
Special Mission

"For Pete's sake... Why are you dragging your feet?" Nix pushed against Mortimer's side trying to get him to move faster.

"It looks scary. I don't wanna." Morti sat in front of the entrance of the Embassy, refusing to budge.

Three days had passed since the construction of the Palace of Fire and Air. Mortimer had finally woken up. When he was told about the Colonial Embassy, the curious bear demanded to be taken there.

"Hey, Nix!" A young woman with pink hair and a big smile called out to him. She ran toward them waving before skidding to a halt. "Who's your friend?"

Nix resisted the urge to kick him. "This is Morti, he's a chicken."

"Bear," Morti corrected.

"Fine, a Chicken Bear."

Morti turned his head toward Pinky. "Just a regular bear. I like your hair."

Pinky grinned up at the bear, she was shorter than him even though he was sitting. "A brave bear I bet."

"I'm very brave," he agreed.