

Dex had time to clean the kitchen and reorganize the cupboard before his partner knocked at the door. "It's open," he called out.

Darsi wrinkled her nose at the sudden smell of cleaning products that washed over her when she entered. Usually, Dex's place smelled of baked goods, a testament to his popularity among certain unnamed hackers. "Going to clean my place when you're done?"

Dex removed the rubber gloves he had been cleaning with and stashed them under the sink. "You're never over there, so I'm sure it's spotless."

"Probably." Quicksilver stepped close, wrapping her hands around his waist before he could turn around. "How was Nova? Did she bake you anything?"

"Fine, and yes." Dex squeezed her hands where they were clasped in front of him. "We'll use the Tandem jumper, I'm hoping Syntax will join us."

Retaining a grip on one of his hands, she pulled him out of the kitchen and toward the loft stairs. "Something is troubling you?"