
Goralpri (part one)

The courtyard was quiet. A central fountain that flowed through a magnificent gold dragon gurgled quietly while several wagons were being off-loaded. The man carrying the body headed toward the main house, while the stealthed duo followed him.

[Whisper: Ronnie:] Put this clown on track, so we don't lose him.

[Whisper: Bali] Already done.

/Hotness: Ronnie: Coming in hard or soft?

/Hotness: Nix: Hard, of course. Find cover; we'll rendezvous in the courtyard in five seconds.

Nix's Daiken banked into the clouds, the difference between his Shadow and the other Daiken was instantly noticeable.

[Summons: Fey]

If anyone thought the thin teen felt uncomfortable being summoned in mid-air, the wild smile that instantly plastered her face would have told them otherwise. She calmly spread her arms, her long silver hair flowing downward—laughter filling the air when Nix plummeted passed her without his Daiken a moment later.

/Hotness: Pon: The f*ck are you doing?