
The Cai'Song Artifact (part two)

Nix stared at the Holo, for a moment. He felt Shae's arm on his. "What do you think Shae?"

"I stand ready for orders, Breach Commander." Shae's brown eyes glowed with warmth, "I am so pleased right now, I can hardly stand it.

Three huds popped up on his Battle Holo at the same time. All three of them were armored men with small horns that jutted out of their foreheads. Nix realized right away, they were Dragonspawn.

/Breach Commander Mtui: A Breach Commander from the lower planes, this is amazing.

/Breach Commander Renz: Welcome Commander Nix.

/Breach Commander Polai: We are standing by if you need it, Commander Nix, we won't let you be defeated in your first battle.

/Breach Commander Nix: I appreciate the support. I will keep you apprised.

All three Commander huds blinked off at the same time. He turned his attention back to the Deployment Menu, everything was still grayed out except for the 'Prepare for Battle' Icon. Nix selected it.