

Seven days after the start of the first data download, Dex inserted the last crystal into the only remaining cluster of five. He worked solo for nearly half a day since both Darsi and Gadget left to conduct virtual searches of the Trip-7 hard drive. Thumper finished the navigation program and downloaded it into Dex's glove.

"Everyone's gone?" Stiletto had been sleeping for the better part of six hours. She'd been curled into a small ball on his couch since just before Thumper left.

"Yeah, just finishing up here." Dex stretched his long body toward the ceiling. "No word from Quicksilver or Gadget?"

Stiletto shook her head grimly. "That means they're goose egging." Her feeling was that they might have been wrong about the AI.

Dex chuckled; the petite hacker would often use terms no one ever heard of; he suspected that she made them up. "I'm ready to go here, but I need to grab some sleep."