

[2200 Skyscraper, Haven]

Gideon took a deep breath and then inhabited the mud-encased rat; immediately he was taken into the enemy stronghold. The beautiful ice structures of Khione's throne room were completely destroyed. A pale woman wearing an ice crown and a white, blood-splattered robe stared off into nothingness. Her thin icy fingers strummed lightly on the arm of her throne.

"Nix..." The Ice Goddess spoke his name like a curse. "Bo'Raz! Bring me the Eidengal tome!"

Gideon watched as a giant silver man walked into his view holding a gold-cased book, as soon as he handed it to her he shifted and became two smaller silver men. Immediately after, Gideon uninhabited the puppet. They never watched for longer than a minute, he glanced up at Nebs who was keeping an eye on him. "We got some Intel."