
Ice Queen's Favor

Most of Inferno returned to the Sea-World to get some rest. Rhy and Nix ported to the docks, he wanted to drop off his Titanic Ape skin before heading to the Gladis Hub. He stopped when he saw the enormous ship anchored in Glory's Bay.

/Inferno: Nix: What's the Fire Storm doing here?

/Inferno: Jun Li: Well.. you did blow off Festa's wedding. It was nice knowing you.

/Inferno: Wylie: Want a Knight Escort?

/Inferno: Nix: I did tell her that I wasn't going. It's not my fault she didn't listen.

Nix talked with Nova for a few minutes while organizing the day's product. Rhylia quickly discovered several items on the shelves that she was interested in.

By the time they left the shop, Festa was walking down the dock with a half dozen of her knights. Nix bowed low when he saw her. "Your Majesty."

Festa waved her hand at his greeting. "Dispense with the title Nix. We are friends."