

This time Dex entered the stealth pod by himself. The rest of the Bottom Feeders felt that he was the best candidate for proposing a more active alliance with Syntax. While he jumped into what they were now referring to as v-Earth, Darsi began tagging low-orbit satellites for Thumper and Stiletto to commandeer. Gadget and Mongoose were using the tandem jumper for a quick cash grab on some low-level Floridian drug dealers.

Dex laid out his plan in detail since Syntax's retention abilities were a hundred percent. During the course of two hours, they were able to work out several kinks while coming up with viable alternatives. To his surprise, the AI had approached the navigation platform, sitting in one of the empty chairs while they formed the framework for the Hive Alliance.

[I will have to allocate a large number of my personal resources while I am actively engaged in the net.]