
Titania Forest

Nix opened his eyes slowly, the morning sun was shining directly into his face. The pleasant sound of running water somewhere nearby made him turn his head. "I'm outside?"

[Player Message Only] Welcome to the New Everspire Expansion. You may start a new character at level 125 to adventure in the fabled dragon origin world of Everspire. There is now an entrance to Everspire North of Cyphix, you must be level 125 to enter. Be sure to explore with caution, you will have to earn new gear and weapons, none of your old equipment can pass through the rift into Everspire.

"A rift North of Cyphix?" Nix sat up, one hand raised to shield his eyes from the sun. A read-me file popped up onto his hud without him activating it.

[Guild Leader Nix]