
Honor Burrough: Planning the Assault

A huge black paw scooped more sand from the medium-sized hole at the edge of the surf. The soggy bear cub tilted his head to one side as he examined his handiwork. "Is that enough?"

The surf pushed toward them, effectively filling the hole before retreating. Without speaking, the red gecko slipped into the water and floated their contently in the mid-morning sun.

Morti watched him for a moment before flopping down in the surf. "I'd stay an play longer, but I'm needed at the Leader's meeting."

Lubo replied by opening one eye for a moment before he returned to basking.

Morti was halfway up the sand dune leading to base camp when he heard the persistent buzzing of dragonfly wings. "Looks like Wilo will keep you company."

After fusing with the Aura puppet created by Puppet Master Kellix Warden, her strength had grown exponentially. She buzzed the Titan cub's head playfully before continuing toward the beach. "Bye, Morti!"