zinu, I can't sit around on a post all day."

Zinu shook her head in denial. "I know that Nix, our Ecclesia wandered quite a bit, only coming back once a month."

Nix shook his head while helping the old man back to his feet. "Sorry, I carry too many expectations already."

"We aren't leeches, Nix" Zinu slowly stood up. "The benefits aren't one way. It's symbiotic in nature; our Ecclesia only weakened because it was at the end of its life cycle."
