

"Hey, Nix! Can I get my belt back?" Rabi was happily riding on Morti's back, seated between his older siblings Uta and Sasi.

Nix removed the altered buckle from his inventory and reassembled the belt while he walked. "It might be better if I just replaced it."

Rabi shook his head vigorously while slipping it back on. "This is my new lucky belt!"

Morti waddled down the road, his shoulder brushing against Ducky while he walked. She had one hand resting against him. "We need to get a bigger door on the Guild Hall so that I can fit."

Ducky nodded without saying anything, even if the door were bigger, the room itself would hardly contain him.

A tall girl stood alone on the steps, waiting patiently for the group to arrive. She held her hair in one hand to keep it from dragging on the ground; in the other, she gripped a Mages staff.

Morti stopped when he saw her, his big nose huffing several times in her direction. "Do I know you?"