
Officer Brief: Semmi

"This is very nice." Hyai sat across the small table from him while the two of them enjoyed dinner by candlelight in his room. Apparently they didn't do things like this in Colonial.

Nix smiled and took a long drink of his beer. "This reminds me of my childhood."

"Oh? Did you enjoy candlelight dinner when you were a boy?"

Nix nodded, the smile on his face growing. "There used to be these terrible storms in Camden during the summer. The lightening would cause us to lose power and my mother would break out the candles. Of course, without power, we'd eat sandwiches or cold leftovers."

Hyai knew all about his two sisters and parents. He would often talk about them when they were alone. "The older sister. Beverly was it?"

"Good memory. We called her Bev or Bevvy. Unless she was in trouble, then she was Beverly."

Hyai laughed softly. "Couldn't Bev visit you here?"

Nix stared at his plate, using a piece of bread to sop up the last of the gravy. "I suppose she could."