

Eugene Moyot glanced through the case file folder, even though he had read the virtual version many times. Since this was their first in-person meeting, he wanted something that he could page through. Being old school, he liked the feel of paper and folders.

[Case File B10-432]

Name: Dexter Wallace

Age: 18

Height: 6'4 Weight 175lbs.

Known Alias's: Dextron

[Criminal Convictions]

Industrial Espionage 2nd Degree

Compliancy in a Class 3 Felony

Virtual Trespassing: 211 Counts

Gene glanced at the youth's photo. Curly black hair and brown eyes, the kid had actually smiled in his mug-shot.

"Are you my Parole Officer?" A tall youth spoke from the open doorway; looking down at the card in hand, he read the name. "Eugene Moyot?" His easy smile widened considerably.

The black man sitting behind the desk nodded and stood up. "I'm P.O. Moyot. You seem to be amused. Do you find this situation funny?"

"Funny? No… Fucking tragic? Yes. I'm Dex Wallace."