
Reporting In

Nix leaned against the counter of the R & B pawnshop. Unlike the last time he was here, the place was crowded with customers. Two clerks that Ronnie had hired were taking care of the customers while Ronni and Bali when through the chest that contained Nix's old gear.

Ronnie shook her head in dismay. "Your crappy gear is better than anyone elses best stuff."

Bali nodded in agreement. "We don't have the credits on hand to buy more than a few pieces.

"It's fine. Take it all on consignment. We'll settle up after it's sold." Nix carried the chest in the back room and left it on their workbench. His old gear was bound to him, but as owners of the Pawshop, they could unbind his gear once it was in their possession.

"Whats-his-name is going to be angry if you don't pick up your armor soon." Ronnie equipped her weapon and armor, her dark lips curved in a smile. "What do you think?"