
On Stage (conclusion)

Sila stood motionless on the stage. Nix smiled at her obvious discomfort. Sila had been a dps-based marksman when they had first met. Since then she had taken the Scorched Earth Crowd Control path. The physical changes caused by the path seemed to vary greatly from person to person, there was Chael who only had minor ear changes, then there was Fajii who exhibited more substantial changes. Nix theorized that the amount of change had to do a lot with your current self-image.

Sila had the body of a swimsuit model, not the skinny plastic models that use to be popular, but the curved voluptuous type that caused you to bite your lip to keep from staring. Her short brown hair was now streaked liberally with red. Her ears had sharpened to a point, but besides that, there was no real physical change.

/Inferno: Nix: Take it to him Sila. Be first, Prey waits.

[Pon has invited you to a hidden channel. Men's Club,]

/Men's Club: Wind: Welcome Nix.