
House of Tempest: Chiba the Swordmaster

Chiba covered a yawn and started up the stairs to the second floor. She had tried to leave several times over the past two hours, but Rabi and Sasi continually came up with reasons for her to stay. In the end, the Qi siblings fell asleep in the same chair, and the old woman was able to escape.

"Nix!" Chiba called his name when she entered the suite, a quick glance into his bedroom told her that he wasn't there. "Damn dragon, she probably whisked him off. This is training time, not f*ckaround time."

She walked into her own bedroom and slipped the ring off her finger. More and more she'd been taking it off, even though at one point, she had gone several years with it on. She didn't notice the large magnum bottle until after she had changed into sleeping clothes. It was placed on her pillow with a red ribbon tied to it.