

Nix stood up from his seat and opened a breach to HQ in Ionova. "We're no longer operating from within Ever Flame, everyone in."

/Inferno: Jun Li: All personel, exit Ever Flame through the Town Hall Breach.

/Inferno: Nix: No more discussion here, I'll meet you at HQ in a bit. First, I need to see someone.

Shae latched onto his hand. "I'm going too."

Nix nodded in agreement and stood next to the breach until everyone exited Ever Flame, then he opened a second breach to Deidra's courtyard.

"Breach Commander Nix." Deidra's Majordomo appeared almost immediately; instead of creating a fuss, he gestured for him to follow. "From now on, I'll bring you directly to her."

Nix raised an eyebrow at the attendant's back before glancing at Shae.

[Whisper: Shae to Nix] Is he usually so compliant?

Nix shook his head.

[Whisper: Nix to Shae] Not a bit. Usually, he's a pain in the ass.

[Whisper: Shae to Nix] Is Vega a dragon?