
Key of Chaos (part one)

There was a moment of initial darkness coupled with the sensation of falling; before the well was flooded with golden light. Nix floated downward in what could have only been called a comfortable descent. His group mates were all present; each lit up in the glow that saturated them.

/Pathfinder: Chiba: Hmm... this is actually very pleasant.

/Pathfinder: Gideon: It kinda tickles.

Inside of the golden light, a figure started to form. It slowly took shape until its general outline could be called human. There were no eyes, or face, nor fingers or toes. "Welcome, travelers!"

Nix used his hands to slightly turn his body to face the voice, almost like moving in the water. "Thank you."

The figure drifted closer to Nix. "What are you doing in the Well of Du'Wei? Perhaps you are searching for something that may have fallen in?"

Nix nodded slightly. "I'm searching for the second Key that unlocks the door above, but I'm not certain that it has fallen in here."