

"Like it?" Darsi's smile told him that the only acceptable answer was yes.

"Fantastic." Although Dex felt pressured, it was the truth. She had made him the absolute best breakfast burrito he'd ever tasted. "I like it hot."

"I'm not surprised," Darsi took a seat next to his and started eating. She watched him for a moment as if making sure he really liked it. "Any progress on the Code for the Yuli job?"

Dex nodded. "Done. I was struggling for a few days, and then I had an epiphany that cleared things up."

"Hmmm... I love that word. Give me some details, Partner." Darsi's interest was disrupted suddenly by the opening of Dex's front door. She noted that the new arrivals didn't knock, something that her young partner didn't appreciate. Nevertheless, her expression was carefully neutral as Gadget entered while escorting an unexpected guest.

"Nova?" Dex smiled at the newcomer. "What are you doing here?"