
Settling In

"Look how big my paw is." Morti held his gigantic paws in front of Scarlett's face. He was sitting on his overly broad butt while his mother sat comfortably in front of him, her head leaning against his stomach. His other paw was circled around her, holding her close to him.

Scarlett held up her own hand next to it in comparison. "Very big, Morti."

"You smell nice, Mom." Morti's big black nose sniffed her hair, making her laugh. "Where did Poppa go?"

"He has a lot of responsibilities, Morti; he is the War Leader of Titania."

"Am I interrupting?" Nix approached them for the first time since he summoned Morti.

Scarlett shook her head. "Morti was telling me about Haven and the Sea-World."

"Going to head out, Morti."

Morti remained on his butt. "Okay, Nix. Can I come to see the turtle house tomorrow?"

Nix moved closer and placed a metal helmet on Morti's head, he secured it carefully and stepped away. "Whenever you like, your Mom can bring you there."