
Inferno Set Armor

Alpha Team didn't pause long enough to examine the Phoenix puppet or the items he dropped. Nix looted everything and then immediately activated Deep Blue. All the torches had already changed to blue, and the group could feel the crafters staring at them.

Nix chose the Eidengal destination, and a moment later, the small group stepped into the flower garden. "Let's find Jun Li and the rest of Inferno; Ducky will open the door for us."

/Inferno: Nix: We're by the flower gardens, near the gating platform.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Take the path nearest the fountain; it leads to the old Market Square. Straight pass that is the Armory.

/Inferno: Chiba: Woah... This is like a ghost town.

The group walked down the pristine golden streets; every building looked like it was carefully maintained.

/Alpha: Chiba: A perfect City in the desert, it's like everyone just got up and moved suddenly.

/Alpha: Sasi: Cursed probably.

/Alpha: Rabi: Yep. Definitely cursed.