
The Desert King (part one)

The waypoint nearest their destination was 150km away. After a few hours, the thrill of being transported underwater wore off, and most of Inferno either talked quietly or slept. Nix was part of the sleeping crowd. The steady hum of the craft, coupled with the warmth of the cabin, put him to sleep within a few minutes.

/Inferno: Jun Li: ETA 5 minutes.

Nix's eyes popped open, and he stretched for a long moment. The craft was built for comfort, the seats were well-cushioned, and they leaned back. A strong grip squeezed his hand, and he turned to see Fajii watching him. "It might be a long night, hope you are rested."

Fajii nodded. "I closed my eyes for a bit."

The craft beached itself a few minutes later. The raid force dragged it onshore and hid it between two rock croppings.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Mount up, we need to cover another 30 km before we know if the key we got off Tobias works.