
Golden City

Nix opened one eye and then promptly shut it. Someone had opened the blinds next to his bed, he grabbed a pillow to cover his face and drifted back to sleep. Nearly an hour later he woke once again, he could hear the clinking of dishes coming from the galley below. "Sleepy..." He mumbled to himself as he slowly descended the stairs to the second-floor galley. A woman was washing dishes in the sink, her faded red hair was tied up in a ponytail while she made her way through a tall stack of plates.

Hyai looked up when he stepped into the room. She gave him an apologetic smile, "sorry if I was too loud."

Nix shook his head and hugged her from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder. Hyai always smelled like cinnamon to him. "You always work so hard," he mumbled into her neck making her laugh.

They stood like that for a long moment before Nix released her and moved next to the other sink. "You wash, I'll rinse and dry."