
The Executed

Semmi cast her line, smiling at Jun Li over the empty chair that Nix usually sat in. "It's nicer when the three of us fish."

Jun Li nodded in agreement, her thoughts on the message Nix sent from the Serpent Clans. "What do you think about Nix's message?"

"I looked it up. In the entire history of Colonial, only six individuals have been executed by heads of state." Semmi reeled in a bit of line and then leaned back in her chair. "Shank was one of the original players in Colonial. I can't imagine he wouldn't light up the forums afterward if the account had been erased."

Jun Li considered her friend's words. "Suppose Shank and the twins are still around. What's that mean?"

"We shouldn't be guessing what since our information is spotty." Semmi brought up her hud and sent a quick message.

"Who then?" Jun Li reeled in her line and rebaited the hook. "Nix always puts the worms on for me; they're so slimy."